**** july mummies 2018 *****

awesome afternoon here. the was such a blizzard at lunch time we sacked off work. I took our puppy for a long walk in the snow which was lovely and then we've painted two walls of the new room. DD just got back from nursery at 4 and exclaimed she wanted to build a snowman, it's dark out there now but her and her dad are still going, definitely going to be a hot chocolate by the fire night.

another great day of little nausea for me, I've been very gassy though. I've not had chocolate for weeks but I do fancy a hot chocolate tonight. I'm just so glad to have had a few good days I feel so much more like myself! and i love snow! although I'm oneof the few that ddoesn't want a white Christmas. with 1600 pregnant sheep more snow means more work for husband so if Christmas eve through to 27th were clear that'd be great!
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Hey my booking appointment went well :) very boring and like you said nothing to worry about. I will be under consultant led care due to high BMI and a rare illness when younger. She made it sound fine, high risk but just means get looked after more closely so a good thing really.

BP was perfect at 140/80 - I never stray from that! Always the same BPlol. She rang for my scan there and then, 30th December. Not a Christmas one but still this year so I'm happy. It's a Saturday so they're obv doing extra clinics.

Hope everyone had a good day x
Shepherdess sounds lovely. Glad someone had a good day lol. Sometimes you need that day of just feeling like you again and not just a baby machine if you get me. Started snowing here tonight too. I'd quite like a white Xmas, but just from the morning and gone by Xmas night haha. Bet dd has had a blast with her dad lol. Xx

JR yay a scan date! It will fly in. Glad appointment went well not long at all to see your little bean. At least you've had an early scan to ease a bit of the worry. My bmi was 30 and she said it wasn't a problem for consultant because I was just in the threshold. If my bp doesn't go down then I might end up. But honestly I wouldn't have minded.. At least you're getting great care for babyxx

TBH I'm so fucking done today. I sound so ungrateful but I'm honestly fed up. My sickness is getting worse not better and I'm 9 weeks tomorrow. It's not even constant throwing up though. It's the constant nausea and dry heaving at EVERYTHING that's wearing me down. I can't scrape dishes, open the fridge look at raw meat without heaving. And if it's happens enough then I'm sick anyway. Its ridiculous. Ordered dd a takeaway cause I couldn't stomach cooking. And I feel guilty as fuck.

Ugh I'm annoying myself and I sound like a whining bitch. Ivy was so easy this one must be a boy. On the positive I've lost a stone. :roll:

Hope everyone else is doing well.
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Fab Jemrose glad everything went well.

Ahhhh hope I get my scan before the new year, roll on Monday to find out.

Was your midwife nice?

I'm back home tonight, I'm currently hanging onions from light fittings to get rid off the smell of gloss paint hahaha!!
Least you get it before new year's jem :) glad your appointment went well.
Don't feel guilty shan, least your trying and she will probably love a takeaway (i did when I was little heh) x
Yeah midwife was lovely but very scatty lol!

Shan I know how you feel, I am just so fed up of being tired :( it's a tough thing our bodies are going through and we're not ungrateful just struggling xx
aw shanivy don't feel guilty, DD is not going to suffer having the odd takeaway, at least she's eating and she'll see it as a treat. my lo was eating turkey dinosaurs loads a few weeks ago. the nausea will stop eventually, in just a matter of weeks.

get plenty of rest and eat what you can
Hope you're feeling a bit better Shan.

Good to have a quick catch up with what you've all been up to. I have wrangled horses in the cold today but when they started being dicks, a quick show of batshit crazy woman and they all decided it was definitely in their best interests to just behave like the civilised horses they all are. Arranged with the farrier to come once a fortnight now which means I can make sure I have help here with me which will make life much easier.

Not so much nausea today so have eaten fairly well and my back has been on and off. All in all, not being so nauseous really makes a difference.

Good job too, I must be crazy, but I've just agreed to take over the kitchen of my local pub...starting Tuesday next week. I'm feeling rather reckless but at the same time, very excited.
Thanks ladies.

I need to get over myself I reckon. Dd of course loved her takeaway lol. I had a bit of hormonal moment. As long as it eases for Xmas dinner I'll be a happy girl haha. It's funny how different each pregnancy really can be

Oh GG I don't know how you do it lol. Good luck with the kitchen!!

Have a nice relaxing night girls xx
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7 weeks today, each week I reach makes me excited

It's amazing isn't it! I'll be 9 weeks this Sunday and I'm desperate to get there already, lol

It really does fly by.

I think its dragging, maybe that's because each day I'm like I'm 6 weeks, 5 days, 6 weeks 6 days hahaha

And in a few weeks, you'll wonder where the time has gone! How are you feeling?

I feel fine thanks just tired especially in the evening. ive not had any other pregnancy symptoms (I didn't with my last pregnancy either). at the minute it doesn't feel real. I think when I have my scan itll feel real. ive got a private scan booked for next Thursday when ill be 8 weeks.
I don't know whether it's because this is my 2nd or simply because life with a tiddler and full time work is pretty busy but for me this pregnancy is flying by!! x
Ahh I wish it was flying by for me, I've got 4 weeks and 1 day until my scan. 4 weeks and 1 day until I can relax!!!! I'll be 12+3 weeks, so it's annoying having to wait the extra 3 days!! :( but I hope you're all right and it flies by x
Ahh I wish it was flying by for me, I've got 4 weeks and 1 day until my scan. 4 weeks and 1 day until I can relax!!!! I'll be 12+3 weeks, so it's annoying having to wait the extra 3 days!! :( but I hope you're all right and it flies by x

It might be a conscious decision and helped by the fact that I already had a scan. I just refuse to worry. Easier said than done for sure. I hope the next four weeks do go quickly for you xx
7 weeks today, each week I reach makes me excited

It's amazing isn't it! I'll be 9 weeks this Sunday and I'm desperate to get there already, lol

It really does fly by.

I think its dragging, maybe that's because each day I'm like I'm 6 weeks, 5 days, 6 weeks 6 days hahaha

I'm with you flower bomb... I'm doing the same count every single day. It seems to be worse when I'm working. And I hate my work, and am continuing down the days till I'm back at my usual workplace. And cuz it's a secret and I hate keeping secrets. Hopefully once the festive season is really here it will feel like it's flying by cuz we'll be enjoying life.
I can't wait to feel this baby kicking inside and to see this bump emerging
There are some beautiful times ahead of us JJ, lots and lots actually... scans, hearing the heart beat, feeling the kicks and of course meeting them :love:

I will NEVER forget the moment DD was put on my chest. Shock, love, shock, love, shock!! Haha. I remember thinking... God this is a newborn?! She is huge! :D
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I am currently busy searching for a gift for hubby from DD. All I can find is mugs, key rings, photo frames, pint glasses... how original! No idea what I can get him.

This year we said we would do a surprise gift for each other for £20, just to have something to open plus of course something small from DD, I really have no clue what to get x

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