**** july mummies 2018 *****

Thank you, been so so so worried about looking like I've eaten 1000 burgers instead of being pregnant lol
Thank you, been so so so worried about looking like I've eaten 1000 burgers instead of being pregnant lol

I'm a size 1t and 5'4" so feel the same way. I know I will get a proper looking bump, but it'll just look like I've been little miss piggy eating too much until I'm further down the line, lol
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5 sleeps til my dating scan.

'LL, no...doubtful as the scan will need to be booked in. It does seem a bit late so maybe call and see if they can bring it forward or book the scan ahead of time?
I might try and see cuz the booking appointment is like 2 days before I'm 12 weeks.. Hmm. Such a pain cuz I don't really know when I'll get time to call during times they're open xx

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5 sleeps til my dating scan.

'LL, no...doubtful as the scan will need to be booked in. It does seem a bit late so maybe call and see if they can bring it forward or book the scan ahead of time?
I might try and see cuz the booking appointment is like 2 days before I'm 12 weeks.. Hmm. Such a pain cuz I don't really know when I'll get time to call during times they're open xx

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If you want the tests done, you'll still have 2 weeks to get the scan booked in so you should still be okay xx
I thought the booking appointment should be within 8-10 weeks x
Scan was OK, baby fine. Couldn't get a good pic cos s/he was on its head and facing my back aha. I'm only measuring 1 day behind now! So I'll be past for my dating scan. I feel to shit to try and explain over the phone. I'm just going to have the blood test. Been asleep since I got back. Threw up in the car and couldn't stop.

Shan, I think the nausea can get worse around 12 before the calms down. Pretty sure happened toe with dd then went at 16 weeks. Seems be to happening again lol.
Jem, there is a difference! I was a 14 with dd and had a noticeable bump at 16 weeks. I'm a 16-18 now but my belly never went down properly so it's going out alot faster. Xx
I thought the booking appointment should be within 8-10 weeks x

Ideally but it's mainly to make sure you know what foods to avoid and make sure you're taking folic and vitamin D.

Seems a few have had to wait absolutely ages!
aw jemrose that's definitely a bump. lovely

I've just had my letter back and everything was low risk, 1 in 50,000. I'd totally forgotten about it tbh but I'm glad all is well

God my food shop was a nightmare, 2h it took me! absolute hell how busy it was thankfully DD was a saint and kept me entertained. I was shattered by the end, although I took DD for a pub lunch after and had a fantastic burger which perked me up, then we got home and OH said he'd take her round the sheep so I've had 30 minutes chill and now going to do some cleaning. can't wait for bed though
PB glad scan went well, what a little monkey already! x

Jem I can see a bump! Mine is tiny but defo there! x

Shep that sounds like my worst nightmare (the shopping). Glad you had a nice lunch and a bit of rest after. Also yay for good results x

DD still has fever. We just napped for 2 hours and chilling now. Have GP at 4.40... hope it's nothin too bad x
PB glad scan went well, what a little monkey already! x

Jem I can see a bump! Mine is tiny but defo there! x

Shep that sounds like my worst nightmare (the shopping). Glad you had a nice lunch and a bit of rest after. Also yay for good results x

DD still has fever. We just napped for 2 hours and chilling now. Have GP at 4.40... hope it's nothin too bad x

All of the above...apart from the napping. Not managed that yet. Not sure what I've done today actually. Been busy all day but can't see what I've achieved as house still looks like a tip and all I actually feel that I've achieved is picking up our 6.5kg turkey crown from the butcher and buying a load of meat along with it. Good job we bought a massive fridge and freezer this year! Lol
5 sleeps til my dating scan.

'LL, no...doubtful as the scan will need to be booked in. It does seem a bit late so maybe call and see if they can bring it forward or book the scan ahead of time?
I might try and see cuz the booking appointment is like 2 days before I'm 12 weeks.. Hmm. Such a pain cuz I don't really know when I'll get time to call during times they're open xx

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If you want the tests done, you'll still have 2 weeks to get the scan booked in so you should still be okay xx
I don't even know what tests :( what are they xx

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All done with work now until 8 Jan. Am at the in laws for Christmas and they know I’m pregnant but my brother in law and his fiancée and granddad don’t t so my mil and fil are in on the secret and will be covertly serving me non alcoholic drinks and decaf tea/coffee, think they are enjoying the idea of us all having a secret for a few days quite a lot haha.

My scan is 29th at 0900..... relaxed at the moment but may be more nervous as time goes on. I worry that apart from tiredness and sore boobs and bloating I’m feeling quite a lot better than I did at the start of the week whilst everyone else is vomiting into plant pots and what have you... I’m sure all is fine :)
Laura, it's for Edwards, downs and another one I can't remember. At your booking appointment they will explain everything dont worry x

I have fking tonsillitis. For Xmas. :/
Laura, it's for Edwards, downs and another one I can't remember. At your booking appointment they will explain everything dont worry x

I have fking tonsillitis. For Xmas. :/

Edwards, downs and Patau syndromes.

I opted not to be tested but at your booking appointment, your midwife will talk you through it and ask you what you want to do. If you want to know more, pm me an email address and I'll scan my copy of the booklet over to you so you can get learning now. Xxx
Wow I've not been on for a few days and I've got loads of pages I need to catch up on hahaha

I woke yesterday at 5am dreaming about pain because I was Gabi g really bad stomach pains. I tried to get through the day with them but come 4pm they hadn't subsided so I phoned the EPU and they told me to come in for a look. They did a scan and baby is fine and was very active, it wouldn't stay still ha. They did a urine test but that was fine so shes putting my pain dowm to growing. She said in pregnancies after your first the stretchi g can be more painful. I jist meed to see how i go.
It's a good relieve though knowing everything is fine.
I'm glad your scan went okay flowerbomb it must have been a big relief

I'm not sure if anyone will be able to offer me any advice but..

last night I got up at 5ish (I think) for a wee; I fell/stumbled across my room into the wardrobe and wall, I felt like my right side had gone to sleep. anyway I managed to stumble to the toilet but the whole time I felt really weird and that I would fall off. I felt dizzy but it was hard to tell as this all happened in the dark. I made it back to bed and felt like my right side felt numb, I checked my fingers and toes were all working and managed to get back to sleep. this morning I feel quite dizzy, I haven't stumbled anymore but I don't feel right. I've eaten breakfast so I'm sure that's helping but does anyone know what this could be? too much salt? a lack of sugar? just a pregnancy thing? I've never in my life experienced anything like this. my diet is pretty good and I've been drinking loads but it's just given me a fright
Flower, glad to hear the scan went well. Hope the pain doesn't bother you anymore x

Shep, getting dizzy when up quickly is something I alway get but not sure about the numbness... perhaps it was the way you slept?? If it happens again I'd ask a doctor x
DD was up all night with fever. I am knackered but have so much to do today. Could murder OH for not having a driving licence!! Means I will have to do all the shopping and collections today. Just waiting for little miss to wake up now x
Thanks :) I think we will just wait for the booking info. I'm already at information overload haha I don't think we will opt for the tests anyway as it won't make any difference for us. I'm struggling so much in work today cuz my head is killing me. Not prone to headaches so when I do get them I'm a baby about it and don't know what to do haha xx

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Laura if you dont want them that's fine. But they'll still give you all the information about it. :) I personally would like to know, it's more the Edwards I want.

IDK why this site says 14 weeks is second tri and everything else is 13 weeks... I'm in the second trimester on Xmas :) x

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