**** july mummies 2018 *****

Hello ladies :)

It's busy in here! Had my booking appointment today.
Just wondered have any of you had your flu jab yet? I know there is some to having it but it's riskier to not have it, I was 8 weeks yesterday so wondering whether to leave it til i'm a bit further on. I have another scan booked for next week and a cold at present so need to get rid of this cold first. But worried about having jab?:roll:

Anyone having any weird vibrating feelings? :)

I will be having one done but not sure when... had my booking in appt and she didn't mention it so maybe it is for later on?

Not sure about the vibrations, not yet, I don't think so xx
Haha yes, we seem to talk A LOT!! We are currently on page 91 and June mummies on page...28!!! haha :D
Hello ladies :)

It's busy in here! Had my booking appointment today.
Just wondered have any of you had your flu jab yet? I know there is some to having it but it's riskier to not have it, I was 8 weeks yesterday so wondering whether to leave it til i'm a bit further on. I have another scan booked for next week and a cold at present so need to get rid of this cold first. But worried about having jab?:roll:

Anyone having any weird vibrating feelings? :)

I will be having one done but not sure when... had my booking in appt and she didn't mention it so maybe it is for later on?

Not sure about the vibrations, not yet, I don't think so xx

She wanted me to go on and book flu jab for a weeks time, I lost the last baby at 11 weeks so a bit paranoid about doing anything that may risk this one, but I think it's a lot more risky if you get flu :roll:
Hello ladies :)

It's busy in here! Had my booking appointment today.
Just wondered have any of you had your flu jab yet? I know there is some to having it but it's riskier to not have it, I was 8 weeks yesterday so wondering whether to leave it til i'm a bit further on. I have another scan booked for next week and a cold at present so need to get rid of this cold first. But worried about having jab?:roll:

Anyone having any weird vibrating feelings? :)

I will be having one done but not sure when... had my booking in appt and she didn't mention it so maybe it is for later on?

Not sure about the vibrations, not yet, I don't think so xx

She wanted me to go on and book flu jab for a weeks time, I lost the last baby at 11 weeks so a bit paranoid about doing anything that may risk this one, but I think it's a lot more risky if you get flu :roll:

I am sorry about your loss :hugs: I am by no means an expert but I don't think a flu jab poses any risk to pregnancy xx
I got mine done at 6 weeks ish. I Had flu in my teen's and it was horrendous so I thought I'd get it done quickly. plus I'll be spending Christmas with elderly relatives and didn't want to put them at any risk
I think there is a small risk from the flu jab, but getting flu is a lot worse.:roll:
Can't help but worry though can you :)
What was your BP like at the booking in appointment? Mine was 100/60 which is low for me but she didn't say anything... Frankly she didn't even ask how I was feeling!!
I think there is a small risk from the flu jab, but getting flu is a lot worse.:roll:
Can't help but worry though can you :)

We all worry, comes with pregnancy... and then we worry when they are here. The worrying never stops I'm afraid x
I think there is a small risk from the flu jab, but getting flu is a lot worse.:roll:
Can't help but worry though can you :)

We all worry, comes with pregnancy... and then we worry when they are here. The worrying never stops I'm afraid x

I think you're right there. My bp was really low 80/50, it's normally on the low side anyway but she said it's really low and I need to drink more water. Hard to drink much over night though :)
I think there is a small risk from the flu jab, but getting flu is a lot worse.:roll:
Can't help but worry though can you :)

We all worry, comes with pregnancy... and then we worry when they are here. The worrying never stops I'm afraid x

I think you're right there. My bp was really low 80/50, it's normally on the low side anyway but she said it's really low and I need to drink more water. Hard to drink much over night though :)

That could be right... I don't drink enough :/ x
I had my flu jab last week at 6 weeks. I had an initial appointment with the midwife where they took basic details, height BP, etc. and gave me an appointment for the jab.
It's normal to have low blood pressure in pregnancy. For some reason if I stand still for more than a few mins I will pass out. Happened in pregnancy with dd. They think my blood pressure gets super low. Just keep and eye on it... If gets to low can harm you and baby. I bought a BP moniter can get em cheap on eBay x
Thanks PB, I have one at home, will have to dig it out!! x
Jem our first flat was awful, full of mould, no heating, we woke up to frost on the blanket. Wall paper fell off the walls due to how much damp there was. We both worked but min wage jobs we couldn't afford to move... Hubby got really ill from the mould. The council said on the list we were lower than someone who has been kicked out for anti social behavior. We both worked 60 hours a week to save to move.
I personally don't think they'll help. Unless it's a health issue for baby, room size isn't a priority. My sister has a 1 bed flat shes been told she has to have 2 kids for a bigger place :/

Ah I've got no hope have I :( That's awful!!! I've heard the only way they'll move before the baby is born is if I get a condition where I can't handle the stairs to the flat.

Well we've applied, so we have 7 months to try and get a place :/ x

Before we got our house we were private renting when I was pregnant with dd. We were in a one bed bungalow (outside the city at that point it was at least 150 year old) and when she was a week old the bedroom ceiling came in with water. Landlords were useless. Council weren't much help cause we were working its very unfair. I don't think it's fair people have to wait until 1 to get another bedroom. A baby is a person so why does it matter? Xx
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Hello ladies :)

It's busy in here! Had my booking appointment today.
Just wondered have any of you had your flu jab yet? I know there is some to having it but it's riskier to not have it, I was 8 weeks yesterday so wondering whether to leave it til i'm a bit further on. I have another scan booked for next week and a cold at present so need to get rid of this cold first. But worried about having jab?:roll:

Anyone having any weird vibrating feelings? :)

There's no risk from the jab for the flu. It's not a live vaccine. You can feel a bit shit but I've had it for years having asthma. The flu is way worse. For me I'd be in hospital. I got mine early on. You d be better to get it now incase you were unlucky enough to catch it beforehand. You can only not get a jab if you have a fever x
Hi Ladies,

Ages ago I had time to write anything. So much going on at work and have been ill with a cold + sinusitis for 2 weeks or so. Have had fever on and off for the whole time but still gone to work. Don't want to stay home in case I really need to because of the already weird situation I have with my manager.

Have also been super nauseous as well which is not a nice combination with a bad cold!

Had an early scan today and they saw the heartbeat which was lovely! :yay:All looked great and I measured 6+6 which is 2 days less than my calculation but I'm not worried since the nurse said its so hard to get it correctly.

I see that some of you will have the flu jab. I didn't last time I was pregnant with my daughter ( same time of the year as this one ) but since I have realized how horrible it is to be ill when pregnant after the last 2 weeks I think I might.. Will call and book a doc appointment now.

Does anyone know how bad it is to have a fever in early pregnancy? As mentioned I have had a low grade fever ( around 37.5 ) for about 2 weeks and didn't think twice about it until I googled and all sort of bad stuff came up! Asked midwife and she said she never heard it could be dangerous for baby but wanted to know if you have any experience?

Hi Ladies,

Ages ago I had time to write anything. So much going on at work and have been ill with a cold + sinusitis for 2 weeks or so. Have had fever on and off for the whole time but still gone to work. Don't want to stay home in case I really need to because of the already weird situation I have with my manager.

Have also been super nauseous as well which is not a nice combination with a bad cold!

Had an early scan today and they saw the heartbeat which was lovely! :yay:All looked great and I measured 6+6 which is 2 days less than my calculation but I'm not worried since the nurse said its so hard to get it correctly.

I see that some of you will have the flu jab. I didn't last time I was pregnant with my daughter ( same time of the year as this one ) but since I have realized how horrible it is to be ill when pregnant after the last 2 weeks I think I might.. Will call and book a doc appointment now.

Does anyone know how bad it is to have a fever in early pregnancy? As mentioned I have had a low grade fever ( around 37.5 ) for about 2 weeks and didn't think twice about it until I googled and all sort of bad stuff came up! Asked midwife and she said she never heard it could be dangerous for baby but wanted to know if you have any experience?


In the healthcare profession, we really don't get excited about any temperature between 35.5-38. you have to hit 38 to be considered as having a temperature. I wouldn't worry!
Does hydration affect BP?

Hydration can affect BP, very much so, but so can lots of other things. If you're well hydrated (2 litres or more every day) and in the absence of other symptoms (dizziness, lightheadedness, looking pale) I wouldn't worry. Some people, especially young women can run on a low blood pressure normally... 80/50 is quite low though, you wouldn't want it much lower than that! Keep an eye on it in future appointments.
Does hydration affect BP?

Hydration can affect BP, very much so, but so can lots of other things. If you're well hydrated (2 litres or more every day) and in the absence of other symptoms (dizziness, lightheadedness, looking pale) I wouldn't worry. Some people, especially young women can run on a low blood pressure normally... 80/50 is quite low though, you wouldn't want it much lower than that! Keep an eye on it in future appointments.

Will do, am wondering if it's also because i'd not been up long :)

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