July 2016 Mummies to be!

Unicorn - 4+6 is a little early to see anything quite often, however they will check your beta HCG levels particularly with your history and probably arrange a further scan if the first is not conclusive. Good luck tomorrow.

Shee - Congratulations and welcome!
Unicorn I had a scan at 5w3d and you could see the sack but nothing else. He could tell which ovary had released the egg though, which was interesting.

Good luck to you andLilmisshopeful. Really hope you both have good news.

Also, Umbongo... I think I remember your name from first time round ;-) When was your LO born?
Hi All, I am new here and was after some advice. This is my first time pregnancy, I am 6 weeks today. I am due to see my doctor on Friday but today and the day before yesterday I have bleed a small amount (red fluidly blood). I seem to have had minor craps from day one as I get ibs. I am not sure what to do now and if this is spotting or a problem? Any advice would be great. Thanks in advance.
Hi Sophie-jane, my daughter was born Sept 2013, due in August. I was obsessed with food threads. Ha.
How we all doing today? I'm feeling really sick and tired today so sipping some lucozade and going to bed soon. Got a nice card from my other half for our anniversary though :)
I'm feeling annoyed! DD projectile vomited last night after having lots of milk at bedtime. I eventually settled her back to sleep without milk (not easy) and gave oh instructions to only give her one bottle tonight. I worked 10-8, got home to get still awake but drinking a bottle.. I asked if it was her first bedtime bottle and he said second, she then started bringing it up so he said "you give her water then!" I took her into her room, settled her down without milk, she asked to go in her cot and said "night night" so I left her. Minutes later I heard him talking to her and he's gone back in! She's now wide awake and shouting at him for milk! I might go to Bed and leave them to it! Why can't we both be on the same page???! Raaa!
Thank you ladies, I managed to get a cancellation at the EPU today because I'm feeling so anxious, they did a scan but couldn't see anything at all! They've taken blood and will take more on Wednesday to make sure they're doubling. I just really want everything to be confirmed as being in the right place and fine :-( xx
Fingers crossed unicorn! They can tell lots from bloods at this stage, so hopefully you'll get some reassurance soon. Sorry about my above rant.. I was so cross.. I managed to get her to sleep eventually and she slept through! Just need to try and keep it up x
Fx to see brilliant doubling bloods Unicorn. I'm sure all is well.

Cherrybelly that sounds like a nightmare! I'm struggling with bedtime for my 27 month old. It took 90 minutes last night :-(
She always feeds at bedtime as we're still breastfeeding so it's always me. I'm so tired! I have a proofreading business to run in the evenings and it's a nightmare when I'm so tired.I feel your pain xxx
Thank you! It's a total nightmare! I hope it goes better for both of us tonight! I've now caught her cold and feel like crap too, but apparently can't even take lemsip??? Boo :(
Just missed the call from the hospital and now they are busy. My numbers went up so have to repeat them again tomorrow. She didn't say what they was exactly tho so that's annoying. Really hope by some miracle my progesterone has shot up xxx
Hey everyone!

I got my BFP last night, I'm roughly 5weeks today :) so will be due end of July.
Hope you're all keeping well & congratulations xx
Could you add me for the 16th please.
Really hoping this is my rainbow! 5 miscarriages but this one seems more promising in terms of symptoms and progressive pregnancy tests. Timing couldn't be worse but I couldn't care less if it all works out ❤️
Hi kate111 if it was me I would be getting in touch with my doctor sooner rather than later! Hope everything is ok, keep us updated!

Welcome to all the newbies and congrats on your BFP. Hope your all well and not suffering too much. I'm currently in bed feeling like death! Can't eat or hold anything down!

I have everything crossed for you lilmiss

How are you unicorn? Hope all is ok xx
My symptoms have all disappeared and I'm feeling nervous :(
Hi Mel hope your ok x have you had any bleeding or cramps? Before I got my BFP I had horrendous sickness which got better but came back 500 times worse! Xxx
No cramps or bleeding thank god. It's hard not to worry when you've waited so long for something.

How are you feeling now? xx

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