Wouldn't I have back pain if it's a trapped nerve? No pain or anything! And I'm originally from Somerset, but moved to Axminster in Devon to be with my partner x
I'm having a break down. It's not her teeth. She had really bad reflux, and used to projectile vomit like literally went across the room, she's throwing up acid again. I did put her on special reflux milk was amazing, and now it's not working anymore, she doesn't wanna eat and will scream even if I put the bottle in her mouth. Idk what to do with her. Gavuscon made her more sick. I thought at 4 months they grew outta it not got worse. I'm gonna try her with them Ella kitchen things and hope it keeps it down x
Hey everyone! Ive been away on a business trip for the last few days which was pretty exhausting between the jet lag and the pregnancy tiredness! I dont think Ive ever been so antisocial on a work trip, I skipped all the meals and social stuff and was in bed for 8pm!
My symptoms seem to be easing a little, definitely only feeling nausea infrequently and usually when Im hungry, boobs still aching but better than they were.. and still getting tired but its tough to decide if thats actually jet lag! Im at the point in this pregnancy now where last time I knew Id had an mmc and was just waiting to lose the pregnancy naturally so Im feeling nervous! Has anyone else felt like at this stage they dont feel as bad as they did a week ago?
Hope everyone is well
Hey everyone! I’ve been away on a business trip for the last few days which was pretty exhausting between the jet lag and the pregnancy tiredness! I don’t think I’ve ever been so antisocial on a work trip, I skipped all the meals and social stuff and was in bed for 8pm!
My symptoms seem to be easing a little, definitely only feeling nausea infrequently and usually when I’m hungry, boobs still aching but better than they were.. and still getting tired but it’s tough to decide if that’s actually jet lag! I’m at the point in this pregnancy now where last time I knew I’d had an mmc and was just waiting to lose the pregnancy naturally so I’m feeling nervous! Has anyone else felt like at this stage they don’t feel as bad as they did a week ago?
Hope everyone is well
Tiredness is a killer isn't it.
How did you know last time that you'd had a mmc? My symptoms are all but non existent now. Can't wait for the scan on Wednesday to just put my mind at ease.
Fela, sorry to hear about your previous miscarage... hope this one is your rainbow baby x
Tiredness is a killer indeed. I think mine went after week 8-9, since then I've been feeling a bit better. Hope you will too x
Shan, my eating habits are appalling right now!! Like you normally I eat pretty healthy but when pregnant I only crave crappy snacks!
DD's secret santa went great! Kids were very good and played nice and were so excited to meet Santa! OH got dressed up (pic attached) and came downstars. Said hallo and then... DD shouted "Daddy!!!!"... Gosh we all went into laughing/panic mode and started to explain that she was mistaken and that thia is Santa not daddy!! She wasn't convinced lol! Now the poor thing is down with major cold and we haven't slept for 2 nights!!
10 weeks today! Only 13 days until the scan! Yay!
Hey everyone! Ive been away on a business trip for the last few days which was pretty exhausting between the jet lag and the pregnancy tiredness! I dont think Ive ever been so antisocial on a work trip, I skipped all the meals and social stuff and was in bed for 8pm!
My symptoms seem to be easing a little, definitely only feeling nausea infrequently and usually when Im hungry, boobs still aching but better than they were.. and still getting tired but its tough to decide if thats actually jet lag! Im at the point in this pregnancy now where last time I knew Id had an mmc and was just waiting to lose the pregnancy naturally so Im feeling nervous! Has anyone else felt like at this stage they dont feel as bad as they did a week ago?
Hope everyone is well