July 2016 Mummies to be!

Oh Unicorn hope you're ok.
Praying it's just the progesterone.
Is it around the time af would show? xx
Oh no unicorn I have everything crossed for you. It might might be a mix of the progesterone and jumping hubby. Get plenty of rest hon xxx
Oh unicorn I hope it's nothing. The chances of a problem after seeing the hb are massively reduced so fx. xxxx
Thank you ladies.
That's really reasurring thank you Umbongo.
Yeah, it is actually Mel, do you think that may be significant? I didn't have anything last month when af was due!
It seems to have stopped now, so hopefully nothing xx
I'm keeping fingers crossed for you Unicorn. Hopefully just some harmless bleeding, with the only effect being to scare you out of your wits temporarily!

Nice bump pics ladies. I'm only 7 weeks now, so no bump yet. Maybe I should take some no bump pics for my records while I still can! :)
Oh unicorn how annoying :( I'm sure it will be fine, ive heard a lot about the progresterone irritating the cervix and also if this is about the time af would have been due, it Could be that. My sister had a bleed arohnd that time and everything was absolutely fine. Keep us updated xx
Oh unicorn how worrying you saw a very strong heart beat on Friday so I'm sure everything's fine xx
Thank you so much ladies, It's competely stopped now so hopefully just baby preparing us for all the worry of parenthood ;-) xx
Aww unicorn they do like to worry us! My youngest has developed a habit of throwing herself back out of your arms! I swear she has something against my heart!
Some woman do have spotting/bleeding around the time af would have been due, so hopefully it's completely normal.

Pleased to hear it's stopped now.

Hope you have your feet up and are resting xx
Don't worry unicorn I'm sure it's nothing so many people have bleeds in pregnancy and the fact that you've seen nice strong heartbeat is main thing take it easy xx
Good morning ladies, missing since a couple of days bu catching up. I'm thinking about you Unicorn and sending to you my positive thoughts!
How many nice bellies ladies!

I will have the first appointment with the midwife on Monday, but my fi at ultrasound only on 7th January. I have tried to find a private one but nothing so far as I can't get off work these weeks.... Feeling a bit worries, would it be too late in Jan?
Hi ladies! Hope everyone had a nice weekend?
Glad your bleed has stopped, Unicorn. Something like that would completely make me panic.
I'm fine, just feeling super tired at the moment. Have got my next scan on Friday!
Here's my bump pic. I feel massive for 9 weeks. I had a lovely flat stomach before I got preggers! I didn't start to show at all until 16 weeks with my first!!


  • 9 weeks.PNG
    9 weeks.PNG
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Pleased the bleeding has stopped unicorn. I wonder if it could have been irritation after your scan? Xxx
Glad you have stopped bleeding, I've had a small amount myself today.. Have my 8 week scan tomorrow so my midwife has just told me to keep an eye on it (stopped now) and go in tomorrow as planned unless it gets any worse x
NHS scan tomorrow at 5pm! Eek! I should be 11 weeks.

Glad the bleed stopped unicorn. I hope you're okay too Kelly. X
This is the third time Umbongo... I go to wipe there's a small amount I wipe again and there's nothing.. Then nothing for days. Hope so too but I'll know more tomorrow! Hope you're scan goes well xx
I am 11 weeks tomorrow and I am having a scan.

Oh my god I had physio today and I needed my pelvis correcting. I have a rotated pelvis. Usually the process is quick and fairly minal pain but later on its usually agony. Well....... I had a student physio correcting it today and she did it so hard that she made the other half of my pelvis pop out of place! It took 20 mins of agony to correct it. I just cried and now I am in absolute agony. I don't think I can let another student do that again!

Hope all is well
That sounds traumatic Charlie, I don't blame you! X

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