July 2016 Mummies to be!

I've also booked our NCT course, pregnancy yoga and looked ito our local sling library and breast feeding group xx
Wow you are all so organised ha ha
I need to write a list, I should have a lot but know I need to buy
New cot as Noah has chewed this one
New car to fit them all in
New mattresses for cots and Moses basket as you are not supposed to reuse them

I need to look what I have in the loft as I should have a lot of the rest.

I am planning to breast feed again, if I didn't I think work would be unhappy ha ha I loved it though so no reason I shouldn't be successful at it again.

I didn't pump last time so may invest in a madela pump, has anyone used them?
So organised Were going to the baby show end of Feb so will be more organised then. I used a medlela pump with my daughter and thought it was really good I plan to express more this time as ideally I would like to be able tostill take my daughter out whilst oh babysits for a few hours
I am a bosom buddy for the NHS also work on the postnatal word and that's what we use there but never tried them myself so will give it a go this time as I didn't get much off the couple of times I attempted last time hence not doing it x
I wouldn't both with baby baths! I had one with my first and used it 3 times. It really was just pointless. It was heavy with water and was so impractical. Just my opinion xxx

Also ladies your going to need a good pregnancy/breastfeeding feeding pillow x I found the V shaped ones and the long ones really helpful x

I am going to babywear this time. I was worried about bonding with the new baby due to having a 1 year old running about so I need to find a slight get library! I plan on reusing everything I already have.
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I wouldn't bother with a bath if I had one my sinks aren't big enough either which is annoying
Omg i feel like such a novice!! What on earth is a muslin (sp?) ?

Also, moses baskets, how long do you use them for? I need to get researching!! :|

I really want to breast feed but have heard it can be difficult for some people so kind of scared to rely on the fact that ill be doing it... And I definitely want to use cotton nappies but i looked today and there are wayyy too many options!
Hi All! Just back from Christmas holidays visiting family abroad. I see you've moved on to shopping - very organized! Thanks for posting your shopping lists. These are super helpful for us first timers.

I notice that many of you say not to buy a baby bath. Do you use your sinks instead? Or do you fill the whole bathtub?

So sorry to hear Rach's news. We feel your pain, hun. We're thinking of you.
Welcome back I used sink to start with then had her in the bath with me xx
I wouldn't have been without our baby bath! It was invaluable. We used one that holds a little baby on one side and then has a space for a sitting baby on the other. It took a minute to fill and meant I didn't have to do any awkward stretching to make sure he was secure.

Regarding breastfeeding, it's pretty hard at first for most people, but I think if you don't go into with a can-do attitude it'll be even harder. If you do want to breastfeed, I'd start there and see where it takes you. Try not to approach it with fear...if you can do it (and want to) it's not scary...quite the opposite (once you're passed the initial soreness).

We used our moses basket for about 8 weeks before our son started squashing his head into the top.
Hi ladies, I've been to docs and found out I've got a water infection. Has anyone else experienced this? Xx
Oh no, tht's rubbish SesameSeed, I hope you're ok? I've had no experience but my midwife says they are very common in pregnancy xx
Unicorn it's been horrible. I had my first midwife appt on 15th Dec which is when I gave urine sample and they only phoned me today to let me know about the infection. I thought it was just pregnancy symptoms x
Wow, that's an awfully long time to leave you isn't it! Have they given you someting for it now? xx
Yeah I've got to take amoxicillin 3 times per day for a week. Hopefully feel back to normal soon. How are you feeling unicorn xx
Gosh Sesame! Can't believe they've only just told you! Hope you feel better soon xxx
Yeah I've got to take amoxicillin 3 times per day for a week. Hopefully feel back to normal soon. How are you feeling unicorn xx

I hope they kick in and you feel much better soon. I'm feeling like death! I just can't sleep and then I'm sick all day! I've had to take today off work and it's only my second day back, but baby takes priority. I think the hormones are getting to me and are making my mind race and me feel anxious. I constantly dream about prams, I feel like I'm losing my mind lol xx
Hope you feel better soon. I'm not really sure where I belong anymore tri 1 or 2 I've been floating round both but it's scary ! Thursday can't come soon enough
Hope you feel better soon. I'm not really sure where I belong anymore tri 1 or 2 I've been floating round both but it's scary ! Thursday can't come soon enough

Well it's nice to still have you around :-) How exciting for Thursday xx

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