July 2016 Mummies to be!

So far I have
Car seat
Changing bag
Baby bath (I only have a shower)
Cotton wool
Bouncy chair
A few newborn and 0-3 clothes

I'm sure there's more I won't bother with bottles until breast feeding is established

Hi, can I just say, don't forget that dummies shoud be avoided until breastfeeding is well established too.
6 weeks is the earliest really as they can interfere with your baby nursing and effect supply and also latch x
So far I have
Car seat
Changing bag
Baby bath (I only have a shower)
Cotton wool
Bouncy chair
A few newborn and 0-3 clothes

I'm sure there's more I won't bother with bottles until breast feeding is established

Hi, can I just say, don't forget that dummies shoud be avoided until breastfeeding is well established too.
6 weeks is the earliest really as they can interfere with your baby nursing and effect supply and also latch x

My daughter didn't have hers till 6 months. I won't do anything that will interfere but will do what's best to suit baby when born x
I'm not organised at all, haha. I've just read back through other people's lists and realised I have more to get than I thought lol.

I still need to get a changing bag (I know which I want, I just need to remember where to buy it.. lol), also need a car seat & possibly a base... still haven't decided what car seat I'm getting though, I reckon I won't be buying that til around 8 months lol. Um, possibly more nappies, cloth wipes, breast pads & sanitary towels. I use cloth normally but I have a light flow so I need to get some maternity or heavy duty ones lol.

I'm being pretty minimalist with baby stuff though, I know I want a breastpump and storage containers/bags, but it will be donated so I'm not needing bottles. My first had dummies but my second never did and this one wont either. Already have far more slings than any sane person needs (lol), but I may well end up buying a couple more before the pregnancy is over... however I'm currently being good and resisting! LOL
I have bought nothing!! I can see myself waiting til last minute to buy most things, i'm quite laid back.

good idea with the box pheonix! I hate the thought of buying something and not using it xxx
^ should probably change that to *too* laid back
I got a bit freaked out and overwhelmed the other day so wrote a list:
For baby:
Car seat
Isofix base
Sling / wrap - Moby, TotsBots Papoozle, We Made Me Baba Sling, Baby K'Tan Breeze Baby Carrier, Hug a Bub Wrap?
Cot - matress, sheets
Cot for our bedroom - matress, sheets
Mosses basket and stand - matress, sheets
Rocking chair
Breast pump
Changing mat
Changing bag
Clothes - vests, sleepsuits, sun hat
Toilteries - bath cream, shampoo, nappie cream etc

For me:

Nipple cream
Breast pads
Nursing bras
Nursing tops
Labour shirt dress
Sanitary pads
Comfortable clothes to wear home from hopital

We've decided on the travel system we are getting so that feels like a big decision made xx

Um, I would strongly urge you NOT to waste your money on a Baba sling.
They are awful. Honestly.

There are much nicer slings out there that are comfier and safer too.

From your list, I'd go for a Moby or Hug a Bub (I think K Tan are similar too?)
I have an organic Moby which I plan to use when this one is newborn, and around the house as I'm less bothered about it getting pet fur on it or a cat clicking it. I will be using my wovens when we go out though.

If you like the look of the Baba Sling, look for a wrap conversion Ring Sling instead, as they are comfier and a much better fit :)

Re the rest of your list, by carrycot do you mean like the first stage car seat or like the lie flat ones that you get with big prams?

TBH I found it easy enough to lift my baby out of the car seat and into the sling (or pram).
I did have a pram that came with a lie-flat carrycot, but I barely used either (the pram or carrycot). If you are getting a moses basket you may not need a carrycot, or if you have a carrycot you may not need a moses basket as well... basically in my experience you probably don't need both. Especially as most babies outgrow them within a couple of months.

Personally I wouldn't worry about bottles, dummies, steriliser or mittens before the birth.
If you're going to breastfeed, dummies are best avoided in the early days, and after that they are optional anyway, you can always buy some a few weeks in if you really need to, but they may not be needed at all. If you can get through the first few weeks without you may decide not to bother with them (so don't waste money on them lol). Same goes for bottles.
If you need to express you can sterilise anything (pump etc) in a large pan of boiling water for 10 minutes. And breastmilk is best given from a spoon or syringe or feeding cup (your midwife can give you the feeding cups or tell you about them) They can also be boiled to sterilise.
Not saying don't get those items, but they are things that can wait til after the baby is born rather than potentially wasting your money.
Mittens also... in my experience they never stay on (lol). Also, babies like to see their hands, and fist sucking is a hunger cue too. Also, it's going to be summer and (hopefully) warm (I hope!) so the baby probably won't be happy to have mittens on.

Also toiletries, again, don't go too mad with creams and baby bath etc as plain water is really all they need in the first few weeks, and anything more can dry out their skin and make it sore.

Also, nipple cream, your Midwife will most likely have LOADS of Lansinoh sachets which she will give you free if you ask (honestly, before the birth, ask her if she has any nipple cream sample sachets you can have, midwives have loads they get them free). You can use it on the baby's bottom too if they get nappy rash.
Most people who buy nipple cream find they only use a small amount and the rest is wasted, and it's expensive (think Lansinoh is around £10 a tube). So again, ask your midwife for freebies before you resort to spending loads yourself.
Oh and if you do get sore nipples, expressed breastmilk on them and leaving your bra & top off works much better (imo). Breastfeeding supporters are divided on this, some swear by moist healing (nipple creams), others swear by dry healing & airing off... I'm strongly in the latter camp lol.

Glad you mentioned bibs! I am constantly forgetting about that! And then someone mentions them and I remember I definitely need some bibs lol.

I need nursing bras too, but your breasts grow the most in the last few weeks and will increase a lot more once your milk comes in at around day 3 or 4, so it's best to wait til the last few weeks to buy just one or two nursing bras (and get ones with a bit of room left in them) then buy more about a week after the baby is born so you can get a good fit.

Hope that helps a bit. Feel free to ignore me on what not to buy, I don't mean to preach, it's just that a lot of stuff on "essential" items lists are not that essential and end up being a massive waste of money so it's often best to wait (unless you want to spend the money, in which case ignore me lol)
I agree, so many "must haves" are a waste of money. I get wanting to be prepared. I really do. But shopping after baby is fun, too! So, it's okay to wait on things you may not need. Neither of my babies took dummies. I spent so much money on various kinds. And my son never took bottles! Again, so much money wasted! I always buy too much and wind up never even using some of it, then wish I had the space and money back for things I didn't know I needed! Each baby is different, so sometimes you just don't know what you need until they are here. :)

I love my Moby, as well.
Morning girls, how is everyone?

I'm still here for another couple of weeks as only 11+2 today.

Only 3 days until my dating scan ... I'm so nervous.

I had the most horrendous night with my IBS and feeling so drained and tender today.
Really hope baby is ok.

Thanks for adding the list of potential things to buy, think I might start one, it will certainly help with budgeting.

Does anyone need to decorate the nursery? If so, when will you start? xx
Hi Mel I'm going to start making my list after the dating scan and we have agreed to start the nursery after the 20 week scan. When are you thinking?

Woke up this past week with terrible skin, I seem to have a new spot on my face every day yikes!! X
Hello honey ... I'm not sure but probably around the same time.
I'm a little anxious of leaving things too late, especially as we need to move rooms around.

Will defo be making a list by next weekend of what we plan to buy.

Snap ... I also seem to be more spotty. Thought I was in my thirties not teens! lol xx
Ah, how lovely to have so many of you still around :-)
And how exciting for next weeks scans, I can't wait to see the pics. We have our next scan on the 20th, when we'll be 13 weeks.
Thank you for the advice ladies, very helpful, I will definitely take the baba sling off the list Phoenix, I'm not sure where that one sneeked on from, as most of the sling advice I took from you :-)
The travel system we have bought is the Mamas and Papas armidillo flip xt in teal, I love it :-) And the carrycot on the list is the carrycot with the pram as we go on a lot of long walks and I want baby to be lying flat.
We've ditched the moses basket and are just going to go with a bouncer we can lie flat for downstairs, although I haven't seen one yet!
We're trying to get as organised as possible as there has been talk of bed rest from 16 weeks and it is more than likely that I am going to have to have a section so I don't want to leave the risk of getting things until after the baby is born, especially things like bottles which we may be desperate for, so I'm going to just get a couple.
This week I have been researching disposable nappies, with some very helpful advice from some experienced and knowledgeable people on the forum :-)
So, here is my new list:

  • Sling / wrap - Moby, TotsBots Papoozle, Baby K'Tan Breeze Baby Carrier, Hug a Bub Wrap
  • Pregnancy / feeding pillow
  • Cot - matress, sheets
  • Wardrobe
  • Chicco next2me crib for our bedroom - matress, sheets (also as travel cot when small)
  • Rocking chair
  • Bouncy / soft chair
  • Breast pump
  • Bottles
  • Steriliser - tub and milton
  • Monitors
  • Dummys
  • Blankets
  • Bibs
  • Mittens
  • Bath
  • Changing mat
  • Changing bag
  • Muslins
  • Clothes - vests, sleepsuits, sun hat
  • Nappies - bumgenius, tots bots stretchies (night time), bambino mio prefolds (can go in dryer)
  • Toilteries - bath cream, shampoo, nappie cream etc
  • Stuff for me:
  • Nipple cream - lansinoh
  • Breast pads
  • Nursing bras
  • Nursing tops
  • Labour shirt dress
  • Sanitary pads
  • Comfortable dress to wear home from hopital
Thanks for the list ... You've certainly helped me out a little :)

I have a feeling I'll be the last to leave Tri 1 July Mummies :( don't think anyone is due after me xx
When are you planning on moving across to tri 2? I suggest there would be no reason for not moving across after your scan, but then you'd be leaving me ;-) xx
I thought it was at week 13 Tri 2 started?!
I'm not leaving Tri 1 yet ... too early I think!
Oh my gosh! I know what you mean about spots ��

Ahh i see what you mean unicorn, if you hadn't bought anything and then were on bed rest you'd have to get everything online! I love online shopping usually but not for baby!

Is your scan Wednesday Mel? I'll be going backwards and forwards til we're all across xxx
Does anyone need to decorate the nursery? If so, when will you start? xx

I don't have a nursery, lol.

I'm in a 2 bed house, my kids in one room and me in the other. Baby will be in with me for the first two years anyway (even if I had a spare room).
After that I'm debating moving rooms about and the kids will all share one large room, but I've not really decided yet. Will wait and see. Currently my eldest wants to share with the baby, but he's 11 now, 12 when it's born, and I don't think he'll still want to share at 14+ so might have to look into other options like extension or loft conversion or moving... But I really don't want to move as I love the location and the big garden and would lose out on both if I had to sell this house and get a 3 bed... So I'm trying not to think about it lol.
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We need to decorate the nursery, I can't wait, what fun :-)
The room we're using is currently our 'roon of doom', so we need to clear it first! We've just had our loft boarded for this purpose, so hubby is in the process of getting everything we need up there.
We are then going to paint the room in a light yellow, get a new carpet and nursery furniture and then get more gender specific wall stickers when we know the gender xx
I do indeed :-) I thought it was time to let go over my ttc experience, although I am still pretty sore about it! lol xx

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