Well scan went well, bit of a mess up as they didn't tick that i'd arrived so they were scanning people who arrived after, quickly rectified after hubby said why have they been seen first. Lucky I wasn't needing a wee too bad!
Anyway there is a very active little baby in there, measuring at 12w3days and 10th July EDD. So pretty much bang on my dates. Not purchased a pic yet as hubby has had to go out and want to choose one together at £10 each theyre not cheap, would love to have them all. Would of liked a video but not sure if they bother with that.
Had a blood test as opted for all the tests, I will get a call in a week if anything wrong otherwise i'll get a letter. So i'll be paranoid every time phone goes now
I'll get a letter through for next scan, gutted as thought they did it there and then

like having something to countdown to.
Still doesn't feel real, although feeling more real
Think we have pretty much decided to not findout the sex at next scan.