July 2016 Mummies to be!

I think mine is just bloat, but it does seem a bit rounder xx
Loving the bump pic Unicorn, and your scan ... Wow. Can't wait for mine on Tues now.

My bump/bloat seems to have popped yesterday from no-where, and by boobs finally look bigger too :)

How is everyone?
Any Sunday plans?

I'm having a day at home today. Was busy yesterday so feeling knackered xx
Off on our Christmas break today :)
I'm feeling same Mel, really bloated!
Glad it's not just me lol
Sooo tired but struggling to sleep xx
Off on our Christmas break today :)
I'm feeling same Mel, really bloated!
Glad it's not just me lol
Sooo tired but struggling to sleep xx

Ooh where are you off to? Hope you have a lovely time xx

I'm so tired too. Go to bed super early and then wake super early too. Vicious cycle.
Loving the bump pic Unicorn, and your scan ... Wow. Can't wait for mine on Tues now.

My bump/bloat seems to have popped yesterday from no-where, and by boobs finally look bigger too :)

How is everyone?
Any Sunday plans?

I'm having a day at home today. Was busy yesterday so feeling knackered xx

Yeah, I think my bloat may be looking a bit rounder, but unfortunately my boobs don't seem any bigger, that would be nice :)

Can't wait to see your scan pic Mel, are you taking bump pics too?

I'm spending the day at home today, I'm shattered! I sit on foster panels approving foster carers so I have loads of applications to read today for a panel on Tuesday, but I may need to have naps inbetween ;-) xx
I haven't started taking bump pics yet but really need to.
Silly question ... do you take your own?

Defo have naps in between working.
I'm finding myself so knackered that I'm prob gonna have a nap later too.

What an exciting job you do hun xx
This is just on the side, but yeah, I enjoy it :)
Hubby takes mine but Ive seen others people have taken themselves in the mirror xx
Morning Ladies, hope you all have a lovely Sunday! xx
Hey everyone. I took bump pics religiously last time but haven't taken any yet! Oops.
I am getting fat and not getting a bump yet at all! Just losing my
waist! Wah. I did have a sexy fireman rub my tummy though. Haha. We went to a charity night with local firemen stripping .They were HOT! Not usually my sort of thing either, but these pregnancy hormones are making me horny. Haha.
No big plans today, just going to do some work (I'm a proofreader).
Have a good day xx
Come on ladies, I want to see some bump / bloat pics :) xx

This is me today!
Ah, I love it, you look lovely :) How far along are you lottie? xx
Just seen your ticker, 11 weeks, lovely neat bump xx
Lovely bump Lottie :)

I took my own last time but might get hubby to take some this time too. I went out for Xmas lunch with the girls yesterday and omg by the end of the meal I swear I looked about 6/7 months gone - combination of food baby and real baby! lol I found out one of my close friends at work is only 3 weeks behind me with her first. I'm so excited to have someone to share the journey with and enjoy mat leave with! I might take a bump pic later x
I look like an elephant :)


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I've started bleeding :-(
I'm really hoping it's nothing, I'm not experiencing any pain and I have been warned that the vaginal progesterone gel can cause cervical irritation and bleeding so I am really hoping it is just that.
It's just light (only when I wipe) pick / red diluted type of blood.
I rang the EPU and they said not to worry, it is really common and that if I start experiencing any pain or it gets worse, to ring them in the morning and they'll get me in for another scan!
This is an emotional rollercoster! We only had a scan on Friday and saw the heartbeat! Come on baby, stop scaring mummy and daddy please xx
Hi ladies

I don't really have any bloating or a bump. I'm quite chunky so I just look fatter.

I've had a day of cleaning and getting things ready for school tomorrow. I hate Monday's there's always so much to do!

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