July 2016 Mummies to be!

Must be scan day tomorrow as I have my scan with the fertility clinic and I'll be 7+4.

I'm so nervous after such a journey to get to this stage xx
I also have a scan tomorrow but mine is private haha how weird
Hi ladies! Please may I join you? I'm 11 weeks 1 day pregnant, due on the 5th July 2016. This is my first pregnancy, and my husband and I are thrilled. I'm nervously anticipating my dating scan, which still hasn't been booked in! x
Good luck for tomorrow Mel xx

Welcome Abby congratulations on your baby. Hope the morning sickness isn't too bad.
Thanks Charlie ... how are you feeling now?

Welcome Abbie, hope your scan date comes through soon xx
Wow! Scantastic! I'm interested to see if my dates change at all, probably not but you never know.

Welcome Abbie, we're at almost the same stage, how you feeling?

Oh Charlie, that sounds hideous! I had spd last time and I'm dreading it again! X
Thank you all for the lovely welcome!

How exciting, umbongo! I'm feeling absolutely exhausted, all the time! I haven't had much morning sickness- it kicked in at 10 weeks 2 days and seems to have edged off again now. I'm off almost all foods, though- I can only face sandwiches or beans and cheese (I know! What's that about?!). I had my first midwife appointment today and she said they recommend eating whatever I fancy at this stage! My dating scan is going to be rushed in, as my booking in appointment was quite late (they didn't have any slots for two weeks!). We were hoping for before Christmas, but that's looking unlikely.

I've also been getting an awful lot of vivid dreams. I suffer with them, anyway, but they're every night now. Think I'm just anxious about the scan!

How are you all feeling? Hope you're well xx
Thank you all for the lovely welcome!

How exciting, umbongo! I'm feeling absolutely exhausted, all the time! I haven't had much morning sickness- it kicked in at 10 weeks 2 days and seems to have edged off again now. I'm off almost all foods, though- I can only face sandwiches or beans and cheese (I know! What's that about?!). I had my first midwife appointment today and she said they recommend eating whatever I fancy at this stage! My dating scan is going to be rushed in, as my booking in appointment was quite late (they didn't have any slots for two weeks!). We were hoping for before Christmas, but that's looking unlikely.

I've also been getting an awful lot of vivid dreams. I suffer with them, anyway, but they're every night now. Think I'm just anxious about the scan!

How are you all feeling? Hope you're well xx

I'm knackered too. I have a 2 year old to chase after who doesn't sleep well so that doesn't help! I fancy all carbs, so I'm not doing my figure any favours!! I have felt sick all the time since 6 weeks but it is definitely easing off. Our areas is super busy for scans etc too, I was given an unsuitable appt as my husband is away but they wouldn't change it :-(
Welcome Abbie I think there must be a baby boom at the moment as my booking in isn't till 12 weeks and our hospital likes it at 8 !
I'm so unbelievably happy so I sent a text to my friend who suffered two recent miscarriages to let her know I was pregnant and she's only pregnant as well we're days apart which is fantastic :)
Must be scan day tomorrow as I have my scan with the fertility clinic and I'll be 7+4.

I'm so nervous after such a journey to get to this stage xx

Good luck tomorrow Mel! :)
This is the third time Umbongo... I go to wipe there's a small amount I wipe again and there's nothing.. Then nothing for days. Hope so too but I'll know more tomorrow! Hope you're scan goes well xx

Some people seem to be prone to random bleeding unfortunately! I feel for you as it must be a bit scary every time. x
Welcome Abbie I think there must be a baby boom at the moment as my booking in isn't till 12 weeks and our hospital likes it at 8 !
I'm so unbelievably happy so I sent a text to my friend who suffered two recent miscarriages to let her know I was pregnant and she's only pregnant as well we're days apart which is fantastic :)

Aww that's lovely Elf having someone to share the journey with!

I have my dating scan on Wednesday afternoon at 2pm when I'll be 11+4. I feel physically sick with nerves. Last time I'd had 2 early scans so knew there was something there at least. I feel like I'm going to go in and tell me it's all been a mistake or something. Hate this time of pregnancy :(

Welcome Abbie - I'll update the front page next time I'm on my iPad! x
Hi Abbie nice to meet you ��

I hope everyone has had a great day today! �� I'm really jealous of all you guys having early scans. I'm just counting down the days till 11th Jan when mines booked in for but I will be nearly 13 weeks. Good luck with your scan G4YLE I'm sure you have a little bean in there just waiting to say hello ��! I keep worrying the same as you though (I'm just a massive worrier) xx
Also I really need to get the hang of these smily things they keep going as question marks lol :) xx
I just keep thinking I can't wait for Christmas to be over and done with now lol! I'm like Bah Humbug on that end because I'm more excited to get it over and done with this year and I normally love it! I'm even having to take nap breaks in between wrapping presents lol!

You will have to put a picture on of your scan Rosin so I can see seen as were due the same day! Eeek xx

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