**** july mummies 2018 *****

Flower I had pink blood after sex. Scans show everything is fine. They said the cervix just gets irritated. X
Flower, you'll have about 40-45% more blood flowing around by the end of your pregnancy and that's already started, with much of it being directed towards your uterine area. Your cervix will be in a slightly different position, much more engorged with blood and much more sensitive, so it's extremely common to get a little bleeding after sex. I really wouldn't worry at all. The same can happen with a transvaginal scan for the same reasons.

If you are really concerned though, you could always ask for the scan anyway next week...if you'll be 7weeks by then, you should easily see the heartbeat and it will be really good for making you feel more secure. They probably won't offer it if you have stopped bleeding though, but do with that what you will. I paid for a private scan at 7 weeks, but in your situation, I may have just told a little white lie and got a free early scan. Paid good tax all my working life so I wouldn't fee too guilty as they'd not push an urgent case aside for it.

Just sayin!
I'm feeling fabulous at the moment. Not because I actually feel any better, but because I found a tin of Smash in the cupboard. Only had a little bit left but with a good chunk of butter and a load of cheese grated in, salt and pepper...I was in absolute heaven. Then sat there and almost cried that I didn't have any more as there was really not much left.

Dan immediately said, "Not to worry my little weirdo, we'll go and get you loads this evening". lol

He keeps thanking me for putting up with feeling like this to grow our baby for us and he wishes he could take all the nasty off me. Last night I gave him a huge hug and said that he is helping to grow out little bean...because of the sheer amount he is doing for me at the moment with the horses and dogs bless him. I'm feeling very blessed to have him.

Hope all you ladies are doing well xxx
GG smash?!? Whatever makes you happy lovely. Haha! You both sound so cute btw xx

I've had the best day regards to nausea. I've been able to eat and chill in a bath while OH made the dinner for us. I'm making the most of it while it lasts cause I'm sure it'll be back tomorrow. Like you GG my OH has been great thank god.

I'm also downing the prune juice now :/ I forgot how painful pregnancy constipation can get. Can actually feel like contractions fml. It's amazing what we go through for another human, even in these early stages!

Flowerbomb I hope you're doing okay Hun. xx

Have a nice Friday night you bunch of crazy pregnant ladies lol :hugs:

GG smash?!? Whatever makes you happy lovely. Haha! You both sound so cute btw xx

I've had the best day regards to nausea. I've been able to eat and chill in a bath while OH made the dinner for us. I'm making the most of it while it lasts cause I'm sure it'll be back tomorrow. Like you GG my OH has been great thank god.

I'm also downing the prune juice now :/ I forgot how painful pregnancy constipation can get. Can actually feel like contractions fml. It's amazing what we go through for another human, even in these early stages!

Flowerbomb I hope you're doing okay Hun. xx

Have a nice Friday night you bunch of crazy pregnant ladies lol :hugs:


He's a dick, but he's my dick and I love him. As I have been saying for almost 10 years, I love him all the time, like him some of the time but tolerate him MOST of the time, lol. He does the same with me though, lol.

I know, Smash is one of those things that I just LOVE. Always have done. Don't have it very often, but on a super busy day, knowing that I can boil the kettle and 60 seconds later, have a really tasty meal in a bowl is just the best. Yes, the tasty part is subjective, I am a true lover of properly made mash, but...done right, Smash is it's own kind of awesome. Super Noodles, the curry ones are also a go to sometimes, but Smash is all I can think about now, lol.
I was feeling so good this morning and then I overate at lunch (lleek and potato soup!) and now I feel dreadful. Supposed to be going to see My Fair Lady at the theatre shortly but all I want to do is go to bed and sleep the nausea away!
Flower, you'll have about 40-45% more blood flowing around by the end of your pregnancy and that's already started, with much of it being directed towards your uterine area. Your cervix will be in a slightly different position, much more engorged with blood and much more sensitive, so it's extremely common to get a little bleeding after sex. I really wouldn't worry at all. The same can happen with a transvaginal scan for the same reasons.

If you are really concerned though, you could always ask for the scan anyway next week...if you'll be 7weeks by then, you should easily see the heartbeat and it will be really good for making you feel more secure. They probably won't offer it if you have stopped bleeding though, but do with that what you will. I paid for a private scan at 7 weeks, but in your situation, I may have just told a little white lie and got a free early scan. Paid good tax all my working life so I wouldn't fee too guilty as they'd not push an urgent case aside for it.

Just sayin!

thank you, all this advice is making me feel better.
Ive already got a scan booked for when I'm 8 weeks, so I don't know what to do. the reassurance will really help me relax. I think ill see how I feel over the weekend and if I'm still really worried next week I think I will be telling a white lie.
Constipation is killing me today. I'm assuming it's constipation. So painful as well!! Anyone else? What can you do to help it? x

Constipation remedies (from the nurse in me)
General maintenance~~~
Step 1: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate
Step 2: Fibre intake (think fruit, veg, dried fruits as well)
Step 3: Try not to be a complete couch potato and try and stay a little active

....If that's not working
Step 4: If it's been more than 2-3 days for a regular person, go to the pharmacy and ask for some Movicol sachets. Drink 1-2 sachets morning, noon and night (WITH a glass of WATER)
Step 5: Glycerin suppositories. Ask your pharmacist
Step 6: There are ranges of stronger laxatives as well depending on individual requirements.

Hope that helps a bit.
I found lactulose great last time. Just don't leave the house after you take it xD heh. It's only 4 quid in asda. :) x
well I am wiped out. I've got another sickness bug �� the perks of having a 2 year old I guess. yesterday and today I have been so so unwell, to the point where I've spent all day in bed today (if not rushing to the toilet). I can't believe I've had two bugs in four weeks. I've got an appointment with the gp next week about my reflux so think I might discuss this to if only to put my mind at rest as I've been worrying today. luckily I seem to be keeping water down now and will try some toast soon.

so that's my weekend ruined, hope you're all having a better time then me. enjoy your weekends
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Oh Shepherdess, that sounds bloody awful. I don't know how you do it with a little one as well. I'm good this evening but up until about 5, was awful and at one point, doubled up on the sofa on my knees, with my head buried into the arm, I did think what the hell I'd do if I had a child to look after as well and thought of how you ladies are doing it. Dan didn't know what to do to help bless him. How the hell do you manage?

I think you're all superwomen but I really hope you feel better soon Shepherdess xxx
Aw no shepherdess that sounds awful. This pregnancy is definitely harder already having a child to look after too I feel you! Dd hasn't stopped being ill this month. At that age they just catch everything and bring it home for us.

Hopefully it's just the 48 hour thing and you start feeling better soon! As shit as you feel baby is probably none the wiser so try not to worry about him/her and just you look after yourself. Get well soon hun :hugs: xxx
Oh no Shepherdes, another bug?! You poor thing! Hope you feel better soon x

I actually am feeling alright today, almost no nausea! Hope that's the placenta doing its job xx
thanks for the nice words girls. I perked up yesterday evening and this morning I feel miles better bar some nausea but that could just be pregnancy

GG I wasn't super woman yesterday I had to ask my husband to take DD out for the afternoon as I didn't feel I could supervise her properly. I really needed a sleep and even though I'm sure she would have been good as gold watching a film she's still too young for me to not be watching her like a hawk. she's been very cute though stroking my hair and bringing me tissues when I've been getting upset

fingers crossed its passed, I'm just gutted today and we were supposed to be going for one of my mil's amazing roasts but I'll have to stay here in case I'm still contagious
Good morning ladies. I hope you all have a good sunday and get the energy to begin a new week!

I am 8 weeks today yey! I was looking at my lower belly last night and I can definitely see the start of a baby bump, defo not a bloat!! :love:

On the downside stupid Wizzair cancelled the flight connection that I booked for March so need to find new flights :trouble:
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Morning ladies

Hope your all enjoying you weekend? Generally feeling fine here apart from the cramping I've been having this weekend! Not sure if it's trapped wind or just general pregnancy cramps, i keep feeling a sharp twinge / pain in my pelvic area, anyone else experienced this? I'm hoping it's just my uterus expanding
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Hi Sarah, yes I've had that on and off. I'm 8 weeks today and not had it for a few days but it's totally normal, there's a lot changing down there and a lot of extra gas trying to move around. All normal so don't worry.

Shepherdess, no. I still think you're supermum...even more so because you knew what you needed and didn't just dump her in front of a film!
Really glad you're feeling a bit better now x
Thank you GG. I am 8 weeks next week so maybe it's that time of the pregnancy when things start to change abit.

Hope your all feeling ok ��
GG your partner sounds lovely and so supportive. My partner is supportive in a way but he can't handle the pregnancy and keeps saying if it was him he'd be handling it better. He's frustrated at my mood swings, lack of energy and lack of motivation, I'm trying hard just to not get him frustrated but I don't know what to do!! He nearly broke up with me last night over absolutely nothing!! It's been a complete nightmare. I love him so much and I know he loves me but this is such a big change for both of us and he's said if he knew this was how it would be he'd never have a baby :'( said in the heat of the moment but still hurts! How is everyone else's partners doing? I hope mine is the only asshole and you all have lovely partners x

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