**** july mummies 2018 *****

I'll be finding out to be organised

I'd love another girl. I never had a sister and I'd have loved one, especially now. my husband would love a son though son it won't matter. as farmers there is a lot of empahsis on having a boy who'll love tractors and animals and be good on the farm but my husband has definitely leant that you can get all of that with a girl to; she's farm and animal obsessed
Yeah my B-Day is in Feb. I'll be 17/18 weeks, so gonna have gender scan for it :)
Yes constipation... I keep going but can't and need it badly! Gonna go get lactulose tomorrow. Woderful thing :) lol

Does anyone want a particular gender? Last time I wanted a girl soo bad! Now idc as I have one girl aldready so either is fine :)

I will be finding out!

I kind of wanted a girl so Ivy can have a sister bond. But I'm convinced it's a boy this time. Last time I breezed through pregnancy. This time I'm being punished for it lol

The second baby is so weird though. Either way it will be such a change lol. I don't know what to do with a boys and their bits, nappy changing, toddler erections etc haha
Yeah my B-Day is in Feb. I'll be 17/18 weeks, so gonna have gender scan for it :)
Yes constipation... I keep going but can't and need it badly! Gonna go get lactulose tomorrow. Woderful thing :) lol

Does anyone want a particular gender? Last time I wanted a girl soo bad! Now idc as I have one girl aldready so either is fine :)

I've always wanted a boy first and I've got so many boys names lined up. I've got two younger brothers and I always wished I'd had an older brother too. I've never been that fussed about having a sister. OH wants a girl though so we have some balance!
KHTW Nina is such a beautiful name! Xx

Thank you! We fell in love with it right away x

This time it won't be as easy. We have a boy's name picked: Adam but for a girl I don't know... I like Maya and Cora and hubby likes Mia and Emma and I don't... this will be tough!! x
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KHTW Nina is such a beautiful name! Xx

Thank you! We fell in love with it right away x

This time it won't be as easy. We have a boy's name picked: Adam but for a girl I don't know... I like Maya and Cora and hubby likes Mia and Emma and I don't... this will be tough!! x

Ahh I've got my girls name but not one single boys name. Didnt have a boys name last time either. And I'm convinced it's a boy this time idk why, so we'll struggle too lol.

All OH name choices I just hate haha ! Xx
So who’s finding out the gender and who’s going to wait? I think we’re going to wait but I might cave!
I really want a girl, but I'm sure because I want a girl so bad I'll end up with a boy haha. We've had a girls name since before we got pregnant, recently found a boys name I like but it took a lot of looking to find one I like haha x
I really want a girl, but I'm sure because I want a girl so bad I'll end up with a boy haha. We've had a girls name since before we got pregnant, recently found a boys name I like but it took a lot of looking to find one I like haha x

Jem me and Lane really wanted a girl, we had Willow chosen for her name but could not agree on a boys name and we went for a scan at 16 weeks and we are having a girl so hopefully your the same as your like us xx
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we've got two boys names we like and we can't really agree on a girl's. I've still got my fave from last pregnancy but my husband doesn't like it. I wish I'd just called my DD it because after giving birth I didn't even discuss the names we had with him again I just chose one haha

feeling good this morning. I had a busy sheep day yesterday which must have got me tried and today I've got some fencing and walling to do so hopefully I'll be ready for another good night's sleep tonight. I even managed to stay up until 930 last night playing cards by the fire with oh. fresh air is definitely my cure
Shepherdess, cards by the fire sounds amazing!!

I'm in a foul mood today, I'm just so tired. Everyone at work is steering clear of me, I feel guilty but not guilty enough to buck my mood up and just get on with things. My eyes sting and I'm so exhausted. In bed by half 8 last night and up at 7 this morning and still no help with the tiredness. Can't handle it!!! xx
Shepherdess, cards by the fire sounds amazing!!

I'm in a foul mood today, I'm just so tired. Everyone at work is steering clear of me, I feel guilty but not guilty enough to buck my mood up and just get on with things. My eyes sting and I'm so exhausted. In bed by half 8 last night and up at 7 this morning and still no help with the tiredness. Can't handle it!!! xx

Feeling tired comes with Tri 1 but perhaps you are liking some vitamins? When is your MW booking in appointment? They will do bloods then xx
On Thursday. I'm taking Pregnacare and Folic Acid (extra as lack folic acid anyway) .. not sure what else I can take. I'll speak to midwife, I don't know how to cope with being so tired!! x
When I started taking iron my tiredness picked up felt great. Don't take it unless your blood comes back with it low tho. Tiredness is bad for me to. Went to bed at 7 and would happily sleep till 10 buy Scarlett wakes at 7/8
I'm so tired as well...hit over the weekend. Been sleeping about 10 hours every night but feel like I need a nap every morning and afternoon.... roll on second trimester. I can't wait for a little bump and to start feeling some kicks!
Ps. Can anyone feel any hint of a bump down there..? My sister's 9 weeks and she can feel a fuller harder feeling between her hipbones...
Around my abdomen it's definitely firmer and poking out a bit (I'm overweight so I'm trying to work out if I've just got fatter or if it's to do with the pregnancy lol) I'm assuming it might be bloatedness? not sure x
Im heavier now than I was with Ivy. Didn't show until even after my 20week scan. The uterus doesn't move up and out for a good while yet. For me right now it's just the bloatedness and I'm just feeling reeeally fat lol.
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I still have my wobbly belly from dd. Look 20 weeks still won't be able to tell I'm prey until like 30 weeks.
Coverd in stretch marks (cream did help) even my vagina has stretch marks!!!
I've decided we can't have a boy. Me and hubby always argue about boys names LMAO. I'm joking but god help us if it is a boy lol x
I still have my wobbly belly from dd. Look 20 weeks still won't be able to tell I'm prey until like 30 weeks.
Coverd in stretch marks (cream did help) even my vagina has stretch marks!!!
I've decided we can't have a boy. Me and hubby always argue about boys names LMAO. I'm joking but god help us if it is a boy lol x

Omg PB I didn't realise you could get stretch marks on your vagina until I got them! I remember looking in the mirror (cause I couldnt see down) and being like What the actual fuck?! I literally sobbed about them haha. They're almost gone now tho since it's been four years but I'm sure they'll be back.

If I have a boy he'll be unnamed lol
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