**** july mummies 2018 *****

Merry Christmas ladies and bumps. Hope you all have fabulous days.

The in laws didn't arrive yesterday til 2om and left at 9. They're not due here today until lunch time, so Santa really did turn up for me this year. A very much longer for baby on the way AND limited time with the in laws! Lol.

Much love to you all. Xxx
13 weeks today. My Xmas present was morning sickness haha! Was really bad. Feel better now though.

Have a nice Xmas all. This time next year we will have babies! X
Happy 13 weeks PB! Aw I've had sickness all day today, definitely not a great Xmas present lol

I am exhausted!! DD got spoilt and had a great day so I guess that all that matters. Been very emotional today that this is the last Christmas with just us and Ivy on her own. Even OH felt that way today lol and he's not fazed by anything. We've been doing a lot of " this time next year" today

I'm 25 in a few hours too and all I want for my birthday is sleep and a bath haha.

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you all had great days. GG hope the in laws weren't too bad xx
I'm in crippling pain from indigestion. My word who new it could get this bad.
Hope you all had a fab day! Xx
Merry Christmas to me I've got a bloody ear infection. Had a headache past couple days and my ankles are swollen like the elephant man's face. Didn't expect any swelling this soon!!!

Hope everyone is having a lovely day x
Happy 13 weeks PB! Aw I've had sickness all day today, definitely not a great Xmas present lol

I am exhausted!! DD got spoilt and had a great day so I guess that all that matters. Been very emotional today that this is the last Christmas with just us and Ivy on her own. Even OH felt that way today lol and he's not fazed by anything. We've been doing a lot of " this time next year" today

I'm 25 in a few hours too and all I want for my birthday is sleep and a bath haha.

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you all had great days. GG hope the in laws weren't too bad xx

The all talked loudly about the baby at the pub in front of all our friends last night. Luckily, Dan cottoned on quickly enough to distract them while so reminded them that nobody there knew and could they please keep it quiet.
Her response was to turn to her mum and say, "So, we're apparently not allowed to tell anyone" in a very shitty tone.

You know what, they've really upset Dan and I want to sleep tonight after giving him a huge cuddle so I'll save the rest for another day. Family all know now and we went public on Facebook so it's all very very real. Xx
Merry Christmas Ladies! I hope you all had fabulous days and were spoilt!

mine was great over at the in-laws, DD had a fantastic day and I'm on day 5 of not throwing up! even my reflux calmed down massively yesterday! God knows how and I took DD for a nap in MILs bed before lunch and felt lots of quickenings while lying there which was lovely

round 2 today with me cooking for my family, I suppose I best get up and start some prep! enjoy every one
Merry Christmas everyone hehe I know I'm late but I didn't pick up my phone at all yesterday haha hope everyone had a great day!

I'm off to a flying boxing day as I've developed some kind of mega cold and sore throat, stuffed up and coughing. Then on top of that I've the usual morning sickness and exhausted feeling. It's a delight. Had to call in sick to work and I've lost my voice and sounded stupid on the phone haha my mum is going to kill me. She made my life a living hell the last time I called in sick xx

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Oh Laura, I've just had the same thing. Morning sickness on top of a bad cold. Had to go home halfway through my shift and have spent the next few days in bed or on sofa. BBack at work today and really struggling....
Hello & Happy Boxing Day everyone!
Been following this thread since early Dec & thought it's time i said Hi. Told my family yesterday (they are very excited!).

First baby :) Due 31st July so I feel really behind you all!

Booking appointment with midwife is on 9th Jan in week 11... it feels like time has slowed! So exciting to see some of your scans already!

Have taken comfort in reading all your posts :) Hungover is a good description of early pregnancy! My nausea was made 10 times worse by a constant horrible metal/bitter taste.

Did any of you find the Pregnacare vitamins (I tried the ones with & without iron) gave you the metal taste? I stopped taking them last week after Googling & the metal taste got better. Just taking folic acid & vitamin D now.
Anyone had the same thing? I know we're all different, but if you did, did you find a pregnancy vitamin brand that didn't give you the bad taste?
Well my birthday present from baby today is all day morning sickness. At almost 13 weeks.Appreciated :roll: Not one card from the in laws, nothing. Spent a fortune on them for Xmas. A little upset to be honest. Paid £200 for my father in laws dj on Feb for his birthday party. I'm writing this birthday off the sooner it's over the better! Maybe I'm a little sensitive today...

GG that's very uncalled for. Poor Dan. They really don't make life easy for him at all. Which is probably harder for you seeing it than him too.Hopefully today has been a better day for you than me! Xx

Welcome Nina.I always saw guests on this thread haha welcome the July thread. I'm sure it will speed up soon for you. For me Pregnacare were impossible to take. I'm just taking normal folic acid with vit c and d
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Hello & Happy Boxing Day everyone!
Been following this thread since early Dec & thought it's time i said Hi. Told my family yesterday (they are very excited!).

First baby :) Due 31st July so I feel really behind you all!

Booking appointment with midwife is on 9th Jan in week 11... it feels like time has slowed! So exciting to see some of your scans already!

Have taken comfort in reading all your posts :) Hungover is a good description of early pregnancy! My nausea was made 10 times worse by a constant horrible metal/bitter taste.

Did any of you find the Pregnacare vitamins (I tried the ones with & without iron) gave you the metal taste? I stopped taking them last week after Googling & the metal taste got better. Just taking folic acid & vitamin D now.
Anyone had the same thing? I know we're all different, but if you did, did you find a pregnancy vitamin brand that didn't give you the bad taste?

Pregnacare made me have orange cm, lol. Found out it's just because I get good levels of everything in my normal diet so my body was getting rid of loads of excess nutrients and vitamins, lol.

Not sure about metal taste but sounds perfectly reasonable to me.

Welcome to July mummies. I'll actually be having mine in June as have to go early but staying in here as we're all at the same stage give or take a few weeks.

We're your family thrilled for you? X
Hello & Happy Boxing Day everyone!
Been following this thread since early Dec & thought it's time i said Hi. Told my family yesterday (they are very excited!).

First baby :) Due 31st July so I feel really behind you all!

Booking appointment with midwife is on 9th Jan in week 11... it feels like time has slowed! So exciting to see some of your scans already!

Have taken comfort in reading all your posts :) Hungover is a good description of early pregnancy! My nausea was made 10 times worse by a constant horrible metal/bitter taste.

Did any of you find the Pregnacare vitamins (I tried the ones with & without iron) gave you the metal taste? I stopped taking them last week after Googling & the metal taste got better. Just taking folic acid & vitamin D now.
Anyone had the same thing? I know we're all different, but if you did, did you find a pregnancy vitamin brand that didn't give you the bad taste?

Pregnacare made me have orange cm, lol. Found out it's just because I get good levels of everything in my normal diet so my body was getting rid of loads of excess nutrients and vitamins, lol.

Not sure about metal taste but sounds perfectly reasonable to me.

Welcome to July mummies. I'll actually be having mine in June as have to go early but staying in here as we're all at the same stage give or take a few weeks.

We're your family thrilled for you? X

Yes thank you! Lots of happy tears from everyone, especially my Grandma who's in her 90's, it made her Christmas! Although we probably should have told them before as I now have a bottle of vodka, baileys & champagne to hoard for 7 more months! :lol:

Sorry to hear your news was not so discreetly being discussed at the pub. Silly people!
Happy bday Shan!!!!! x

Sorry to hear some of us have been feeling crappy :hugs: My dear daughter has given me her cold... again! And she still isn't well so that's us both feeling low. Back to wor tomorow nooooooooo :(

Welcome Nina. Wishing you happy and healthy pregnancy xx Ps. My daughter's name is Nina :) x
Hello & Happy Boxing Day everyone!
Been following this thread since early Dec & thought it's time i said Hi. Told my family yesterday (they are very excited!).

First baby :) Due 31st July so I feel really behind you all!

Booking appointment with midwife is on 9th Jan in week 11... it feels like time has slowed! So exciting to see some of your scans already!

Have taken comfort in reading all your posts :) Hungover is a good description of early pregnancy! My nausea was made 10 times worse by a constant horrible metal/bitter taste.

Did any of you find the Pregnacare vitamins (I tried the ones with & without iron) gave you the metal taste? I stopped taking them last week after Googling & the metal taste got better. Just taking folic acid & vitamin D now.
Anyone had the same thing? I know we're all different, but if you did, did you find a pregnancy vitamin brand that didn't give you the bad taste?

Pregnacare made me have orange cm, lol. Found out it's just because I get good levels of everything in my normal diet so my body was getting rid of loads of excess nutrients and vitamins, lol.

Not sure about metal taste but sounds perfectly reasonable to me.

Welcome to July mummies. I'll actually be having mine in June as have to go early but staying in here as we're all at the same stage give or take a few weeks.

We're your family thrilled for you? X

Yes thank you! Lots of happy tears from everyone, especially my Grandma who's in her 90's, it made her Christmas! Although we probably should have told them before as I now have a bottle of vodka, baileys & champagne to hoard for 7 more months! :lol:

Sorry to hear your news was not so discreetly being discussed at the pub. Silly people!

They're not silly, the do it on purpose. They are indescribably malicious.

Anyway, luckily, the only person who heard, already knew.

Still, we spent last night at my sisters for the annual get together of them, my nieces, parent and cousin and his wife. We had a great night and got my nieces a card that said, "cousins" on the front and had a scan picture inside. They are 15 and 10. We all expected the 10yr old to be super excited, but the 15yr old...everything is boring to her at the moment, so we were expecting a smile and grunt, lol. They both dropped their jaws, looked at me and Dan and asked if it was what they thought and was it real, then both screamed, cried, jumped around and got ridiculously excited. It was so lovely.

Shame the in laws are a bunch of twats and yes...I really do mean that. Seen them three days on the trot now and they've reduced Dan to a bloody wreck of emotion again.

I may have made a few points clear to his sister today, doubt it will help at all though.

Annnnnd, breathe, lol.
Thanks KHTW :) Sorry to hear youre feeling rubbish :hugs: Pregnancy and colds don't mix at all. Hopefully dd feels better soon. Makes it 10x worse when they aren't well too xx
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Good morning!

Gosh GG, I really wonder what is the point getting together with them?! I would just tell the to f off!! Seems like your side of family is much nicer to be around. Fantastic reaction from the girls!
We told the nieces and nephews yesterday when we all met up for lunch at OH sister's house. The boys are 12,11 and 8 and the my niece is 7. They were all SUPER SHOCKED and speechless which doesn't happen very often. Then there immediately started to count how many cousins they are going to have in total now and debating whether it may be a boy or a girl. It was sweet :)

Back to work today, full of cold and after a horrible night of sleep. Roll on 3pm!! There is only 4 of us at the office so maybe we will all leave after lunch... yeah right!

I am telling my manager today. I have my nhs scan on the 4th so figured I may as well tell them and be able to take a couple of hrs off work for it rather than waste a day off.

Hope you are all doing well!! Can't believe Christmas is over! x
Good morning!

Gosh GG, I really wonder what is the point getting together with them?! I would just tell the to f off!! Seems like your side of family is much nicer to be around. Fantastic reaction from the girls!
We told the nieces and nephews yesterday when we all met up for lunch at OH sister's house. The boys are 12,11 and 8 and the my niece is 7. They were all SUPER SHOCKED and speechless which doesn't happen very often. Then there immediately started to count how many cousins they are going to have in total now and debating whether it may be a boy or a girl. It was sweet :)

Back to work today, full of cold and after a horrible night of sleep. Roll on 3pm!! There is only 4 of us at the office so maybe we will all leave after lunch... yeah right!

I am telling my manager today. I have my nhs scan on the 4th so figured I may as well tell them and be able to take a couple of hrs off work for it rather than waste a day off.

Hope you are all doing well!! Can't believe Christmas is over! x

Ah, that's lovely. Yeah, we were very close to doing that but long story short, couldn't.

Good luck today.

We have our dating scan at 9am. Trying to drink plenty now, lol

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