**** july mummies 2018 *****

Awhh what a nice lady GG. Very rare to find an understanding nurse/dr. Hope your feeling better soon x

Her and the gp were just lovely. Didn't want me driving home but one of the horses here is being put down at 3.30 so I wanted to get back in time to rest a little then sort that out. Poor thing, he's been with me for 3 years...his owner only had him for 4 months so she's made the right decision for him at last, but I'm really going to miss his lovely face.
Aw GG I hate having bloods done, I'm similar to you but your blood taking experience sounds much worse than mine! My whole arm bruises normally. Hope your arm doesn't hurt too bad. Sorry to hear about the horse :( must be a difficult day for you xx
Awhh sorry to hear about the horse gg. :( They find it hard to get my veins to! When I was having a mc the Dr was struggling to get it and stabbed a muscle in my hand (hurt more than a bloody contraction!) couldn't move my hand for a few days heh.

Suddenly got really excited about having another baby lol. Ahh LMAO
I find drinking water hard as well KH...having to force myself. About to have a very sugary decaff coffee as probably shouldn't have driven home from that appointment. Almost fainted half way through trying the third vein. It's always a nightmare getting blood from me. The nurse did really well, got a whole vial out of me before that vein collapsed. Only a smudge of blood out of the next one though. Then she went to get the gp who is a pro at this apparently. She managed another vial out of my other arm, but then the vein collapsed and I went all woosey and faint and my arm and hand went limp. Got laid down, given some water and a break. I said I was happy to try again, she popped the cuff on again but decided to let the best of the veins heal for a week. So, half of my bloods have been sent off, the other half I have to go direct to the blood lab at the hospital to have them do it.

I now can't bend or extend my arms properly as I'm so badly bruised, lol. Hurts like hell, but I really don't care.

Told the nurse when I went in that I was 4w5d and got a 2-3 weeks but hoped it wouldn't affect the referral and she gave me such a massive smile. I said it was different from the ones I've lost and she looked at me and said, "I've been exactly where you are and it's the most emotional journey to try and have a baby" which of course made me cry, then she gave me the biggest? Loveliest hug. She went through 5 years of treatments before having her baby. I don't know why, but in that moment, face to face with someone who properly understood, all of the pain of this summer both came out and started to lift. I could have kissed her!

She's asked me to keep her updated and to call her any time I need a shoulder or friendly ear.

Aww GG that's lovely :-) what happens now? Will you get your hcg levels back later? They struggle with my veins they use kids butterfly needles on me and don't even attempt my arms any more so they go straight for the wrist or back of hand! Urghh this sickness is awful thought it would of stopped by now being in second trimester... so sorry about the horse it's never a nice thing to go through so (((hugs)))) for that time :-(

Ladies I'm having loads of creamy watery discharge I keep having to go wash as it just pours out but I've read it's very common as it's the bodies way of keeping sure you get no bacteria up through your vagina and cervix to hurt baby.. the things our bodies do xx
I find drinking water hard as well KH...having to force myself. About to have a very sugary decaff coffee as probably shouldn't have driven home from that appointment. Almost fainted half way through trying the third vein. It's always a nightmare getting blood from me. The nurse did really well, got a whole vial out of me before that vein collapsed. Only a smudge of blood out of the next one though. Then she went to get the gp who is a pro at this apparently. She managed another vial out of my other arm, but then the vein collapsed and I went all woosey and faint and my arm and hand went limp. Got laid down, given some water and a break. I said I was happy to try again, she popped the cuff on again but decided to let the best of the veins heal for a week. So, half of my bloods have been sent off, the other half I have to go direct to the blood lab at the hospital to have them do it.

I now can't bend or extend my arms properly as I'm so badly bruised, lol. Hurts like hell, but I really don't care.

Told the nurse when I went in that I was 4w5d and got a 2-3 weeks but hoped it wouldn't affect the referral and she gave me such a massive smile. I said it was different from the ones I've lost and she looked at me and said, "I've been exactly where you are and it's the most emotional journey to try and have a baby" which of course made me cry, then she gave me the biggest? Loveliest hug. She went through 5 years of treatments before having her baby. I don't know why, but in that moment, face to face with someone who properly understood, all of the pain of this summer both came out and started to lift. I could have kissed her!

She's asked me to keep her updated and to call her any time I need a shoulder or friendly ear.

Crap! That does not sound like fun! Glad they managed to at least get some blood out after all that.

The nurse and doc really sound nice, wish they were all like that!

Really sorry about your horse, very sad :hug:
Holli that's exactly how I was with DD. Hence the liners lol. It was reassuring to me though that everything was doing what it should. Even if it freaked me out at times when I was out thinking I'd started bleeding x
Anyone had sex since BFP? I haven't as too scared and cramping and haven't felt like it etc. etc.

Suddenly just got the urge! Is there risks etc? I'm sure it's fine to have sex isn't it? I don't want to cause an onset of bleeding or anything (usually when due AF and sex just before would cause it to come on)
I find drinking water hard as well KH...having to force myself. About to have a very sugary decaff coffee as probably shouldn't have driven home from that appointment. Almost fainted half way through trying the third vein. It's always a nightmare getting blood from me. The nurse did really well, got a whole vial out of me before that vein collapsed. Only a smudge of blood out of the next one though. Then she went to get the gp who is a pro at this apparently. She managed another vial out of my other arm, but then the vein collapsed and I went all woosey and faint and my arm and hand went limp. Got laid down, given some water and a break. I said I was happy to try again, she popped the cuff on again but decided to let the best of the veins heal for a week. So, half of my bloods have been sent off, the other half I have to go direct to the blood lab at the hospital to have them do it.

I now can't bend or extend my arms properly as I'm so badly bruised, lol. Hurts like hell, but I really don't care.

Told the nurse when I went in that I was 4w5d and got a 2-3 weeks but hoped it wouldn't affect the referral and she gave me such a massive smile. I said it was different from the ones I've lost and she looked at me and said, "I've been exactly where you are and it's the most emotional journey to try and have a baby" which of course made me cry, then she gave me the biggest? Loveliest hug. She went through 5 years of treatments before having her baby. I don't know why, but in that moment, face to face with someone who properly understood, all of the pain of this summer both came out and started to lift. I could have kissed her!

She's asked me to keep her updated and to call her any time I need a shoulder or friendly ear.

What a day GG, I'm the same getting blood out of me. when I was in hospital having dd they put a butterfly in my wrist, it was gross. Sorry to hear about your horse.

What a nice nurse you had today, do you know when your scan is? X
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Anyone had sex since BFP? I haven't as too scared and cramping and haven't felt like it etc. etc.

Suddenly just got the urge! Is there risks etc? I'm sure it's fine to have sex isn't it? I don't want to cause an onset of bleeding or anything (usually when due AF and sex just before would cause it to come on)

Not yet Jemrose. I actually really want to but I'm too afraid of bleeding after and Im still so early. It's usually fine and cramping and a little bleeding afterwards can be normal. I'm just not ready lol x :/ x
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Anyone had sex since BFP? I haven't as too scared and cramping and haven't felt like it etc. etc.

Suddenly just got the urge! Is there risks etc? I'm sure it's fine to have sex isn't it? I don't want to cause an onset of bleeding or anything (usually when due AF and sex just before would cause it to come on)

Not yet Jemrose. I actually really want to but I'm too afraid of bleeding after and I still so early. It's usually fine and cramping and a little bleeding afterwards can be normal. I'm just not ready lol x :/ x

Don't think I could cope with it if that happened and I know OH would be devastated. I'm gonna try and wait it out a bit longer even though I actually want to now. Hopefully we'll be ready soon lol x
Anyone had sex since BFP? I haven't as too scared and cramping and haven't felt like it etc. etc.

Suddenly just got the urge! Is there risks etc? I'm sure it's fine to have sex isn't it? I don't want to cause an onset of bleeding or anything (usually when due AF and sex just before would cause it to come on)

Not yet Jemrose. I actually really want to but I'm too afraid of bleeding after and I still so early. It's usually fine and cramping and a little bleeding afterwards can be normal. I'm just not ready lol x :/ x

Don't think I could cope with it if that happened and I know OH would be devastated. I'm gonna try and wait it out a bit longer even though I actually want to now. Hopefully we'll be ready soon lol x

No me either even if it's normal. God help my OH he might have to wait until the 12 week scan haha. We'll be the pregnant celibate club haha (oh god) X
Anyone had sex since BFP? I haven't as too scared and cramping and haven't felt like it etc. etc.

Suddenly just got the urge! Is there risks etc? I'm sure it's fine to have sex isn't it? I don't want to cause an onset of bleeding or anything (usually when due AF and sex just before would cause it to come on)

Not yet Jemrose. I actually really want to but I'm too afraid of bleeding after and I still so early. It's usually fine and cramping and a little bleeding afterwards can be normal. I'm just not ready lol x :/ x

Don't think I could cope with it if that happened and I know OH would be devastated. I'm gonna try and wait it out a bit longer even though I actually want to now. Hopefully we'll be ready soon lol x

No me either even if it's normal. God help my OH he might have to wait until the 12 week scan haha. We'll be the pregnant celibate club haha (oh god) X

Don't like the sound of celibacy haha!! But needs must, can't risk anything lol x
Anyone had sex since BFP? I haven't as too scared and cramping and haven't felt like it etc. etc.

Suddenly just got the urge! Is there risks etc? I'm sure it's fine to have sex isn't it? I don't want to cause an onset of bleeding or anything (usually when due AF and sex just before would cause it to come on)

Not yet Jemrose. I actually really want to but I'm too afraid of bleeding after and I still so early. It's usually fine and cramping and a little bleeding afterwards can be normal. I'm just not ready lol x :/ x

Don't think I could cope with it if that happened and I know OH would be devastated. I'm gonna try and wait it out a bit longer even though I actually want to now. Hopefully we'll be ready soon lol x

No me either even if it's normal. God help my OH he might have to wait until the 12 week scan haha. We'll be the pregnant celibate club haha (oh god) X

Don't like the sound of celibacy haha!! But needs must, can't risk anything lol x

Haha me neither. There's enough of that once baby comes :/ In all seriousness, unless told not to you'll be fine having sex. I'm just not wanting to risk it just yet. Once I get past 9 I'll probably feel betterX
Lol no and there will be no sex through this pregnancy! Oh knows... well he survived with DD, he'll survive with this one :D
I find drinking water hard as well KH...having to force myself. About to have a very sugary decaff coffee as probably shouldn't have driven home from that appointment. Almost fainted half way through trying the third vein. It's always a nightmare getting blood from me. The nurse did really well, got a whole vial out of me before that vein collapsed. Only a smudge of blood out of the next one though. Then she went to get the gp who is a pro at this apparently. She managed another vial out of my other arm, but then the vein collapsed and I went all woosey and faint and my arm and hand went limp. Got laid down, given some water and a break. I said I was happy to try again, she popped the cuff on again but decided to let the best of the veins heal for a week. So, half of my bloods have been sent off, the other half I have to go direct to the blood lab at the hospital to have them do it.

I now can't bend or extend my arms properly as I'm so badly bruised, lol. Hurts like hell, but I really don't care.

Told the nurse when I went in that I was 4w5d and got a 2-3 weeks but hoped it wouldn't affect the referral and she gave me such a massive smile. I said it was different from the ones I've lost and she looked at me and said, "I've been exactly where you are and it's the most emotional journey to try and have a baby" which of course made me cry, then she gave me the biggest? Loveliest hug. She went through 5 years of treatments before having her baby. I don't know why, but in that moment, face to face with someone who properly understood, all of the pain of this summer both came out and started to lift. I could have kissed her!

She's asked me to keep her updated and to call her any time I need a shoulder or friendly ear.
That is so lovely reading through that (apart from your sore arms!)
Makes all the difference just having one person understand and sympathise
Anyone had sex since BFP? I haven't as too scared and cramping and haven't felt like it etc. etc.

Suddenly just got the urge! Is there risks etc? I'm sure it's fine to have sex isn't it? I don't want to cause an onset of bleeding or anything (usually when due AF and sex just before would cause it to come on)

yes I have but it's my second baby so I'm no where near as worried. although I still had sex all the way through last time to

theres very little risk to come from sex. even if there is bleeding it is most likely to be from grazing in the vagina due to hormone changes

at 24 weeks I had very light bleeding but it was only on a couple of occasions after sex and then stopped

I've not since Monday due to my sickness bug but I can tell my husband is game tonight. I just ask him to be gentle
Shepherdess I did last time but not until probably 10 weeks or so. It still freaks me out this early. I'll be waiting a bit. I never bled last time luckily for OH. Cramped but not bled.

Also sex when pregnant is awesome for those who haven't x

KHTW haha that's the OH told then, they most definitely will survive a few months :)
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Also any nice plans for the weekend ladies?

We're taking dd out for the bonfire and fireworks on Sunday night. Right now I feel like I want to spend as much time with her as I can before morning sickness/tiredness etc start. Wish they'd have moved it to Saturday night for school/nursery though :/
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Also any nice plans for the weekend ladies?

We're taking dd out for the bonfire and fireworks on Sunday night. Right now I feel like I want to spend as much time with her as I can before morning sickness/tiredness etc start. Wish they'd have moved it to Saturday night for school/nursery though :/

I'm wanting to take my little one to fireworks to. the big one here is on Saturday which is good although I don't know if I can be bothered with trying to park. trying to find a small one close by for Sunday to but our village isn't having one this year

enjoy your display! it's my los first so I'm fully expecting to leave after 3 mins haha
Also any nice plans for the weekend ladies?

We're taking dd out for the bonfire and fireworks on Sunday night. Right now I feel like I want to spend as much time with her as I can before morning sickness/tiredness etc start. Wish they'd have moved it to Saturday night for school/nursery though :/

I'm wanting to take my little one to fireworks to. the big one here is on Saturday which is good although I don't know if I can be bothered with trying to park. trying to find a small one close by for Sunday to but our village isn't having one this year

enjoy your display! it's my los first so I'm fully expecting to leave after 3 mins haha

Aw well that's good its on a Saturday! I know what you mean we have to park quite a while away and walk around and it gets packed out! :roll:

Haha its funny you should say that, my DH went to the big one last year at 2. It was Disney themed so I thought she would love it. 30 seconds into a 30 min display she was screaming, tears pouring and made me carry her as far away as possible. She finally picked up about about 2 mins before the end lol. You too, you never know, your LO might love it lol x

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