I haven't been here for a while so just catching up on most of the month! Hugs to those that haven't got their bfp this month.
Big congratulations to those that have.
Last time I wrote I was a few weeks post surgical management of ectopic. I ended up doing a pregnancy test 3+4 days post surgery because I had sudden onset abdominal pain and as only part of my fallopian tube was taken I was worried I was still pregnant. And it was very positive.
I ended up going to the gynae ward for a beta HCG which was still too high for that long post surgery. So I went back the next day for a scan (clear) and another beta which had increased by >100 to 994.
It was deemed that I had likely 'persistent trophoblast of pregnancy' - where some of the cells weren't taken and started to divide and cause my hcg to go up again. So in addition to surgical management of ectopic, I had to have medical management of ectopic which I had so far managed to avoid. It's a drug called methotrexate which is really toxic. It seems to be doing the trick as my hcg is now dropping and I got my period yesterday. Back to EPAU tomorrow and hoping that my hcg will be 0 and I will be discharged, able to restart folic acid and then in 3 months go back for an embryo transfer. The methotrexate means we need to wait 3 months.
Just want it to be over