**** july mummies 2018 *****

PB if you can afford it go ahead and get the pram, especially if it's a double one. You'll be hauling 2 babies about may as well pick something you love !! Your DDs pram must be still brand new too so even sell it in a few months and put that money towards it Xx
Ooh it’s so exciting that some of us are reaching tri 2 soon! I have everything crossed that my symptoms die down a bit by the time I get there! Had an emotional wobble today - cried midway through eating my lunch and OH had no idea what was going on!

PB I know it’s a lot but I honestly think a good pram is well worth it given how much it’ll get used especially with you having the two, you need one that’s easy to manover and folds down well I think. Maybe it’ll go down in the January sales and you might get a couple of hundred pound off it?

Shepherdess that’s fine about the thread... who else is next to tri 2? I don’t mind doing it but I don’t think I move until 2nd week in Jan

I want snow!
My hubby won't let me, I'm saving all the money from Xmas and my B-Day, hoping he'll let us have it. Time like this I really miss working and earning. It's a bugaboo donkey duo. My dd pram is a pile of shit, hubby wanting to be cheap, I hate it he doesn't understand the problem he doesn't have to push it! It's really hard to maneuver. I get stuck every where, imagine how heavy with a toddler and a baby.

I'm in tri 2 on the 1st :) cant wait! Sorry I personally dont want to do it, Ill get paranoid something bad will happen if I do lol.
KH I'm on every day on my phone so I don't mind either lol. I can't believe we're even talking about a tri 2 thread already. It's flying in!! Xx

I know! How crazy is that?! Ok hun you go ahead and be our Admin xx
KHTW Haha okie doke I'll let us all get our scans in first though.( unless I'm stepping on your toes just say) Mines is on wed and I'm actually sick with nerves about it :/ I just want it over and done so I know everything's okay xx

PB ooh bugaboo are so nice though I see how you got the price tag. I'd go into mothercare or something and put a deposit down on it after Xmas. Then what can he do, it's you has to push it around! Also OH might have to suck it up since you do need a good quality pram for a double. Lol. I hated mine with dd after about 2 months. I think I'm going for a silver cross this time cause they sit up quite straight once converted. dd was forever crying when she had to pull herself forward to see out.xx

I'm a little overwhelmed at the thought of doing this all over again. I can't actually believe I'm having another baby. Just me?
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PB I only heard great reviews of bugaboo donkey duo! Would you buy 2nd hand? Would be cheaper x

Our travel system is in mint condition so will be keeping it x

We need to have the thread set up for when the 1st person moves over at 14 weeks xx
I'm overwhelmed, never thought Id get a baby, now I'm going to have 2 within a year. Aha. We'll be fine when we're giving everyone advise on getting babies out aha!!
I have had a look on eBay, they're between 500-700. Not bad but I'd prefer a new one. I'll just have to wait and see.
I totally get you shanivy! I keep going though so many emotions about having a second baby. I'm sure mine is a boy to but I'm still hoping for a girl. the idea of labour makes me breath very heavy mind I'm terrified I'll have a bad experience again. regardless of what people say you really don't forget

and I don't think I'll be walking 7 miles again for a while, I threw my dinner up last night and my lunch today. gutted as I've been so well for weeks I've got salmon and veg for tea tonight so hoping to keep that down

I've had such bad wind today, my husband can't believe the noise coming out of me haha when I'm not pregnant I'm pretty polite but today he's seen it all. also had a lamb with an infected ear today and while I'm not normally squeamish today I was fetching at the sight and smell. pregnancy gives me such a sensitive gag reflex

12 weeks on Wednesday for me! although I think my scan will put me back a few days. I don't know why its just what I have in my head
Shepherdess Right It feels more strange to me having another than having DD. I keep saying to OH "we're going to have TWO kids!" Labour with my first wasnt a worry at all. I was like "Well I have to give birth anyway so why worry" haha. This time I think knowing what the pain is like, what happens or what can go wrong maybe makes us panic a bit more. My main fear is tearing again.

I get what you mean about another girl. I'd love to have two siblings with that sister bond. And I don't envy you with that poor lamb. I gag going into my fridge these days! :/ xx

KHTW good point we'll have it up before then. I had a dosy minute lol ill do it after my scan on wed and leave it ready xx
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Oh PB it's so crazy! Its going to be so amazing though for you. Imagine how close they'll be! This is stupid but you'll seriously have the cutest pictures lol

Edit: jeez that's a lot for 2nd hand! Id probably not get off of eBay people can be so dodgy. But if you were able to go and look at a 2nd hand one and see if it's still in good nick then I don't see why not. Especially for a £500 ish saving lol Xx
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I'm the same as you girls, I want a girl for my dd, to have a special bond and be besties.
LMAO! The wind is unreal when your pregnant isn't it!! 7 miles OMG. I don't blame you for not waiting to do that again. Hope you manage to keep your tea down, sounds nice. Weve got cottage pie.

How long did it take you to get over your tearing? It's so painful, I was taking any pain relief they allowed me over my days in hospital, I couldn't even pee without crying, they had to stitch up by my bladder ouch. Took me weeks for the pain to stop, and still occasionally get a painful twinge now. Got I hope all of us have super simple easy pregnancies and births x
oh god PB that sounds awful! I had an episiotomy which wasn't nice at the time but thankfully the healing was great. I still remember my first poo though, all that pressure on the stitches thinking EVERYTHING would fall out of me! I'm definitely going to try perineum (have I spelt that right? ) massage this time

I know it's too early but I'm sure I'm feeling some quickenings tonight. must be all that wind haha
Ohh PB I have to admit that sounds way worse than mine. I hope that's nothing like your birth experience this time!! It took a Few weeks to heal but after about a week and a half my pain was much more manageable. I did my labour in the pool and I'll tell you what, it was a shock going into the next room and having the midwife go "right up you go, legs in the stirrups" Did not expect to be getting stitches at all! Fucking mortifying. And where they put the needle :roll:

Shepherdess omg that first bm holding a pad under myself. I was convinced my uterus wasn't going to stay in despite what they told me. Haha certainly an experience. I was told to do massage but did I listen nooo. Gonna try this time like you.

Ladies we're bloody awesome when you think about it!!

Edit: also we're all getting boys haha
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I didn't go to the toilet for 1 weeks and 1 day xD I was so scared. They were trying to give me medicine to help me go and I refused... No. Fucking. Way. Aha.
Haha shan that's what I said to my hubby, everyone on here is having a boy LMAO. Imagine would be so weird, in the Aug thread with dd there was only 2/3 of us having girls. The massage thing seemed abit silly last time, but definitely gonna try this time, start at the beginning of 3rd tri?
Is anyone not finding out the gender? Be lovely but don't have the patience.
Oh god I don't even wanna talk about mine. Still makes me wanna cry when i think about the recovery (not so much labor as i had Epi and felt nothing... until it stopped working after birth and I was in pain for 3 months!!!!). I am not looking forward to any of that but hey ho x

I am pretty sure mine is a girl. Thinking about it I am more than sure :D Away to check cupboard for bicarbonate of soda and will test tomorrow morning :D
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Jeez you sound like you had a rough time of it too! Fx we all get straightforward labours, straight home, no compilations and healthy babies.

Let us know the result. I might try that test though oh will probably laugh at me for it xx
I didn't go to the toilet for 1 weeks and 1 day xD I was so scared. They were trying to give me medicine to help me go and I refused... No. Fucking. Way. Aha.
Haha shan that's what I said to my hubby, everyone on here is having a boy LMAO. Imagine would be so weird, in the Aug thread with dd there was only 2/3 of us having girls. The massage thing seemed abit silly last time, but definitely gonna try this time, start at the beginning of 3rd tri?
Is anyone not finding out the gender? Be lovely but don't have the patience.

We're not finding out. Our mw was so happy when we told her as she can't remember the last time she had a surprise birth and she covers a large rural area.
Ooo well have to guess from your 12 week scan pic! It's so exciting not finding out, I just can't control myself with surprises xD
Ar first I didn't want to know but know I realise I wouldn't be able to wait that long for a surprise #sad :D

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