July 2016 Mummies to be!

I've got everything crossed for you Lilmiss, really hope your levels have risen.
Try not to worry Mel, I'm going with the theory that there is nothing to worry about until I am actually given something to worry about, although it's not working out too well :)
My blood levels were 945 at 4+5, so I just really hope they rise enough to indicate a viable pregnancy tomorrow xx
Good luck to those awaiting news and congratulations to the BFPs!

I'm praying got a decent night as bedtime was hell again. So damn tired but couldn't go to bed early as had work to do.
Pretty much the same Mel my DD2 is not well either so she is keeping me on my toes!
I hope you managed to get an OK nights sleep Umbongo and Charliebump3, I can't imagine the pregnancy tiredness is easy to cope with with a little one to look after!
I got 2-3 weeks on a digi this morning, so things are definitely going in the right direction :)
Had a better night with my lg last night thankfully! She's got a bad cold so kept waking herself up coughing but slept through between midnight and seven so I can't complain! Pregnancy with a toddler is going to be haaaard!
I hope you managed to get an OK nights sleep Umbongo and Charliebump3, I can't imagine the pregnancy tiredness is easy to cope with with a little one to look after!
I got 2-3 weeks on a digi this morning, so things are definitely going in the right direction :)

That's amazing news! I haven't plucked up the courage to do a digi yet! X
Just want to give a little warning about these CB digitals.. Mine got stuck on 2-3 for over a week so started to freak out. Went for blood test and came back 2500 which was perfect so i decided to stop using them since they cause so much stress, ar least for me! :)

Had my first scan today at 6 weeks + 2 days and so happy! It looked great and saw the heart flickering :) so emotional now xx good luck with all your results ladies
So I can turned up to my doctors appointment this morning and they'd cancelled it and moved it to the 9th I basically said that it woulf be too late as there's paperwork that needs to be filled in etc. So I'm going this afternoon Enron but I'll have to take my daughter with me so she might know by the end of today which will completely ruin my Christmas plan. Hopefully I can get her to sit with headphones and the iPad :/ xx
Great news on the scan marialsabella!

That's really annoying elfsmummy! I'm sure the iPad well distract her though. We told my step daughters (10 and 12) and my 2 year old daughter at the weekend. All very happy. My daughter said yesterday she loves the baby and wants to help me look after it ;-)

Awesome news with the digi unicorn, great sign.

I'm glad your night was reasonable Cherrybelly. Mine was okay but my daughter never sleeps for that long in a row! I get 2 or 3 hours at a time,4 if I'm lucky. It won't be forever. She'll probably start sleeping through just before I have a newborn again! aghhh! :-D
Thank you ladies, it was just nice to have an indication that my levels are rising after we weren't able to see anything at the scan!
How are you doing today Mel?
Excellent news on your scan MariaIsabella, huge congratulations xx
Its looking great unicorn sounds like your bean is sticking around x

I had an ok sleep last night and I have slightly more energy today I may even attempt to venture out later x we will see. The oldest two are going to grandma's night so no school run and no early wake up tomorrow xxx

Great news about the scan mariaisabella.
Any update on seeing the midwife bongo?
My appointment is Friday so only two days away! Interested to see what she says about a scan! My dad happens to be visiting Friday so he can look after my daughter while I'm at the me.
Hopefully they'll give you one soon. I'm guessing I'm due on the 11th when I had my scan they said I was 5-6 weeks so I was going with closer to 5 but now I've heard the hb I'm going to go that I was closer to 6 then I'll find out properly next Wednesday. Work is horrendous at the moment they are basically bullying me out of a job :( xxx
Thanks! I feel great even though I still suffer from OHSS.. Does not matter :)

Why are they so horrible at work Elfs Mummy? Sounds horrible..

Unicorn, Absolutely a good sign about the 2-3 on digis!! I meant more that you should not be disappointed if it never goes up to +3 since they are quite unreliable I have heard and experienced myself.


I am due approx July 26th, they can't give me a proper date because they suspect Twins with seeing two sacs and two yolks.

I am just over 5 weeks according to my hormone levels, but not according to my scan, which they said is ok as can be small with being twins.

Could anyone tell me if they have been having very light cramping and spotting? I have spotted a little bit today on my liner, it's not any bigger than a 5p.

Nothing when I wipe tho (sorry TMI)
I've just been signed of work due to my extremely high blood pressure !
Work are bullying me. My kitchen manager flat out lied to my line manager and had said I'm lazy and I do nothing !!! I do more than them all. I'm off for a week so hopefully my blood pressure will go down xx
Hi ladies don't know whether I am brave enough to do this yet. Got my bfp yesterday after a year of ttc. Worked out from lmp I will be due on 23rd July. Xx
So lovely to hear all your journeys so far..
I feel at 25 I should know a lot more than I do about these things.

I went to the doctors yesterday as in diabetic so I'm told I have to be closely monitored.
They insisted on doing a test, however they can't test at my GP it has to be sent off to a lap and will take two days to get the results, the only trouble being that they samples get sent off at 4pm and I don't get off till half 4. So I pretty much insisted I had to do one there and then but obviously as its not first morning urine it's not necessarily going to show but it was a chance I had to take.

Took a early response digit test today and it said pregnant so I'm pretty sure of the result.

But I have absolutely no idea what happens now.. I registered with a midwife and my diabetic nurse has been informed.

Guess I just have to wait till Friday till my results come through on Friday.
Hellu! I got my BFP this weekend, after 2 years of trying for our first baby. We are really happy, but also cautious as we lost our first pregnancy last year. According to my initial calculations, our baby should be due on 31 July. But early days yet. We'll have a viability scan at 7 weeks, which will give us a better prediction.

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