July 2016 Mummies to be!

I doubt I will be allowed a VBAC because I have a twisted pelvis which was the reason for the last section so I doubt they will let me attempt a natural birth x id prefer it but my midwife has said its unlikely x
My nausea eased up quite a lot at exactly 11 weeks and I had a really good day on Saturday (11+4), which was great 'cos I went in town to get wrapping paper and other last minute bits. But then the nausea came back late on that night and was awful Sunday & today (Monday) & I've also not felt up to cleaning the house with feeling really sick. I'm hoping it's better tomorrow (later) as I really want to vacuum the house and clean all the floors (I have hard floors so they need washing) before Christmas.

And I'm also not really looking forward to Christmas dinner as I'm really off gravy at the moment which I normally love :( but right now the thought makes me feel queasy & I'm preferring tomato-y sauces to gravy, though baked beans also make me feel sick :/

The other day I had a jacket potato with broccoli, cauliflower & carrots & had some tomato pasta sauce with it lol.
Anyway I'm really hoping the nausea eases up in time for Christmas dinner. I normally love roast potatoes, stuffing, veg & tonnes of thick gravy but the way I feel now I can't imagine anything worse *sob*

Now I'm actually 12 weeks I'm also starting to not want to tell my family lol. I had a "Friends" moment the other day (where Rachel says she'll wait a couple of years and then the baby can tell her dad lol).

My mum and dad are probably not going to be overly happy and I'm a bit reluctant to tell them because of that.

Last night I felt a 'pop' type of feeling, like being flicked but from the inside, which I was sure was the baby.
Today I wore my stretchy jeggins and the waistband sits across where my uterus is and I have definitely felt movements. 3 definite 'thuds' this morning and then some more gentle fluttery feelings later this evening :)
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I'm hoping for a vbac this time with my daughter it was a planned emergency csection. From what I've heard planned ones are a lot more relaxed than emergency so I should feel lucky really as it was very calm etc however it's taken a long time for me to heal so I don't want to do it again if I don't have to I'm seriously starting to consider a home birth this time x
I had an emcs and it was awful. Had problems with my scar and so much pain. I'll be gutted if I end up with one again but no reason why I should. I'm planning a homebirth vbac. I'm sure the consultant won't like it but they can't stop me and I know I'll be much more relaxed at home. I might get a doula too. Better start saving! :)

Charlie I have heard from friends that the recovery from a planned section is much much better and less pain etc.
Awesome to feel movement phoenix! I have had a few flutters....Can't wait for more!
Umbongo and elf's mummy I am also going for a home vbac this time, I did have a vbac with my 2nd pregnancy but had a retained placenta so need to fight my case to be at home. My mw seems to be on my side though which is good. I'm due end of May so will have to keep you updated with the progress xx
Hope you all get your home births too.
I really want a home birth as well.
I had vaginal births with my first two but I was induced both times. This time I am hoping not to be induced so I can have it at home.
Nice to hear all the updates, ladies!

I had my viability scan last Friday, and all looks well so far (*touch wood*). I was also right about the date, which was 7 wks 5 days on Friday. All those ovulation tests left little room for doubt. :)

We're spending 10 days over Christmas with my in-laws, so it'll be pretty impossible to hide the news, with me not drinking wine, etc. I'm excited to share our news, but we don't want to get everyone's hopes up until we know the baby is ok. Tricky!

I'm so tired, I didn't even put up a tree for Christmas. It's all I can do to keep up with work! Oh well, we'll be with the in-laws on Christmas day anyhow. It's reassuring to hear that some of you are all feeling a bit too tired for Christmas, too.
Nice to hear all the updates, ladies!

I had my viability scan last Friday, and all looks well so far (*touch wood*). I was also right about the date, which was 7 wks 5 days on Friday. All those ovulation tests left little room for doubt. :)

We're spending 10 days over Christmas with my in-laws, so it'll be pretty impossible to hide the news, with me not drinking wine, etc. I'm excited to share our news, but we don't want to get everyone's hopes up until we know the baby is ok. Tricky!

I'm so tired, I didn't even put up a tree for Christmas. It's all I can do to keep up with work! Oh well, we'll be with the in-laws on Christmas day anyhow. It's reassuring to hear that some of you are all feeling a bit too tired for Christmas, too.
I had my scan today and we saw a very very wiggly baby. It would not hold still for measuring. It was absolutely adorable! The picture isn't great it looks like a duck so it's nicknamed Donald for now hehehe. I will post a little picture later x
We have to go back for the NT screen baby was just not big enough. They need to be 45 mm and baby was 44.7mm x oh well I get to see baby again x
Great news about the scan Charlie, sounds exactly like mine. Wiggly and too small for NT screening. Only difference is I didn't bother with it in the end. Was tempted just to get another scan! :)
Just had my second scan and all is good :) lovely little heartbeat xxx
Yay lou great news about the scan. Xx

I was going to leave it too umbongo but I thought it would be nice to see baby again x the results won't make a difference to be honest. Id just like to be prepared if things were going to be difficult x
Great news on everyone's scans :)

I am most frightened about telling work as the owner of my company will not take it well, he hates having to lose staff and pay maternity as it cripples our business as we are so small. Anyone worried about telling work x
I am pretty worried but that's because I will be going straight from 1 mat leave to another! I will be away from work for 2 years!
Fantastic news on lol the scans it's so exciting won't be long before the first July mummies move over to tri 2 ! If I don't get a chance to properly say it but happy Christmas to all of you can't believe that next year I'll have two children to share it with ! Today my daughter bounced up and down for 10 minutes begging for a baby brother or sister ! I can't wait to tell her on Friday and see how she reacts. Need to make sure I taper so I can show her when they're arguing and hating each other;) x
When will you tell them do you think Charliebump3, I have been back from maternity 9 months now but I am HR so know how bad it affects us and how pissed off the boss gets as he goes on about it all the time.

I have asked my other half to tell them ha ha x
I am most frightened about telling work as the owner of my company will not take it well, he hates having to lose staff and pay maternity as it cripples our business as we are so small. Anyone worried about telling work x

That's silly of him, the government cover the maternity pay and as long as he has plenty of notice it shouldn't be that difficult to get maternity cover :eh:

Honestly, some men are just grumps about anything that's not the easiest for them lol x
Im not sure when I will tell them first baby white. The thing is I can't go back in my current role. Due to my pelvis I can no longer work 14hr shifts where I am constantly on my feet. The question is do I get more mat leave or walk away now! I would go back tomorrow but because I have a wonky pelvis my physio says absolutely no way! I can bearly stand cooking without being in agony so running around the ward is an absolute no no!
Oh wow I've missed so much since I was last on! I think I have been in the land of nod and the land of running around like a nutter trying to get everything sorted because I didn't do it at the beginning because I haven't been able to think! It feels like the time is just flying away! I hope you all have an amazing Christmas and I'm sure next will be even better!
Brilliant about the scan Lou, hooray!
Have a wonderful Christmas everyone. I had kiss from my sexy postie so am full of festive cheer now. Hahaha.

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