**** july mummies 2018 *****

Well done Jem, bet it feels good getting it of your chest with work! x

Aberdeen maternity refuse to tell you the gender so we will go privet. Looking at the start of February. Then we will have a 4d when visiting my mum in Poland so that she can see the baby, I'll be 24 weeks then x
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God I really hope all is well at the scan this saturday :pray:
Haha Laura. I used to be obsessed with Indian food! But with dd and this pregnancy makes me feel so sick.
Used to live by an Indian lady that made proper Indian food the veg Samoas, OMG so much better than takeaway ones. Eveything tastes better home made.
OMG khtw, why not?! So unfair. X
I'm waiting for my NHS 20 weeks one. 5th February! I'm sure the time will fly around after Christmas. I might consider a 4D scan in May as an end of lambing treat and for DDs birthday but only if there's a good group on offer

Are you allowed to be involved with the planning? I've been told in no uncertain terms not to go anywhere near any birthing fluids or products so I'm not to assist with the foaling and kidding this coming Spring. Even my vet told me not to and he'd come out any hours rather than me do anything as it's too risky for a pregnant woman.

I can't believe most of us are about to have our 12 week scans and yet, we seem so close to that 20 week one. It's crazy, but amazing :lol:
Haha Laura. I used to be obsessed with Indian food! But with dd and this pregnancy makes me feel so sick.
Used to live by an Indian lady that made proper Indian food the veg Samoas, OMG so much better than takeaway ones. Eveything tastes better home made.
OMG khtw, why not?! So unfair. X

I can't wait to do a curry night. I LOVE veg pakoras but any time I've had them out, they are nothing like the ones a good home cook does for their family. Luckily Dan is from Manchester so lots of his friends mums have helped me learn loads of authentic recipes.

KHTW still think it's really unfair you can't be told when in Dundee you can. You'd think Scotland would have the same guidelines. I know they have to say "it's never 100% and we could be wrong but" but they still tell you.

Curries are a no for me. I looove Indian but my heartburn is a killer already plus the acid reflux lol

Dinner was nice. Mil went to the bathroom so we set the gift box on the table for her coming back. Said Ivy has an early Xmas present for you. She was suspicious and when she opened it she almost read the back first but switched it round in time.She loves anything Gran/grandad type gifts. She went oh I get why you gave it early so I could hang on the tree. So we had to tell her to turn it around lol and she burst out crying at the table haha
GG what is your pub called? We’re 20 mins from Minsterworth and always looking for a nice pub to get food at :)
GG what is your pub called? We’re 20 mins from Minsterworth and always looking for a nice pub to get food at :)

It's the Severn Bore. New bar manager is in the process of taking over and I'm obviously taking over the kitchen. There's a mountain of work to do to get it up to scratch as it's been really run down over the last few years. First with a landlord that ruined the place in a physical sense and the past two years it's been run by a family who, whilst lovely, have only done basket meals with frozen stuff from bookers and the odd steak night.

It's got such massive potential. I've got the kitchen up to 5 star rating and in the New year, there will be a full menu. Not a massive menu as I put quality over quantity but, it'll be burgers, steaks, a few old favourites and daily specials which is where I'll be having fun.

Whereabouts are you? Great to know there will be a new mum close by. Are you a first time mum too?

KHTW still think it's really unfair you can't be told when in Dundee you can. You'd think Scotland would have the same guidelines. I know they have to say "it's never 100% and we could be wrong but" but they still tell you.

Curries are a no for me. I looove Indian but my heartburn is a killer already plus the acid reflux lol

Dinner was nice. Mil went to the bathroom so we set the gift box on the table for her coming back. Said Ivy has an early Xmas present for you. She was suspicious and when she opened it she almost read the back first but switched it round in time.She loves anything Gran/grandad type gifts. She went oh I get why you gave it early so I could hang on the tree. So we had to tell her to turn it around lol and she burst out crying at the table haha

Oh wow. What a lovely reaction :hug::hug::hug:
Ladies...my boobs feel like this :holly:

And, I'm REALLY sorry for the TIM, but I have a spot/cyst/ball of pus the size of a broad bean in my labia. I'm quite neat down there so it felt odd when I wiped this morning as a bit of labia was sticking out. This afternoon it felt huge so I got the mirror out. :shock::shock::shock:

Anyone else? I'm not sure what to do. Lol

Oh and I can't remember who was having trouble with cleaning and flossing teeth...ME TOO! I do it but have missed a few times or brushed without toothpaste. It's a nightmare.
I'm waiting for my NHS 20 weeks one. 5th February! I'm sure the time will fly around after Christmas. I might consider a 4D scan in May as an end of lambing treat and for DDs birthday but only if there's a good group on offer

Are you allowed to be involved with the planning? I've been told in no uncertain terms not to go anywhere near any birthing fluids or products so I'm not to assist with the foaling and kidding this coming Spring. Even my vet told me not to and he'd come out any hours rather than me do anything as it's too risky for a pregnant woman.

I can't believe most of us are about to have our 12 week scans and yet, we seem so close to that 20 week one. It's crazy, but amazing :lol:

no unfortunately I will have very little to do with it. usually I've got a shed of 500 to look after and I'm quite territorial about it, I hated when I was pg with DD unable to help at such a stressful time. tbh we vaccine against toxoplasmosis so the risk really is tiny but obviously not worth it. I'll still check stock for oh and I'm in charge of feeding the crew. the worst part is DD will want to be up there every day feeding and looking after the pets but we'll have to work around oh

I didn't know the risks were the same with horses, Do you have help?
GG what is your pub called? We’re 20 mins from Minsterworth and always looking for a nice pub to get food at :)

It's the Severn Bore. New bar manager is in the process of taking over and I'm obviously taking over the kitchen. There's a mountain of work to do to get it up to scratch as it's been really run down over the last few years. First with a landlord that ruined the place in a physical sense and the past two years it's been run by a family who, whilst lovely, have only done basket meals with frozen stuff from bookers and the odd steak night.

It's got such massive potential. I've got the kitchen up to 5 star rating and in the New year, there will be a full menu. Not a massive menu as I put quality over quantity but, it'll be burgers, steaks, a few old favourites and daily specials which is where I'll be having fun.

Whereabouts are you? Great to know there will be a new mum close by. Are you a first time mum too?


Ah I was wondering if it was the Severn Bore! I googled pubs in Minsterworth and that was the top result!
I think a small menu is a good idea, do a few dishes and do them well! Too many places, especially pubs have an over ambitious menu I think and it’s just too much!
There’s a pub near us that does amazing Sunday lunches, that’s all they do on sundays and they just nail it and that’s what people want!

Sounds like you’ve got a great project on yours hands, we love our food in this house :)

We are over in Cheltenham and yes - a first timer here :)
GG could it be an ingrown hair? if it's on the inner labia I'd get it checked out just in case. I had an ingrown hair some time last year and it was such a pain constantly catching on my knickers. I'd be squeezing it mind, I wouldn't be able to help myself if I was you
Awh shan how lovely :) x

GG I would get the Dr to have a look, I've never herd of that before.
I love a good pub lunch.
We was gonna go for a carvery today, but we're both so poorly.
As for teeth, whenever I brush it's just blood, I even wake up with my gums bleeding. Only brush em once a day now. I can't do it for long either or I'll make me sick from having something in my mouth aha. X
Shep, yep...any after birth materials in the animal kingdom and there's no vaccination with horses..only flu and tet. God, I bet that's a nightmare, I'm a total control freak with the horses so god knows how I'd cope watching someone else manage 500 animals!!

Fela, I'll be doing the same on Sunday's here. Just carvery, that's it. It's long been known for a good carvery but I know it was always gravy from a tub and frozen Yorkshire puds. Not any more. I'm desperate to give people proper roast potatoes as well lol.

I'll let you know when the full menu is on...will do a July mummies discount ;)
Haha can just imagine like a pub being overrun with pregnant woman eating everything haha.
Haha can just imagine like a pub being overrun with pregnant woman eating everything haha.

Hahaaa, that would be awesome :)

It can't be an ingrown hair as never had hairs there. It's really odd. Will see what it does in the coming days. Might be just irritation from wearing pantyliners. My period is 3 really light days so I literally wear little pads for the three days. I've been using pantyliner for a couple of weeks now due to increase in cm so it might be that that's aggravated that bit of skin.
Ah it could be. I get irritation if I wear them too long. I just change my underwear a few times if I have lots of CM.
Stop wearing them see if it goes away
Ah it could be. I get irritation if I wear them too long. I just change my underwear a few times if I have lots of CM.
Stop wearing them see if it goes away

I have just removed and put new knickers on, lol.
I was wondering, a question especially for those of you who aren’t new to this... when did you think you started to noticeably have a bump? I mean at the moment I think I’m just looking a bit fat with all the bloating...I’ve been too exhausted to exercise for weeks and I’ve dug out my big jeans lol...

But I guess I was wondering when I might start looking obviously pregnant rather than like I’ve over indulged over Christmas? Any ideas? I’ll be 14 weeks by the time I get back to the office and wondering if I ought to tell them before it looks obvious!

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