**** july mummies 2018 *****

I was wondering, a question especially for those of you who aren’t new to this... when did you think you started to noticeably have a bump? I mean at the moment I think I’m just looking a bit fat with all the bloating...I’ve been too exhausted to exercise for weeks and I’ve dug out my big jeans lol...

But I guess I was wondering when I might start looking obviously pregnant rather than like I’ve over indulged over Christmas? Any ideas? I’ll be 14 weeks by the time I get back to the office and wondering if I ought to tell them before it looks obvious!

Tell them you feel it is right.

I can feel mine quite earlybwhen I lie down and put my hand on it and I'm aware of it when I bend down to put socks/shoes on. I'm 5'4 and size 14 so nobody would see the bump through the belly yet but I know it's there.
16 weeks my bump came with dd. This I've been sticking out since about 10 weeks. If my baby wasn't so young people would have guessed by now lol x

No sleep, all night. Got hubby tossing and turning all night, my throat kills, and everytime I'm half asleep my cough will wake me again. :/
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Morning ladies!

GG I think I had what you have and it went away after just over a week x

Fella everyone is different but if this is your first 16 weeks or later I would say x

PB that sucks! Try and catch a nap with DD x

I feel asleep with DD before 8pm and slept like a log. For once!!!
Last day at work today yay!!!! :dance:
with my first I had a noticeable little bump at 14/15 weeks (i was 5"5 and 9.5 stone) this time it popped out quickly at 10 weeks. I definitely look pregnant now. when my ibs is flaring up I look the same size as my SIL who is about 23 weeks I think. I tried on a tight dress for the big Christmas meal with all my husband's family today, when you look at me from the front you can't tell, I've still very much got a little waist and then bigger hips but from the side, wow you can tell

everyone is different mind, weight, body shape, abdominal muscles all come into play
I just registered with Emma's diary and ordered a few freebies :D xx
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I'm too scared to register lol, I've been looking but can't bring myself to do it just yet x
I keep getting shit still. Had a weaning book come through its actually really good. Signed up to so much shit aha.

Drs called me this morning, saying I need to go in today to discuss blood test results about my stomach! Was like WTF. My white blood count was high. Well he asked about it and everything said my stomach feels fine and he doesn't think it's anything with my stomach. I said my throat has been sore, he had a look and said I have a throat infection which is why its been so painful and would explain the blood results. Said to carry on with the anti biotics I'm taking till Xmas and should clear up. Said it might turn into tonsillitis I have puss filled stuff and blood apparently ughhh.
I keep getting shit still. Had a weaning book come through its actually really good. Signed up to so much shit aha.

Drs called me this morning, saying I need to go in today to discuss blood test results about my stomach! Was like WTF. My white blood count was high. Well he asked about it and everything said my stomach feels fine and he doesn't think it's anything with my stomach. I said my throat has been sore, he had a look and said I have a throat infection which is why its been so painful and would explain the blood results. Said to carry on with the anti biotics I'm taking till Xmas and should clear up. Said it might turn into tonsillitis I have puss filled stuff and blood apparently ughhh.

Ugh, tonsilitis as an adult is bloody awful so I hope the AB's work and it doesn't get that far.

I have so much to do today. 48 hours until the in-laws arrive and I have done fuck all. To be fair, having horses on box rest again and doing the pub really isn't helping but...I still haven't done the Christmas clean (this is paramount in order to avoid the inevitable comments from the in laws) so I haven't decorated anything, tree and all devs are still in the garage. I have only bought three gifts. I have no idea what to buy Dan and I never normally struggle buying for him.

Our bedroom needs a total clear-out as last night I realised damp has been coming in at the corner so need to re-concrete the outside wall and get a dehumidifier in there but I get paranoid as all my clothes felt cold this morning so I worry about damp. Do, that's a couple of days worth of laundry to do to relax again. Not bought any Christmas food yet either, lol.

I'm usually on it like a car bonnet at Christmas, this year, totally shattered and can't be arsed, lol
Well we're the least festive bunch of ladies ever aren't we lol.

PB that's rubbish hun. I hope the antibiotics work and it's doesn't turn into tonsillitis for you. It's the worst. I dodged the worst of mine this time but it can be awful! Especially at Xmas ugh one thing after another sometimes xx

GG I've got to go get all my xmas stuff tomorrow. Same as you this year I can't be bothered I'm too tired all the time. Nothing puts me in a worse mood than crazy people in their crazy Christmas rush :roll: But it has to be done.

Currently the midst of my Christmas clean. Should have been done ages ago. You know the type where you clear out everything, cupboards etc and end up making twice as much mess to clean up? Yep. Don't know why I'm bothering. We're having this Christmas just the three of us because it's our last one with just dd. Visitors but nobody's stay for dinner for once so o should just leave most of it. But mess makes me mad lol

KHTW thanks for that! Gonna use the bonusprint discount to make a photo book of every OH from DD for his birthday:) If I ever get out of the mess I've created haha! Xx
Well we're the least festive bunch of ladies ever aren't we lol.

PB that's rubbish hun. I hope the antibiotics work and it's doesn't turn into tonsillitis for you. It's the worst. I dodged the worst of mine this time but it can be awful! Especially at Xmas ugh one thing after another sometimes xx

GG I've got to go get all my xmas stuff tomorrow. Same as you this year I can't be bothered I'm too tired all the time. Nothing puts me in a worse mood than crazy people in their crazy Christmas rush :roll: But it has to be done.

Currently the midst of my Christmas clean. Should have been done ages ago. You know the type where you clear out everything, cupboards etc and end up making twice as much mess to clean up? Yep. Don't know why I'm bothering. We're having this Christmas just the three of us because it's our last one with just dd. Visitors but nobody's stay for dinner for once so o should just leave most of it. But mess makes me mad lol

KHTW thanks for that! Gonna use the bonusprint discount to make a photo book of every OH from DD for his birthday:) If I ever get out of the mess I've created haha! Xx

That's exactly the kind of clean I'm doing! It always looks worse before it starts to look better and I certainly look like the wild woman of Borneo when I'm in the midst of it, lol. I'm enjoying the regular distractions of the forum.

I've just had a booking for a party of 15 next Thursday so I need to do a festive menu for them. Best part is they're staying at the "party house" about 400 yards from the Pub, so I'm going to ask them to mention us when they leave reviews on the accommodation websites as well as on ours! Can't beat a bit of free marketing. Off to ask the neighbours son if he'll wait the table for me for the night...so exciting :(
Oh PB! Hope you steer clear of tonsillitis!! x

I am NOT doing any special xmas cleaning! No way in hell!! Floors will get hoovered and mopped, house dusted, bedding changed and that is that! x
Ahh I had my tonsils out at 18 and the worst thing I've ever been through. I still get a sore throat even now, but I'm glad I don't get tonsillitis anymore - although sometimes I think my tonsils have risen from the dead to torture me haha
Oh PB! Hope you steer clear of tonsillitis!! x

I am NOT doing any special xmas cleaning! No way in hell!! Floors will get hoovered and mopped, house dusted, bedding changed and that is that! x

It's my desire to be smug that fuels me to do it. Lol

The MIL and SIL like to judge cleanliness (even though their house is far from perfect) so they hate when they can't find anything to comment on and I love that it pisses them off. Childish? Probably...but I don't care.
GG I'm usually finished with Xmas way in advance and have all my lists. This year I don't even know what bloody day it is. Baby brain already aha.
Our house is a right mess but we're both poorly, lol no one comes over anyway.
I've never had tonsillitis, I'm a right mess already, was in asda and started crying for absolutely no reason what so ever. Embarrassed much. Think lack of sleep with illness and hormones is making me crazy.
Anyway. I got my dating scan through... They've put it for the 3rd January, I'll be past 14 weeks (14 on the 1st) so what the fuck. I'm really pissed off and hubby was like well 2 days won't make a difference then had a massive argument because obviously it does matter or the cut off wouldn't be 14+1 for fuck sake! They seem to like to piss me around and fgs I had enough of that with the miscarriage specialist then with my last pregnancy now again. No fuck off.
FFS PB I'd be so annoyed. Can't you ring them and say because of a massive fuck up with your midwife your scan is past 14 weeks which now means they have taken the choice away from you to have the tests done that you wanted! It's your baby, your choice and say you want the tests done so they better get you in sooner than the 3rd!!
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FFS PB I'd be so annoyed. Can't you ring them and say because of a massive fuck up with your midwife your scan is past 14 weeks which now means they have taken the choice away from you to have the tests done that you wanted! It's your baby, your choice and say you want the tests done so they better get you in sooner than the 3rd!!


Call the ultrasound department directly and tell them you want the tests but only had your booking in appointment last week and the mw has seriously let you down. Ask them also, if they say they can't change the date and give you the tests you have EVERY RIGHT TO...to give you the details of where to send a complaint. Say that you have miscarriage history, have been ignored by your mw until it was too late and refuse to be treated so poorly.

I would imagine they'll fit you in. I mean...give them fucking hell or actually, I would just go down there and speak to them in person!
Called them and they said they're going from my early pregnancy scan (which I was told not to do because they can't measure properly) but theyve put it like that. So if it is wrong and my period is right then I'm over. Was only 3 days off so cutting it close imo x
GG I'm usually finished with Xmas way in advance and have all my lists. This year I don't even know what bloody day it is. Baby brain already aha.
Our house is a right mess but we're both poorly, lol no one comes over anyway.
I've never had tonsillitis, I'm a right mess already, was in asda and started crying for absolutely no reason what so ever. Embarrassed much. Think lack of sleep with illness and hormones is making me crazy.
Anyway. I got my dating scan through... They've put it for the 3rd January, I'll be past 14 weeks (14 on the 1st) so what the fuck. I'm really pissed off and hubby was like well 2 days won't make a difference then had a massive argument because obviously it does matter or the cut off wouldn't be 14+1 for fuck sake! They seem to like to piss me around and fgs I had enough of that with the miscarriage specialist then with my last pregnancy now again. No fuck off.

PB, I am annoyed for you!!!! x

But just a little note 14+1 is the cut of date and still OK for tests (unless baby is measuring bigger) x

I'll be 13+4 for mine and they wouldn't change it for that reason x
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Yep I was told at my early scan that they can't date me from there because the baby is much too little to get an accurate measurement!! PB I honestly wouldn't stand for them fobbing you off like that, definitely do what GG said and ring again asking for the name of who you can complain to!!
Called them and they said they're going from my early pregnancy scan (which I was told not to do because they can't measure properly) but theyve put it like that. So if it is wrong and my period is right then I'm over. Was only 3 days off so cutting it close imo x

I do think they probably can still run the tests but I'm honestly really fucked off for you.

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