July 2016 Mummies to be!

Oh no Charliebump3 that sounds awful,, surely they have to offer you a suitable position. I take it it's the nhs?

Are they aware of your pelvis issues?

Have a brilliant Christmas Rachlaider and umbongo, yay on the kiss x ����
I've been having an absolutely manic run up to Christmas, have managed to catch a stinking cold, which has made me feel even worse than normal, I actually woke up wrenching this morning! I can't wait to start feeling better!
It's lovely to hear how you're all doing :) I would have liked to have a home birth but since being diagnosed with a unicornate uterus I'd be lucky to go to term and give birth naturally.
Have a lovely Christmas ladies, next year is going to be very different for us all :) xx
I hope you feel better soon unicorn.

Merry Christmas everyone, I still have wrapping to do! Ha. I hope you all have a wonderful day.
I announced on Facebook today and everyone is really happy for us. Hooray. X
Merry Christmas to all hope everyone has a lovely day :) xx
That's lovely Umbongo :)
I hope you're all having a lovely Christmas. My brother and SIL bought us a doppler so we've heard the baby's heartbeat today, which was amazing :) but I just want to hear it again now but hubby won't let me as he thinks the process may not be great for the baby, so I'm only allowed to do it once a week at most!
Has anyone started thinking about names yet? Hubby really likes Hendrix for a boy, which has really grown on me and I think that's what we may go for but my family hate it, which has taken the shine of it a bit, what do you think, honestly? Xx
It's lovely to hear isn't unicorn, I don't think it has any negative effects on baby though, have you looked into it?
It does become addictive though be warned ha ha

Hope evryone had a wonderful Christmas?

We haven't thought about names yet as we struggle to agree so I'm not ready for the arguments yet :)

I bought a couple of baby grows though today so it's starting to sink in more eeek x
Hubby is a chemist working in physics and isn't happy with the cavitation effect of ultrasound! Xx
He will know a lot more that me then, interesting to know.

Have we done a getting to know you post? Should I start one

Name: Sarah
Due: 11th July
Pregnancy number: 6 but 3 mcs
Children so far: 2 boys aged 7 and 18 months
Live: Warrington
Age: 32
Team: will be staying team yellow
Sex guess: boy
Where you TTC: Planning but not quite trying

If I have missed any questions you would like to know let me know and I will add them x
Ah, this is nice, lovely to meet you Sarah :)
Name: Rhiannon
Due: 27th July
Pregnancy number: 1
Children so far: None
Live: Cardiff
Age: 32
Team: will be finding out asap :)
Sex guess: boy
Where you TTC: Yes, desperately and had a hell of a journey - diagnosed with unicournuate uterus (half a uterus) so high risk pregnancy, consultant led with risk of cerivical insufficiency, pre-term labour and early c-section but being well looked after and hopinng for the best :)

Um, any other questions?
Relationship status: Married to a very supportive, excited, scared and emotional hubby

This is a really good idea :)
Name: Jasmin
Due: 11th July
Pregnancy number: 2
Children so far: 1
Live: Surrey
Age: 24
Team: scan booked for 29th Jan
Sex guess: boy
Ttc?: no, I was on the pill and took it religiously as my daughter was concieved on the implant. Wouldn't change this baby for the world.
Relationship status: this is tricky I'm in a relationship but we're not living together he would like me to move in but I'm not ready yet. So ultimately we will live together but I'm concerned with uprooting my daughter.

Unicorn I'm so pleased that you're expecting such a little miracle :)
Nice to meet you both, unicorn glad you are being looked after so well. Fingers crossed for a smooth pregnancy for you :) what make you think it might be a boy, I just think because I have had 2 that I am heading for my own 5 a side team so bound to be another boy ha ha

Elfs mummy we are due the same date, how exciting :) wow so you fell pregnant on the implant and the pill, you are super fertile, your Babies are just meant to be :) how old is your daughter? What makes you think boy this time, are your symptoms different?

Relationship status: been with my other half for 6 years and we own a house together, thought I might have an engagement ring by now but still not happened ha ha. We have one son together but my eldest has a different dad, he is an amazing step dad though x
Name: Louise
Due date: 31st July
Pregnancies: this is my first
Age 27... Will be 28 when baby is born
Team: yellow OH would like to find out but I am certain I don't
Sex guess: girl
Live: Leeds
Ttc: yes yes yes
Relationship status; engaged to my amazing partner who is very supportive
Name: Rebecca
Due date: 5th July but telling no-one!
Pregnancies: 2nd have a 27 month old daughter and two step daughters (10 &12)
Team: yellow but more tempted than last time!
Sex guess: girl as we have 3 but have a weird boy inkling I'm not telling anyone about
Live: Coventry (born in Devon)
Ttc: sort of but still breastfeeding so had no periods, looks like I'll be tandeming! Gulp!
Relationship status; married to my Twitter lover.
Name: Sam
Due: 5th July
Pregnancy number: 4, 1 previous m/c
Children so far: 2, aged 11.5yrs and 9yrs with my ex.
Live: Nr Bradford
Age: 30
Team: will be staying team yellow
Sex guess: no idea. Sometimes I think boy, but if I think about after it's born I always picture it as a girl lol.
Were you TTC: No, but not preventing either, I have always wanted more kids but wasn't in a proper relationship so definitely wasn't trying. Very happy it happened though.
This is a really good idea :)
Name: Jasmin
Due: 11th July
Pregnancy number: 2
Children so far: 1
Live: Surrey
Age: 24
Team: scan booked for 29th Jan
Sex guess: boy
Ttc?: no, I was on the pill and took it religiously as my daughter was concieved on the implant. Wouldn't change this baby for the world.
Relationship status: this is tricky I'm in a relationship but we're not living together he would like me to move in but I'm not ready yet. So ultimately we will live together but I'm concerned with uprooting my daughter.

Unicorn I'm so pleased that you're expecting such a little miracle :)

Thank you, me too :) and lovely to meet you Jasmin :wave: xx
Nice to meet you both, unicorn glad you are being looked after so well. Fingers crossed for a smooth pregnancy for you :) what make you think it might be a boy, I just think because I have had 2 that I am heading for my own 5 a side team so bound to be another boy ha ha

Elfs mummy we are due the same date, how exciting :) wow so you fell pregnant on the implant and the pill, you are super fertile, your Babies are just meant to be :) how old is your daughter? What makes you think boy this time, are your symptoms different?

Relationship status: been with my other half for 6 years and we own a house together, thought I might have an engagement ring by now but still not happened ha ha. We have one son together but my eldest has a different dad, he is an amazing step dad though x

This is going to sound silly, but I'm sure it's a boy as I saw a fortune teller just before we found out I was pregnant, when we had completely given up hope of conceiving naturally and she told me I was pregnant and was adamant about it even though I was saying that was very unlikely! And she said it was a boy :) xx
Aw this is a lovely idea and nice to get to know everyone.
Name: Roisin
Due: 20th July I think
Pregnancy number: 4
Children so far: 3 (Sean age 18, Eimear 9, Daniel 7)
Live: Belfast
Age: 39 will be 40 when baby comes eeeeek
Team: probably yellow but soo undecided. My daughter wants a sister so much
Sex guess: my instinct is girl
Were you ttc: no quite the opposite was a massive shock when we found out but am happy (and a bit nervous)
Relationship status: married.

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