**** july mummies 2018 *****

Ah just sneezed and it was the most intense pain on my right side. Like I pulled a muscle. Did a little scream and my OH just came running to me constantly asking if I'm alright, bless him. Think things are looking up for us now!! X
Oh I never had BH with her heh. I had back labor to, the only time I felt tightness in my belly was my last push when she came out and I had an epi so wasn't painful.
I wouldn't have thought my belly had gone back to normal tho xD
Jem that sounds like round ligament pain lol.
Oh I never had BH with her heh. I had back labor to, the only time I felt tightness in my belly was my last push when she came out and I had an epi so wasn't painful.
I wouldn't have thought my belly had gone back to normal tho xD
Jem that sounds like round ligament pain lol.

I had back labour to PB. I'm already looking into sitting in better positions to try and make sure baby isn't back to back this time as it was bloody awful!
Hi :) mind if I join?

I'm so excited to see so many familiar faces like shepherdess GG JemRose and JaneyJan! Sorry if I missed anyone as I just had a quick scan hehe.

I just found out 2 nights back about my bfp on cycle 4 and I think Im around 6+3 weeks with a due date July 25th according to the NHS calculator haha

My mind is racing a mile a minute with all the things we need to do. What did u guys do first when u first got your bfp? I'm going to start with upping my folic acid but other than that I'm lost haha xxx

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Hi :) mind if I join?

I'm so excited to see so many familiar faces like shepherdess GG JemRose and JaneyJan! Sorry if I missed anyone as I just had a quick scan hehe.

I just found out 2 nights back about my bfp on cycle 4 and I think Im around 6+3 weeks with a due date July 25th according to the NHS calculator haha

My mind is racing a mile a minute with all the things we need to do. What did u guys do first when u first got your bfp? I'm going to start with upping my folic acid but other than that I'm lost haha xxx

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congratulations Laura! awesome that you're here! yep make sure you're taking your folic acid, and if you need to a multivitamin. then arrange your booking in appointment with the midwife!

how are you feeling?
Hi :) mind if I join?

I'm so excited to see so many familiar faces like shepherdess GG JemRose and JaneyJan! Sorry if I missed anyone as I just had a quick scan hehe.

I just found out 2 nights back about my bfp on cycle 4 and I think Im around 6+3 weeks with a due date July 25th according to the NHS calculator haha

My mind is racing a mile a minute with all the things we need to do. What did u guys do first when u first got your bfp? I'm going to start with upping my folic acid but other than that I'm lost haha xxx

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LAURAAAAAA OMG SO HAPPY YOU'RE HERE!! GOSH I CAN'T BELIEVE IT...I just stalked the TTC thread the other day and everyone was commiserating with you about the cycles. How did you find out? Well, what I did when I found out, told a few close people, re envisaged my entire life, got a pregnancy app called Pregnancy+... Is really good and it's free.... It's got daily blogs, shows you what's happening with your baby, what it would look like as an image, 2D scan and 3D scan, size guide, loads of information and a weekly guide for you, baby, partner.... It's really good.

Also came on here regularly.

You need to phone your GP and ask to make an appointment with a midwife, who will get you down for a booking appointment roughly by the time you're 8 weeks or so.

Then the vitamins, healthy eating etc. That's about it. We just need KatD to join us now. HAPPY PREGNANCY. ps. Time starts to really drag. Maybe so we can get our heads around it.

This thread also has so many posts, and it can be hard to keep up with. We've also got a first time mums one that you should join! Xx
hi everyone! Sorry I've not been on and posted recently although I've been reading what you've all been saying... Just been a busy few days, DH and I went to London to see The Lion King musical which was great... was just a shame I was so tired and felt so off and on nauseated.

Nausea doesn't feel quite so bad now, my fitbit is confused because I keep hitting my sleep goal (which I normally never do).. :)

Was good to hear that some people are feeling a little better, hopefully we're all over the worst of the first trimester symptoms...!

I'm still pretty easily tired out so I'm glad I've had a few days off, but I am off on a work business trip next week, flying out to the states for a meeting...and flying back the next day, I'm exhausted just thinking about it!
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Laura I'm so so so happy to see you here :D glad you're in July mummies. You helped me so much when TTC I'm just so happy you've got your BFP XX
hi everyone! Sorry I've not been on and posted recently although I've been reading what you've all been saying... Just been a busy few days, DH and I went to London to see The Lion King musical which was great... was just a shame I was so tired and felt so off and on nauseated.

Nausea doesn't feel quite so bad now, my fitbit is confused because I keep hitting my sleep goal (which I normally never do).. :)

Was good to hear that some people are feeling a little better, hopefully we're all over the worst of the first trimester symptoms...!

I'm still pretty easily tired out so I'm glad I've had a few days off, but I am off on a work business trip next week, flying out to the states for a meeting...and flying back the next day, I'm exhausted just thinking about it!

Wow you've had an exciting time Fela. I'd love to see lion King xx
Laura...so good to see you hear. This is such a busy thread now and I find it impossible to keep up sometimes but a quick read of the last page or two usually catches you up well.

Just give your gp/mw a call and get the ball rolling. So exciting. Xx
Happy weekend ladies! hope you're all having a good one.

I'm finding I simply can't get enough water atm I'm so thirsty all the time, went to tesco earlier though and was grasping but couldn't be bothered to walk to the other side of the shop for a bottle of water so got some lucozade instead, I quite fancied it at the time even though I've not had it in years. I've regretted it though I've had bad indigestion all day

still feeling good though and just managed a roast lamb dinner, was fantastic and even my DD who has been going through a picky phase are all of hers which nearly left me in tears haha

off for a day out to see Santa tomorrow and bless DD can't wait to tell him she cleared her plate. then that's another weekend done!husband has a big day shooting next weekend so is planning on telling all his friends then so I might tell mine this Thursday when we meet for a cuppa, I'll only be 11 weeks but I much prefer telling people in person and don't do online announcements so while there's a date in the dairy where we're all meeting I may as well tell them
Wow shepherdess that's gone quick for you!! 11 weeks amazing xx
Can't believe you'll be 11 weeks shepherdess it's really flying in. We're off to see Santa tomorrow too lol dd cant wait.

Today has been the best day I've had with nausea. A few moments but generally felt fantastic for a change. Spent all day out getting Christmas shopping in and I'm starting to feel festive lol.

How's everyone else doing?
Hi :) mind if I join?

I'm so excited to see so many familiar faces like shepherdess GG JemRose and JaneyJan! Sorry if I missed anyone as I just had a quick scan hehe.

I just found out 2 nights back about my bfp on cycle 4 and I think Im around 6+3 weeks with a due date July 25th according to the NHS calculator haha

My mind is racing a mile a minute with all the things we need to do. What did u guys do first when u first got your bfp? I'm going to start with upping my folic acid but other than that I'm lost haha xxx

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congratulations Laura! awesome that you're here! yep make sure you're taking your folic acid, and if you need to a multivitamin. then arrange your booking in appointment with the midwife!

how are you feeling?
I'm going to call first thing on Monday :) super excited about it actually. I spent the day looking at prams and embracing my excitement hahaha xx

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HIIIII I'm so pleased you're in the July thread hehe I knowwww it's funny how things can change in a moment. I had really given up hope and was stressed out. After a 37 day cycle for cycle 3 then for cycle 4 I was on like cd43 I was so upset something was wrong that my cycles had just gone up the left for 2 months or maybe I didn't ovulate at all. I was thinking hormone imbalance or stress or something. I even did a test on 13dpo and it was stark white so I was 100% sure I wasn't pregnant so just waiting on af was driving me insane because I couldn't get onto my next cycle haha xx

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Also I found out because I was going to start agnus castus to try to regulate your cycle and I know you shouldn't take that if you're pregnant so I had one test left in the house and decided to take it to definitely confirm I wasn't pregnant then start the agnus castus and then it was the strongest pink line instantly I've ever seen hahaha xx

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Laura I'm so so so happy to see you here :D glad you're in July mummies. You helped me so much when TTC I'm just so happy you've got your BFP XX
Aww that's sweet haha I didn't think I did anything special but I'm really glad I get to continue my journey with such awesome lovely people xx

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Bleeding after sex again this morning. It's so worrying. I know there's extra blood flow etc but I'm still worrying. I think I'll feel better when I have my scan on Thursday.

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