**** july mummies 2018 *****

Ohhh sickness... I've threw up in the car twice. I'm weird I've been having nausea every other day :/ and when I think of food makes me feel sick buy I can eat or fine. Trying to eat beans on toast atm and nearly threw up. Boob's didn't hurt with dd occasionally get abit of leaking but that's cos dd is so young.
The tiredness is bad tho anyone else? Was in bed for 8 with bloodshot eyes like I'd been up 24 hours! X

Tiredness is killing me !! Felt like an awful mum last night but I was counting down the minutes until DD went to bed so I could too :/ xx
Don't feel like a bad mum. I was the same last night x

It didn't help that I took her out for a walk after work, she insisted on taking her scooter and I eneded up jogging after her for like 20min!!! X
Don't feel like a bad mum. I was the same last night x

It didn't help that I took her out for a walk after work, she insisted on taking her scooter and I eneded up jogging after her for like 20min!!! X

Haha jogging good for you! I always end up carrying the scooter all the way home :roll:

I know I shouldn't, it's just a shame. I hate feeling glad to get her in bed. But honestly we did her bedtime routine so quick last night lol just so I could get some sleep. I'm hoping the tiredness evens out soon cause I'm so wrecked. DDs off nursery for the rest of the week and I didn't even know until a mum told me today. Definitely dropping the ball here :/ xx
Bit more blood and some cramps :( rang the midwife unit and they're going to call me back with an early scan x
That good they're giving you a scan JP!! Fx for you. Remember a few of us had this and it's been fine. What colour is the blood hun? Xx
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Pinky colour

I'm at work and so nervous, praying they'll give me a scan later on so I don't have to faff about with trying to get out of work. I think I may just have to tell my boss but I'm really not sure what to do x
Pinky colour

I'm at work and so nervous, praying they'll give me a scan later on so I don't have to faff about with trying to get out of work. I think I may just have to tell my boss but I'm really not sure what to do x

Pink is always better than red hun. My mc was straight red from the beginning. So many of us get pink. Usually no cause for panic. :hugs: Depends how good your boss is. You could say you have a medical emergency just. Fx xx
Just had a call from the midwife, she has referred me for an early scan - will hear from them tomorrow regarding an appointment.

She said that it is likely to be the placenta implanting into the uterus, but will continue with the scan just to be sure x
Oh JR :hugs: hope they can offer you a scan tomorrow to reassure x
That's good Hun. I honestly think you're fine but getting a scan will help ease your fears at least xx
hope they scan you soon jemrose how worrying

I totally sympathise with you mummies looking forward to your little ones bedtime. thankfully my daughter is being good as gold this week which helps but I have found myself starting story time earlier so we can just sit for longer rather than the full on playing we'd usually be doing until 630

also so grateful to my lo who hasn't complained when most of her teas this last week have been turkey dinosaurs and steamed veggie rice. she isn't keen on pasta which is all I tolerate on an evening so she's had the same meal maybe 5 times. sausages tomorrow though haha
hi everyone.
I'm new to the group. I'm 5 weeks, and ive worked it out id be due on 19th july. got my midwife apt on 7th December and then ill find out when my first scan is.
I've no symptons at all yet, just keep having cramps.
I'm nervous because with my first pregnancy I had a missed miscarriage, found out at my first scan. I fell pregnant again a few months later and had my boy 4 years ago. now I'm pregnant again and hoping to have a sticky baby.

has anyone booked a private early scan?
Welcome Flowerbomb. Fingers crossed for a sticky bean x
Hey flowerbomb welcome to July mummies. Haven't booked a scan yet. Have my booking appointment on Friday. Had some bleeding last week so I'm going to see what midwife says then we may book one.

Sorry to hear about your mc, it can really put you on edge when you fall again. I had one at 9 weeks, then had my daughter who will be 4 in January. Congrats xx
hope they scan you soon jemrose how worrying

I totally sympathise with you mummies looking forward to your little ones bedtime. thankfully my daughter is being good as gold this week which helps but I have found myself starting story time earlier so we can just sit for longer rather than the full on playing we'd usually be doing until 630

also so grateful to my lo who hasn't complained when most of her teas this last week have been turkey dinosaurs and steamed veggie rice. she isn't keen on pasta which is all I tolerate on an evening so she's had the same meal maybe 5 times. sausages tomorrow though haha

I can relate with the food. I'm struggling to cook right now and I usually love it. I'm usually super organised with batch cooking too because of my shifts but this week I've done nothing really. With the nausea and the cooking smells, making food is like torture haha. DD has been eating mainly pasta, and dinosaurs too lol. Xx
hope they scan you soon jemrose how worrying

I totally sympathise with you mummies looking forward to your little ones bedtime. thankfully my daughter is being good as gold this week which helps but I have found myself starting story time earlier so we can just sit for longer rather than the full on playing we'd usually be doing until 630

also so grateful to my lo who hasn't complained when most of her teas this last week have been turkey dinosaurs and steamed veggie rice. she isn't keen on pasta which is all I tolerate on an evening so she's had the same meal maybe 5 times. sausages tomorrow though haha

I can relate with the food. I'm struggling to cook right now and I usually love it. I'm usually super organised with batch cooking too because of my shifts but this week I've done nothing really. With the nausea and the cooking smells, making food is like torture haha. DD has been eating mainly pasta, and dinosaurs too lol. Xx

I totally get you here. I love cooking, I think of lovely meals in the morning but by the evening I can't face cooking
Well, I wrote little replies to everyone in one message and it's disappeared. I am, as I feel excused as pregnant lady, incandescent at my phone for being so fucking useless.

So, in brief...

Welcome Flowerbomb...cramps are perfectly normal so long as they're not severe or twinned with bleeding. Congratulations on your pregnancy.

JemRose, really hope the scan is sorted quickly for you. Cramping is normal, I've had loads of it and if you've only had pink wiping, fingers crossed, all should be fine. Xx

Someone asked about private scans...I'm hoping to have one on Friday. I'll be 6+5 and it's my 39th birthday so figured, what better present could I get than seeing babies heartbeat!

Hope you're all okay. So much activity on here today. A few things...1/food. I've discovered the last few days that if I go more than 50 minutes to an hour without eating, I quickly start to feel extremely nauseous. So, I've been snacking and picking all through the day rather than eating regular meals. So so long as I stick to plain things, it's working really well. I basically can't have an empty stomach as if I do...really horrid nausea kicks in.

To that end, I am now setting an extra alarm for 1 hour before my normal alarm goes off. I wake up, eat a few crackers I keep by the bed and go back to sleep for an hour. If I don't do this, when my normal alarm goes off, I feel like I haven't eaten for 10 years and the nausea is horrific. If I do it, I just wake up feeling hungry, eat straight away and the nausea hasn't had a chance to kick in.

I am well aware that this may all change very quickly lol.

Hope you're all coping with the exhaustion! Xxx
Haha GG i do that with the crackers. I fucking *hate* crackers but it works for a bit. Dd can't see anything I have. So she comes in in the morning and eats my dry choke inducing crackers in bed with me like it's an ice cream sundae :roll:

Hope you're keeping well aside from.. all that haha. Fx for your wonderful birthday present! Xx
Watching DIY SOS....hormones are coming for me lol

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