Do you get to hear the heartbeat at the 12 week scan? X
It wasn't even recorded at mine today, let alone hearing it. She did check it visually a few times, when she got the chance, lol.
She basically started out b asking about the downs/Edwards/Patau testing and I said to just go ahead as being there, I just thought, well, it's my only chance, so if I change my mind, I'll regret it. So, she waited to get a good enough pic for body measurement. Checked it a few times and recorded that. Then she did the Nuchal Fold test and measured that from a few different angles, all the same measurement. Then she did an anatomy check, which she said will be more detailed at the 20 week scan, but she likes to do it anyway, so she took stills of both arms and both legs and said everything was looking great. Then she got a really good close up of the head and for about 3 seconds on screen, we could see the profile of the face like it was almost in 3D. It genuinely shocked all of us. I said, "oh wow, look at that perfect little nose" and she said, "In 25 years I've never seen such a clear view of such a perfect little nose". I just laughed and said there's no wa it got daddy's massive honker then, lol. Then baby turned its back on us AGAIN before she could get a picture of it. We could see lips and chin really well too. Like looking at our little baby's face and it made everything oh so very real again. Like, we have an interactive little human in there now, not just a bean. If I poked, it wriggled
Yes, I'll probably be middle of June for actual C-section.