July 2016 Mummies to be!

Yeah i will be from now on! I couldn't believe it lol I've had morning sickness before but it's been a small amount, this was ridiculous ��
Are you having a big family christmas umbongo? The stocking sounds cute :) I haven't even thought about annoucing. We're having dinner at the inlaws and I'm worried I'll be really sick and offend people if I don't eat everything lol xxx
Elfs mummy, not sure how true it is but i heard you feel flutters a lot earlier after your first xxx
We'll have a quiet Christmas day with me, hubby and our daughter then boxing day his daughters come for a few days so it gets more manic! Then 27th down to Reading for a big family dinner at my parents with my bro and his wife too.

Most close friends and family know but I am doing the Facebook announcement on Christmas eve I think.

That's lovely you can feel flutters elfs mummy, I think I have too. X
I think there's 20 of us Xmas day and Boxing Day were or to Disney on ice my boyfriends working though so just me and my family. We exchanged gifts last night had to stay up till 12 waiting for him to finish work worth it though he got me a Nikon d3300 as he knows I want to be able to take decent pictures of the kids :) in suffering today as I've had two hours sleep at most with dd waking up
Hi ladies, I'm not feeling Christmas at all this year, I feel soo sick, threw up my breakfast into a carrier bag yesterday because my dad was in the loo! And I've got so much on but just don't want to do anything xx
Hi ladies, I'm not feeling Christmas at all this year, I feel soo sick, threw up my breakfast into a carrier bag yesterday because my dad was in the loo! And I've got so much on but just don't want to do anything xx

I'm totally with you Unicorn, I'm facing Christmas in bed after being told that's the only way to avoid another hospital admission. I love Christmas but I'm so sick and fed up. Don't wanna see anyone or do anything, hopefully you'll start to feel better soon. Try to enjoy it x
I am feeling absolutely defeated today. I have been trying so hard to get the house ready for Christmas as we are having family over and I just can't do it. I'm struggling so much. I am exhausted my pgp is bloody agony and when I try to do anything I just feel like an old lady. Roll on 2nd trimester. Positive note I get to see baby bump again tomorrow yay x
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Girls I feel less alone reading these posts i am exactly the same I normally LOVE Christmas it's my favourite time of year but this year I feel so down in the dumps with the constant nausea that I can't face it. I feel guilty cos I normally do so much with the kids and I've had to cancel loads of events we had planned. Think my husband is getting totally fed up of my grumpiness!! I've done no housework lately can't seem to find the energy and cleaning products are toxic to me anyway. I feel your pain ladies it is NOT FUN I just cannot wait to feel human again. I hope you all feel a bit better soon this is definitely the hardest part of pregnancy roll on trimester 2 I say!!!! Xx
I'm 12 weeks tomorrow and if it's any consolation I'm starting to feel a lot better. I hope you all feel better soon.

My house needs a massive clean but I have no idea how I'll find the time or energy! We're busy seeing friends this week plus I need to do all the wrapping and food shopping.

It'll soon be spring, shortest day today. X
Lack of sleep is killing me so I'm hoping that the excitement might die down after Christmas and my daughter may actually sleep past 4am with no wake ups! I'm supposed to go back to work on the 5th but I can't think of anything worst not sure j can extend my sick leave though. I might try with all the spotting. Hope you all can have a good Christmas despite feeling so bad xx
Hi ladies!

I'm really pleased to hear that you're feeling better, Umbongo. My symptoms have really faded these past two days, and I've been getting a little worried. I hit 12 weeks yesterday, so I'm hoping it's all quite normal.

I finally had my dating scan appointment through today- 6th January. I called them, as I'd be 14w 3d then, and was a little concerned that it seemed rather late. So, they've managed to find me an appointment tomorrow! Completely unexpected, fingers crossed everything is okay. x
Oh that's exciting Abbie and a fab Xmas prezzies ... Can't wait to see the pic xx
Hi Everyone,

It's been busy in here, think I have missed about 30 pages, hello to any newbies and congratulations to those who have had a scan.

Has anyone been using a Doppler?

I have heard baby a couple of times on mine, so nice to hear :)

Do we have a Facebook group, I was in June mummies 2014 and we set up a page and have stayed really close and shared so many experiences and it's easier to stay up to date, just a thought x
Thats great Abbie mine is at 10.30 tomorrow! I am really excited and nervous! I am a little worried as I will only be 11 weeks but you never know I might get an extra scan :)

Managed to organise our Christmas eve box's, well the contents anyway I can't find any nice boxes so I will just wrap them up x I got new pjs, sweets and hot chocolate. Plan is to watch nightmare before Christmas before bed! I am looking forward to that. Christmas day is going to be manic and I am not overly happy about it. I wanted a quiet Christmas but hubby wanted everyone over. He won by saying it's Eva's first Christmas and its only fair to have family over.

I am worried about telling my mum I am pregnant I have been able to keep it from her but I will start to show soon. The longer I leave it the worse it's getting but every time I work uo the courage to tell her she says something upsetting amd telling me she doesn't want another grandchild and telling me I'm not allowed to have another! Its causing me so much stress! I'm leaving it until after Christmas because I don't want her ruining Eva's first Christmas!
Charliebump3 that sounds horrible about your mum I had a similar reaction from my parents and o be honest they're still not excited and they've known since my bfp. My thoughts are there's nothing bad about a baby and once that baby is here they will be loved just the same as any other child. You and your oh are happy so that's all that matters. Welcome first baby white by looks of tickets were due on the same day :) Abbie4 bet you can't wait I love scans I've got my last at the epu on the 29th then my dating scan on the 7th then gender scan on the 29th ! Hopefully my bean will get a test after that and I'll stop spitting so won't be so worried xx
Thank you SeasameSeed!

Ahh, you're tomorrow too Charliebump3, how exciting. Good luck, I hope it goes well. Sounds like a very busy Christmas. We're also having everyone over, for the very first time! My MIL is an absolute nightmare, so she'll have to be on her best behaviour.

Sounds awful about your mum, what a shame that she's said such things. A baby is always a blessing. x
Elfs Mummy, you must be so worried. I had some light spotting at 8 weeks and spoke to the GP. She didn't seem worried. I can't imagine how anxious I'd be if it was still happening. I really hope all of your scans go well! x
Good luck with the scans tomorrow Abbie and Charliebump. Lovely to have them before Christmas.

I have a Doppler,I use it weekly and it's brilliant! I heard the hb at 7+3.

Wish me luck getting writing work done tonight please! I'm so tired! Must get some done, if my daughter ever sleeps!
She has always been really nasty. With my oldest she called her a half breed, my second she said it would have been best if we lost him. With my youngest she screamed 'get out of my house' at me! I dread to think how this news will go down. Definitely not saying anything over Xmas I don't want the upset!

I can't wait for tomorrow I can't wait to see my baby again. I love having scan x we might have a 4D scan again x

Is there anyone who has had a emergency section then a planned? I am worried about the pain after! I just wondered if it hurt less when you don't have to go through labour! This is probably a really sill question so im sorry!

Speaking of silly questions but last night I struggled to fall asleep because I didn't know what unpasteurised milk tastes like! Why does our brains start these silly questions when ts bed time!
I'm hoping for a vbac this time with my daughter it was a planned emergency csection. From what I've heard planned ones are a lot more relaxed than emergency so I should feel lucky really as it was very calm etc however it's taken a long time for me to heal so I don't want to do it again if I don't have to I'm seriously starting to consider a home birth this time x

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