**** july mummies 2018 *****

Morning ladies, how is everyone feeling today?
Has anyone got any tips on keeping active?
Currently all I'm aiming for is my 10'000 steps a day but only been managing 6/7000 steps. Made a push for it yesterday but it completely wiped me out and I struggled with exhaustion for the rest of the afternoon/evening. I was just so wiped out I struggled to get off the sofa to do anything. I'm trying to build back up to doing my 5k runs at the weekend. Was recommended taking a couple of weeks off after spotting at week 5, been okayed to start again but lightly to keep my heart rate down but it feels like I'm not going to be able to do it for a long time. I was so determined to stay fit this pregnancy I'm gutted.
I've been thinking of getting a pregnancy pillow. Was just talking about it last night in fact. Must look into it. Last times I just used normal cushions and pillows so wanted the real deal this time.
khtw, hope work goes well. I've lost all my go lately too.
I work in an office (admin). I really really can't motivate myslef to do anything which is very annoying and very NOT like me! I hope it passes soon!

I have a pregnancy pillow but so far a cushion between my knees has been enough x

Lol Rachel, I don't even manage 3000 steps!!!!!! There is not enough hours in a day x
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KHTW I'm with you on the steps !! I can't do it, I have an office job too and it's just impossible to get steps in! Well done Rachel that's amazing!

I am so tired today, couldn't sleep at all last night. Made my partner swaps sides of the bed with me and I seemed to sleep better - we really need a new bed!! Now I have a headache behind my eyes today and it's the worst sat in front of the screen at work :(
I'm with you ladies, I work in an office too and it's hard to get your steps in.

I think the nausea has finally hit this morning, haven't been sick but feel it! Managed to stomach and force some breakfast down, not sure I can handle lunch thou!!

Will try and eat fruit through out the day

Announced our news to the family on Friday night, my mum cried her eyes out bless her, there so excited!!
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You know that's really weird you should say that as I noticed that too hehe!!

When is your first midwife appointment? X
The tiredness is a killer, isn't it!!!

I don't want to jinx it but the nausea is going away! I am starting to feel a bit better xx
The tiredness is a killer, isn't it!!!

I don't want to jinx it but the nausea is going away! I am starting to feel a bit better xx

KHTW fingers crossed I don't jinx it either, but so has mine!!! My appetite is very on and off though x
You know that's really weird you should say that as I noticed that too hehe!!

When is your first midwife appointment? X

Thursday, yours? x

Next Monday a week today, I'm really hoping my scan is before Christmas!!

I'll be 8+1 for my midwife appointment. I'm praying for a scan before Christmas too!!

I can't wait for week 12 to be over, I think I'll finally be able to enjoy the pregnancy then! x
Hi ladies! Oooft, struggling with nausea today. I couldn't finish my cereal and the smell of toast is going for me at the moment so that's not an option. I haven't actually been sick yet (touch wood) but I've been close on a few occasions.

My husband and I are in the process of buying a house atm as well and it's stressing me out. We paid a deposit today and I just about burst into tears. Pregnancy hormones are the worst.

I just Googled pregnancy pillows, they're huge! Think my hubby would kick me out of bed if I had one of them in bed too! We have loads of pillows in our bed so I'll probably just stick to them for now.
How is everyone doing with weeing? I'm currently up to 3 times a night! It's driving me crazy as my sleep is broken so much already! I've stopped having a drink 2 hours before bed to try and save it but no change!! x
I have a long and straight pillow, it proved to be very comfortable last time and it doesn't take up a lot of space.

I get up once or twice, it is a bummer. Between this and my toddler waking me up I really don't get much sleep! x
Yeah I’m up a couple of times a night now. Sickness is still here with a vengeance!

Tiredness was better but not slept very well the last few days so today is a struggle! Slept in past my Alarm and nearly missed my first antenatal appointment!
I bought a pregnancy pillow. Waste of money! Rather have a normal pillow under my bump.
I pee loads during the day. At night I can't really go cos my progesterone will come out so force myself to sleep no matter how much I need to pee heh. The last tri is the hardest with peeing in the night, was up at least 8 times a night. Lool
Im absolutely shattered had an extra hour of sleep to. Would love a nap (used to have a 1-2 hour nap in last pregnancy in tge middle of the day but can't this time lol)
I'm usually up once or twice a night to wee to. my little girl talks in her sleep and usually wakes herself up once a night chatting to which is a bitaannoying. last night I weed at 145 and struggled to get back to sleep then she woke at 230 so I must have had an hour awake

I've got to do a big Tesco shop today and I really don't want to. I'm so paranoid I'll be sick halfway round

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