One thing I picked up on was not to read up on low morphology (or any issues really) google is not a friend. I did find a study that was looking into pregnancy rates of men with 0% morphology. I have attached it below. The general point I got from this was even when they had 0 normal morphology a large number of men were getting their partners pregnant with out the need for medical assistance. It would just take a lot longer than normal.
I took a lot of positives from this as that’s for 0% so that would mean those with 1% 2% and 3% would also have success but slightly higher rates.
I did further reading and the consensus was if needed to do ivf then with low morphology it was recommend to use icsi. I took from this that it would be possible either way.
I hope it helps. I must have ready every article going. It only takes one sperm. An abnormal sperm can fertilise an egg. Xx
Men with a complete absence of normal sperm morphology exhibit high rates of success without assisted reproduction