July 2016 Mummies to be!

So exciting, I can't wait to hear about it.

I'm doing ok thanks. It's been a week since I found out and still can't quite believe it.
Don't have many symptoms at the moment though, apart from very very tired, the odd but if nausea and slight crampy tummy.

Just hope my lil bean is getting all snug xx

I'm sure it is :) I'm not feeling much at all either, I think I'm managing to keep most of the nausea at bay by constantly sipping on water and eating little and often. I'm sure we'll both be moaning when the symptopms come on strong and wishing that we didn't speak to soon but it feels like a few more symptoms right now would be nice doesn't it ;-) xx
Yep, you'll hate the nausea if you get it all the time! And my nipples feel like they might fall off any day. It doesn't help that my daughter breast feeds loads still. Eek.

Good luck with your scan unicorn, I'm excited to hear how it goes!
MrsRoger twins is truly special, amazing! Do you have any other children? I keep worrying I might have twins but no real reason to suspect it, just that I'm older and not had a period for ages so my body is more likely to release two eggs at a time!
So excited for your scan tomorrow unicorn! I've been feeling really sick today and had my two nieces and Iris all day as my sister was at work so three under three! Shattered! Just treated myself to some new boots on a lightning deal. They've got the avent steriliser and bottles on too but I just don't dare! Staying up until midnight as something my daughter oohs at is coming up.. Tomorrow is going to be expensive!!!
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Thank you ladies, I'm really excited too :) I'll update you tomorrow afternoon xx
Hi Ladies,
Had another scan yesterday and all fine, baby has grown and my dates are now due 11th July.

Sorry I'm not about much but welcome to all the newbies x
Great news First Baby White.

Well my mw appt was okay....she guesses 10 weeks and couldn't hear a hb (surprised she tried) but I know I have heard it so not worried. My uterus is still low so predicted dd is 26th June. Won't really know until the scan. Now the scan is the issue!! Much hoo ha and only one appt available before Jan!!!! Ridiculous! Apparently a baby boom is occurring in Coventry!! The issue is the appt is 15th Dec and my husband is away that day and night. This is his one night away all year, as it's a work Christmas do. So will have to go to scan on my own with my 2 year old! They won't let children in so the ward sister offered to look after her while I'm in there. Very kind except my daughter HATES strangers and will freak out big style. Not that keen on having NT screening on my own really either. :-( We didn't have it last time but was going to this time as have my daughter to consider now. Not sure it would change my mind on what we'd do but would like to know if we are to expect an ill child, if that makes sense.
Anyway, possibly my parents can come up from Reading and look after my daughter, I'll still have to go alone though. I have booked a private scan for Tuesday 1st (so only a few days) as I can't wait! And I want to check all is well before I am stuck at an NHS scan on my own, as my experiences in that hospital are not good.
Sorry to waffle on. hope you're all okay. xx
Can't believe there's only one app before Jan!
I had a feeling you were a bit further along as your bfp was really dark!
I'm surprised they won't let your daughter in :( hopefully someone you know can look after her xxx
Hey I'm a newbie... After ttc for 18 months my partner and I are delighted that were pregnant for first time and should be due 24th July
Can't believe there's only one app before Jan!
I had a feeling you were a bit further along as your bfp was really dark!
I'm surprised they won't let your daughter in :( hopefully someone you know can look after her xxx

It's all a bit annoying, really looking forward to my private scan on Tuesday though! Hubby just heard the hb on my doppler too. eeeeep!

Any news from Unicorn?
Thank you bethsmommy and congratulations to you too. How's your pregnancy going so far? I've been experiencing some spotting so a little worried. Got a scan on Monday at epu xx
I'm sorry umbongo, what a pain! Do you not feel like waiting until Jan for your scan so your OH can be with you, seeing as you will be having the private one earlier?
Welcome newbies, congratulations :)
Our scan went really well today, we saw our little bean, which was amazing! All in the right place so I feel so relieved and like we can totally relax and enjoy it now. Hubby was really emotional and the nurses were all gushing over how lovely he was! Next scan in 2 weeks now, where we will hopfeully be able to hear the heartbeat xx


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Woo hoo Unicorn! That's ace!! So happy for you!!!

If I leave it til Jan I'll be too late for NT screening/measurements which have to be done in a certain timeframe. He'll be at the private one so it'll be fine. He's done it 3 times before :)

Ah, fair enough umbongo ;-)
Thank you, how bloody exciting all this is :) xx
Hey All,
Congrats to all the new Bfp's. I hope everyone is feeling ok x

After my scan on the 17th where I was told it was too early to see anything (I thought I was 6 +3) I returned to the EPU for a second scan, there has been progress but I am only measuring 6 weeks now (I thought I should be 7 +6).

I have to go back in another 10 days for another scan.

I just don't get the dates now, that would mean I tested positive something like 2 days after I conceived!

Has anyone been through something similar?
Thank you bethsmommy and congratulations to you too. How's your pregnancy going so far? I've been experiencing some spotting so a little worried. Got a scan on Monday at epu xx

Thank you :) tough tbh had hospital visit and gp visits and not being able to keep anything down. Ended up on cyclizine. Things us mommies do hey. Fingers crossed for you Hun it may just be your little one trying to get comfortable in your tummy. Let me know how your scan goes xx
Not had similar pinball as never scanned before 10 weeks but I think they grow at various rates and often they will catch up and then match your original dates. Try not to worry too much. The most accurate dating is from the 12 week scan and measuring at other times has varying degrees of accuracy. Xxx
Thank you bethsmommy and congratulations to you too. How's your pregnancy going so far? I've been experiencing some spotting so a little worried. Got a scan on Monday at epu xx

Thank you :) tough tbh had hospital visit and gp visits and not being able to keep anything down. Ended up on cyclizine. Things us mommies do hey. Fingers crossed for you Hun it may just be your little one trying to get comfortable in your tummy. Let me know how your scan goes xx

Hope everything gets easier for you. Bethsmommy. It will all be worth it. I will let you know how I get on with the scan. Thinking happy thoughts xx
Not had similar pinball as never scanned before 10 weeks but I think they grow at various rates and often they will catch up and then match your original dates. Try not to worry too much. The most accurate dating is from the 12 week scan and measuring at other times has varying degrees of accuracy. Xxx

Thanks umbongo :)

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