Ahh congrats on the scan

Does anyone know what point is safe to fly? My friends are looking at going to Dublin for a friends 30th in March its around an hours flight for us and i'll be roughly 21 weeks, is this ok? xx
Sarah, as other people have said it should be fine if your pregnancy is progressing normally. Each airline has its own "Pregnancy Policy" so have a look at them. Some are up to 25 weeks, others are 28. After their limits you then need a fit to fly letter from your midwife.
I had my scan this morning and all is fine! Such a relief and an incredible feeling seeing baba for the first time. I tried to upload a photo from my phone but it's too big and I've no idea how to change the size on it. They said baby is measuring as due date coming out three days later than what I originally thought, so 20th July.