**** july mummies 2018 *****

Ooh yes a warm bath will be soothing, I've had some aches too, but I've put them down to a combination of growing paints and constipation! Lol. I did have a panic this week and took another test just to make sure it was still positive... I'm not sure what else you can do other than try to take your mind off it. Do you know when your first scan would be?
I had a scan last week which showed the sac and yolk inside. My next one is 24th Nov when I will be 8 weeks. I did get 3+ on digi this morning though so has relaxed me a little! It’s so hard to wait!
Ooh yes a warm bath will be soothing, I've had some aches too, but I've put them down to a combination of growing paints and constipation! Lol. I did have a panic this week and took another test just to make sure it was still positive... I'm not sure what else you can do other than try to take your mind off it. Do you know when your first scan would be?

The first 12 weeks are really hard and filled with worries and knicker checking gah!!

I won't know the date for the 12 weeks scan until about a week after the booking in appointment. I am seeing the midwife on 29th November so I guess I'll find out first week of December. Hoping for a end of December date! x
The first 12 weeks are really hard and filled with worries and knicker checking gah!!

I won't know the date for the 12 weeks scan until about a week after the booking in appointment. I am seeing the midwife on 29th November so I guess I'll find out first week of December. Hoping for a end of December date! x
I am hoping for the 12 weeks scan just before Xmas. Would be a perfect present!
Ooh yes a warm bath will be soothing, I've had some aches too, but I've put them down to a combination of growing paints and constipation! Lol. I did have a panic this week and took another test just to make sure it was still positive... I'm not sure what else you can do other than try to take your mind off it. Do you know when your first scan would be?
I had a scan last week which showed the sac and yolk inside. My next one is 24th Nov when I will be 8 weeks. I did get 3+ on digi this morning though so has relaxed me a little! It’s so hard to wait!

How many weeks were you when you had that scan? My first is next Tuesday and I'll be 6 weeks exactly, and then my 8 week scan is the 27th Nov. I'm so excited!
Oh no Shanivy and Qwerty.. really hope its nothing :( ! I know many who have had bleeding in early pregnancy ( including my sister ) so really wish it all turns out ok! Keep us updated.

Another night with only 5-6 hours sleep.. keep waking up early and cant fall back to sleep! DH is back tonight so will sleep in tomorrow hopefully :)

Morning sickness has eased off a little which is a bit concering.. i dont want to feel bad but hate when symptoms disappear!

Gone off food as well. When pregnant wih DD i had nausea in the evening and only wanted to eat bad food and drink Fanta :) feels different this time. Only 4+2 so know its still early for morning sickness so i "hope" it returns soon ;)

Have a good Friday everyone!
kayla1991, i had lots of cramps when pregnant wih DD. Hope it goes away soon!
How many weeks were you when you had that scan? My first is next Tuesday and I'll be 6 weeks exactly, and then my 8 week scan is the 27th Nov. I'm so excited!
I had a scan at 4 weeks and then 5 weeks. The hospital here has an early days centre so if I am concerned they allow me blood tests and scans for reassurance. I went through a miscarriage in July so they understand how worried I am. I was 5 weeks when they see the sac measuring 11mm and the little yolk - we are calling it a fried egg! My next one is 24th Nov and I’ll be 8 weeks so will hopefully see the heartbeat next time!
I only like junk food when I'm pregnant! McDonald's in particular heh. Feeling a bit iffy this morning was trying to eat wheatabix and every swollow made me feel slightly sick. OK now tho, my mood swings are out of control... Hubby has had enough already! Haha.
We're all having second scans around the same time. Mines on the 22nd
Kayla I would love my 12 week scan before Xmas to! So we can tell close family :) x
morning ladies

I've been feeling so rough the last few days; in the evening in particular, I can't be bothered to make dinner, then I can barely eat any of it and just feel sick all evening. I threw up at 8ish last night then went to bed but couldn't sleep for ages for feeling sick. I was nothing like this last pregnancy, I felt a little nauseous first thing but that was it.

I'm fed up. I feel like karma is getting me cos all I've ever said is how much I enjoyed pregnancy so now I'm suffering
Morning Ladies

Im surprised back today tbh. So it *looks* like bleeding has stopped.

So yesterday the bleeding was light but it was redish from the start, it eventually went pink and sort of pink/ brown by 1am ish. Seems to have stopped this morning. Finally fell asleep about 4am when I stopped checking. By that point there wasn't much at all, like the end of a period.

OH came home yesterday and I told him, he wanted to go to a&e, we sort of fought about it because I really didn't want to be dragged to the hospital for them to tell me there's nothing they can do blah blah. OH knows all this.

But he can be so insistent so he phoned my docs for me & they said come in. Went there about 4ish. She checked me for an ectopic (which I knew it wasnt so was sort of pointless) Asked to examine me. (But at this point I was a mess. Oh had to wait outside cause we had to bring DD with us and Id tried to keep my shit together in front of her until I got into the doctors room.) I was convinced I was having a mc so told her I wasnt up for an examination. So showed her the blood instead. Cramps had eased off before this, but hello blood, and it was red so still freaking out. Also had urine checked for my infection.

She said what I knew she would. That it could be the start of it, or it could be just bleeding that some women get. Said kidney infections can harm pregnancy but its very rare and she thought it wasnt that. Told me to come back today if it was still happening and she would try and refer me for a scan so Id know either way. Also told me that my hospital wouldn't have scanned me if Id went up being so early as heart might not even be beating yet. They wouldve sent me home. Even with my mc since Id had a healthy baby in between?

So thats all that. Not much I can do but let it go and hope for the best. I never had any spotting with DD, Ive had some discharge this morning that is completely clear so I dont really know what to think.

Edit: Also Im six weeks today

Hope everyone doing okay xxx
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Hi girls. I’ve had a little bit of browny discharge tonight. Feels like the start of another loss all over again so like Shan I’m probably going to take some time away from the forum for a short time. It’s definitely browny tinged discharge and seems mainly inside at the moment but feels like deja vu. I’m going to keep an eye and see what it’s like tomorrow and then decide whether to make any phone calls. Xxxxxxxx

Hope youre doing okay hun. I think mines stopped for now. Hope yours has too. I know its hard thinking of you xxx
Shan this must be the worst feeling ever for you! Happy to see you back, I really hope that it was just some freak bleeding and doesn't mean anything xx
Shan this must be the worst feeling ever for you! Happy to see you back, I really hope that it was just some freak bleeding and doesn't mean anything xx

Thanks JR. Me too. I spent all night Googling it (i know :roll:) I cant wait to the 17th when I see the midwife. I'm hoping its not going to be one of those pregnancy's that bleed all the time, Ill lose my shit.

How are you? xx
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Bless you!! What a nightmare :(

I'm okay thanks, was contacted by a midwife yesterday but missed the call. So hopefully they will ring again and I can get some more answers xx
Good to hear it stopped Shanivy! Hope it stays that way. I am the worst when it comes to googling stuff and it only makes me feel worse every time so not sure why I always do it.

I'm at work but its Friday so can't be bothered to do anything!!
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Bless you!! What a nightmare :(

I'm okay thanks, was contacted by a midwife yesterday but missed the call. So hopefully they will ring again and I can get some more answers xx

Hopefully thats your booking appointment sorted xx
Good to hear it stopped Shanivy! Hope it stays that way. I am the worst when it comes to googling stuff and it only makes me feel worse every time so not sure why I always do it.

I'm at work but its Friday so can't be bothered to do anything!!

Thank you hun. I know I tell everyone here not to google but then spent all night doing it myself. Working 4-9 myself tonight I can't be bothered tbh. Yay you got a ticker lol xx
oh Shan :hugs: Glad to heat the bleeding stopped. I hope the baby is ok. Not knowing is the worst xx

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