July 2016 Mummies to be!

MrsRodger try not to worry too much it could be implantation bleeding. The camps are probably due to the ligaments stretching. Have you spoken to the doctor about the bleeding? Its always worth getting it checked xxx

Oh elf that's awful im sorry you are having problems with work! Its not what you need at all xx

Hi Lucy and welcome to July mummies. Congratulations on your bean xx
How's everyone doing?
I got lots to catch up on!

Guess what I just got .....


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Thank you for the welcome Charlie :) Congratulations to you too! x
Wow so many new BFPs. Congratulations everyone!

Elfs mummy that is terrible of your work, take note of everything they say and do. Last thing you need!

Ace digi MelC! Nice one!
Congratulations on all the new BFP's welcome aboard the July mummies
Quick one am about 5 weeks now when is the best time to go for a scan for dating and at least listen to the heartbeat
Hellu! I got my BFP this weekend, after 2 years of trying for our first baby. We are really happy, but also cautious as we lost our first pregnancy last year. According to my initial calculations, our baby should be due on 31 July. But early days yet. We'll have a viability scan at 7 weeks, which will give us a better prediction.

Hello Oxford, it's lovely to be sharing this journey with some of the ladies I shared ttc with :)
Congratulations xx
I've had my second blood test results back and they're 1903, so have more than doubled :)
I'm so relieved and feel like I can be excited again now!
They said with levels over 2000 they would expect to see something on a scan, so I am back in for my next scan on Friday, when they said we may even be able to see a heartbeat, which would be absolutey amazing! I think at that point I'd have a real good sob.
I'm 5 weeks today and still only experiencing sore boobs, tiredness, mild headaches and slight waves of nausea, I'm counting myself very lucky :)
Oooooh UNICORN that is amazing! Hooray ! So chuffed for you. Fx for an awesome scan x
Amazing news Unicorn ... made up for you :)
Is your scan tomorrow? xx
Amazing news Unicorn ... made up for you :)
Is your scan tomorrow? xx

Thank you Mel, I'm really pleased and feel like I can relax again now, reflexology yesterday really helped with that as well :)
Yeah, scan is at 12.15 tomorrow, it would be lovely to see a heartbeat but as long as they can see something in the right place that will be good enough for me.
How are you doing sweety? Has it sunk in a bit more now? xx
Amazing news Unicorn ... made up for you :)
Is your scan tomorrow? xx

Thank you Mel, I'm really pleased and feel like I can relax again now, reflexology yesterday really helped with that as well :)
Yeah, scan is at 12.15 tomorrow, it would be lovely to see a heartbeat but as long as they can see something in the right place that will be good enough for me.
How are you doing sweety? Has it sunk in a bit more now? xx

Oh my goodness Unicorn!! I am so excited to see your scan and hope everything goes ok.

I think my HCG should have been a sign that I am carrying twinnies as it was well over 2000 by 5 weeks and that's why they couldn't understand why they weren't seeing anything on the scan.

According to my app i am due on the 26th of July...so will be watching you closely and looking forward to being bump buddies :p

I am so happy for you hunny xxxxxx
Wonderful news Unicorn! Hope your scan goes well tomorrow!! You will feel so great afterwards :) Yes, heard that over 2000 hcg its more likely to see something on scan!
So exciting, I can't wait to hear about it.

I'm doing ok thanks. It's been a week since I found out and still can't quite believe it.
Don't have many symptoms at the moment though, apart from very very tired, the odd but if nausea and slight crampy tummy.

Just hope my lil bean is getting all snug xx
Amazing news Unicorn ... made up for you :)
Is your scan tomorrow? xx

Thank you Mel, I'm really pleased and feel like I can relax again now, reflexology yesterday really helped with that as well :)
Yeah, scan is at 12.15 tomorrow, it would be lovely to see a heartbeat but as long as they can see something in the right place that will be good enough for me.
How are you doing sweety? Has it sunk in a bit more now? xx

Oh my goodness Unicorn!! I am so excited to see your scan and hope everything goes ok.

I think my HCG should have been a sign that I am carrying twinnies as it was well over 2000 by 5 weeks and that's why they couldn't understand why they weren't seeing anything on the scan.

According to my app i am due on the 26th of July...so will be watching you closely and looking forward to being bump buddies :p

I am so happy for you hunny xxxxxx

Thank you MrsRoger, and I'd love to be bump buddies :)
I can't believe you're having twins, how do you feel about it? There are loads of twins in my family, my brothers are twins and my cousins are mirror twins, so identical opposite! When is your next scan? xx

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