**** july mummies 2018 *****

Ok thanks maybe I should just mention it to my hairdresser nearer the time

My acid reflux has kicked in and I think that's what is making me feel yuck, I find chewing gum helps but I've read your not meant to have it during pregnancy!!! Arghhhh

what are you taking for it? I just got my gp to write me a ranitidine prescription yesterday and I can't wait to pick it up
I've not taken anything yet, just trying to put up with it. I used to take lanzaprasole but you can't take that when pregnant, I'll see how it goes then go see the doctor if need be.
I've not taken anything yet, just trying to put up with it. I used to take lanzaprasole but you can't take that when pregnant, I'll see how it goes then go see the doctor if need be.

that's exactly what I used to take to.
I was taking it and I didn't realise you can't when pregnant!!! I didn't know I was pregnant thou, I only took 4 thou so the doc said it would be fine!!

I'll see how I go the weekend then if need be ring the doc next week.

When do we get our NHS exemption cards do you know?
Ah Shan...sounds like you need to make some changes.

Rant from me too tonight. Boobs, especially right one tonight are agony. Let out an actual shriek when I took my bra off. Not so much nausea thank god but still very picky about food but by far the worst is that I have developed a trapped nerve type pain in my lower back and I'm getting up and walking around like a bloody 90yr old. In fact, my nan is 93 and still plays golf twice a week and boules...so I'm worse than a 93yr old.

Poor Dan has come home from work and I did get dinner done but when he saw me walk in with it, bless him, he's made me stay on the sofa.

Can we just skip to Tri 2 now please?

Literally in my bed already. MIL had Ivy sleeping so happy days. I hate when we both do late shifts (I'm 9) I feel like such a bad mum.

She's just a dickhead tbh she doesn't know what goes on in her own building and it drives me nuts. There's a log with alllll the info for the day but no. I'm only there splitting between two places cause they're short staffed too. Considering saying fuck it. My other manager is a dream.

Ohh Hun I feel you with the trapped nerve. I get sciatica with my disk problem.. When I get it it goes down my leg and it's definitely a pain you don't forget. Good for OH looking after you. Let him work away lol. Try not to sit for too long in one place cause it makes it worse when you do get up. Hopefully it doesn't last too long for you though. Bloody tiny humans.

Yeah I'm counting down until 2nd trimester xx

Deffo go back to the other manager!

I had a crush injury to my lower back 4.5 years ago. My young horse reared and went over backwards but instead of falling, she slipped and literally flipped up in the air. I hit the ground on the small of my back and she came crashing down on top of me...all 580kgs of her. I was aware enough that I knew she'd cover me and I still had the reins in my hand, so I pulled hard on the right rein. That made me turn onto my right side and she landed on my pelvis/hips/lower back. Amazingly, no bones broken although the MRI showed I had previously broken my pelvis so badly part had come off and fused back on in the wrong place. So...every single bit of soft tissue was wrecked. The few ligaments and tendons, including the long ones that go either side of the spine, that were still intact, didn't last long. I am fully aware of how it feels when a tendon snaps and a ligament tears apart. I went through both, numerous times in the weeks following the fall and I shit you not, I cannot imagine anything more painful. The only thing I have ever thought could be is childbirth and I was warned at the time that as nothing would ever fully heal and I still have trouble sometimes after certain activities, that the 3rd trimester could be excruciating for me should I ever carry a child.
I'm not currently constipated and the pain is just in my back, not shooting down my leg, so I'm wondering if it's already starting.

I am so glad to be pregnant and really hate moaning, but fuck me, I am not having fun at the moment and feel safe saying that here.

I did eventually get back on my girl though and she's now with a friend and an amazing horse....wasn't actually her fault at all bless her, but I really don't recommend being the object that breaks a horses fall! lol

Wow that's awful and amazing you didn't end up worse. I can't believe you were able to get back on her. You woman, have some massive balls.

IMO the pain from back pain/injury /nerve pain is worse than labour. A nurse at the hospital told me she thought so too and she'd suffered with both. Labour is painful but it's purposeful, comes in waves, the act of pushing really helps etc. Back/disk/nerve is acute and constant. I'd rather do labour tbh. I hope this isn't the start for you. I'm terrified of my third trimester incase mine flares up. I feel so lucky to be able to have another baby but it's definitely okay to have a moan. It doesn't make us ungrateful. Pregnancy can be fucking hard! :hugs: xx
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I was taking it and I didn't realise you can't when pregnant!!! I didn't know I was pregnant thou, I only took 4 thou so the doc said it would be fine!!

I'll see how I go the weekend then if need be ring the doc next week.

When do we get our NHS exemption cards do you know?

I'm sure it's the appointment after the scan. I'm sure the midwife told me at 16 weeks?
I'm currently just taking the gaviscon double action. I'll probably end up with a prescription for rantidine when I'm further along when gaviscon stops being effective. It's so hard trying to get an appointment at my surgery for my days off they're always soooo booked :/
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I was taking it and I didn't realise you can't when pregnant!!! I didn't know I was pregnant thou, I only took 4 thou so the doc said it would be fine!!

I'll see how I go the weekend then if need be ring the doc next week.

When do we get our NHS exemption cards do you know?

That is a very good question Sarah. I will ask my MW next week when I go back for bloods x
I was taking it and I didn't realise you can't when pregnant!!! I didn't know I was pregnant thou, I only took 4 thou so the doc said it would be fine!!

I'll see how I go the weekend then if need be ring the doc next week.

When do we get our NHS exemption cards do you know?

in my area they don't do cards anymore you fill out your details with midwife at booking and you're emailed a little form to finish and then they send you your "card" via email so you've always got it on your phone. way handier. I got my all done the same day as my booking app
Ok fab, I have my appointment Monday so maybe she will do the same.

8 weeks and 1 day I think the nausea has finally kicked in for me ������
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Midwife today 2pm, feel nervous. Everything is so new to me!! I'm at work until 1pm and then home, my partner's off work making sure the house is spotless. I'm not sure why but they didn't give me an option of going to the midwife, the midwife is coming to me .. makes it even more scary like she's going to judge everything!!

We desperately need to move as currently in a first floor 1 bed council flat, we've just applied to the council for an extra room, but apparently they won't give us one until the baby is 1. I've had a breakdown over this so many times, I can't imagine bringing a baby to that flat!! x
Ahhhh I was just going to say good luck for today to you ����.

I have to go the hospital for my appointment on Monday. I'm sure she won't judge you, I guess all midwifes do things differently. I did think they tooo bloods and urine at your first appointment thou.
Midwife today 2pm, feel nervous. Everything is so new to me!! I'm at work until 1pm and then home, my partner's off work making sure the house is spotless. I'm not sure why but they didn't give me an option of going to the midwife, the midwife is coming to me .. makes it even more scary like she's going to judge everything!!

We desperately need to move as currently in a first floor 1 bed council flat, we've just applied to the council for an extra room, but apparently they won't give us one until the baby is 1. I've had a breakdown over this so many times, I can't imagine bringing a baby to that flat!! x

Try not to stress about it, she won't judge. She will be visiting you a few times once the baby is here also.

It sucks that the council won't give you another flat until baby is 1. Wonder what logic is that... x
Trying to remember back to the phonecall with the midwife and pretty sure I won't have bloods taken today, it's all done at my first scan.

I kinda want bloods taken because I'm so exhausted, everyone I've spoken to that's been pregnant has said it's more exhausted than they ever were. So wonder if I'm low in iron :( taking all the vitamins I'm supposed to be! x
Well this is what I've heard about the council. But I'm really not sure. We do both have good paid jobs, but unfortunately we both have debts from younger life mistakes. So we aren't able to private rent or buy anywhere! Especially now with the baby on the way. The flat just is not a suitable place for a baby, our bedroom barely fits a bed and chest of drawers in!!
I'm going to mention that to the midwife today, I'm sure she'll agree and has come across this sort of stuff before. x
That's late. I am sure you should get bloods done before the scan! x
Well this is what I've heard about the council. But I'm really not sure. We do both have good paid jobs, but unfortunately we both have debts from younger life mistakes. So we aren't able to private rent or buy anywhere! Especially now with the baby on the way. The flat just is not a suitable place for a baby, our bedroom barely fits a bed and chest of drawers in!!
I'm going to mention that to the midwife today, I'm sure she'll agree and has come across this sort of stuff before. x

Yes, mention that, maybe she can write a letter to the council? Worth a try x
Jem our first flat was awful, full of mould, no heating, we woke up to frost on the blanket. Wall paper fell off the walls due to how much damp there was. We both worked but min wage jobs we couldn't afford to move... Hubby got really ill from the mould. The council said on the list we were lower than someone who has been kicked out for anti social behavior. We both worked 60 hours a week to save to move.
I personally don't think they'll help. Unless it's a health issue for baby, room size isn't a priority. My sister has a 1 bed flat shes been told she has to have 2 kids for a bigger place :/
Been staying at my parents house for the past two night as we have had someone in our house glossing skirting boards, I would usually do it but since finding out I'm pregnant I read it wasn't a good idea.

Hopefully should be able to go back tonight, he finished yesterday and my partner has put onion around the place to try and get rid of the smell lol!!!

I'm hoping it will be safe for me to go back now it will be dry
Jem our first flat was awful, full of mould, no heating, we woke up to frost on the blanket. Wall paper fell off the walls due to how much damp there was. We both worked but min wage jobs we couldn't afford to move... Hubby got really ill from the mould. The council said on the list we were lower than someone who has been kicked out for anti social behavior. We both worked 60 hours a week to save to move.
I personally don't think they'll help. Unless it's a health issue for baby, room size isn't a priority. My sister has a 1 bed flat shes been told she has to have 2 kids for a bigger place :/

Ah I've got no hope have I :( That's awful!!! I've heard the only way they'll move before the baby is born is if I get a condition where I can't handle the stairs to the flat.

Well we've applied, so we have 7 months to try and get a place :/ x
Hello ladies :)

It's busy in here! Had my booking appointment today.
Just wondered have any of you had your flu jab yet? I know there is some to having it but it's riskier to not have it, I was 8 weeks yesterday so wondering whether to leave it til i'm a bit further on. I have another scan booked for next week and a cold at present so need to get rid of this cold first. But worried about having jab?:roll:

Anyone having any weird vibrating feelings? :)

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