July 2016 Mummies to be!

Yeah, the smell sensitivity is crazy and doesn't help with the sickness at all, although I think it is contributing to me really enjoying my food when I can face it :)
Thank you lottie, the cramps aren't too bad, I didn't have any last night or during today and it is just like a dull ache again this evening I hope it is just bean growing pains! xx
Uggghhh smells are the worst!!! My daughter's nappies are killing me and I was gagging cleaning the bathroom earlier as the cleaning spray smelt so overpowering! I am quite bad with smells anyway so now it's terrible!
Evening ladies hope you're all well,
I had an appointment with my midwife today, as a diabetic I'm classed as high risk and have a specialised midwife and consultant. It's all very confusing and daunting at the moment. I'm allowed an 8 week scan next Tuesday and then have to see her every other week. I've also been told I'll be be giving birth a week early.. (19th July) scary stuff... Anyone else been through this?

Sorry I've not been through it but how fantastic that they're already looking after you so well.
Everyone seems to be seeing their midwife but me its changed so much since my daughter. Xx
I'm not seeing mine til the 29th either! LOL

There's not much they can do this early and I'm in no rush to give blood lol... really hate needles haha.

Kelly, I had both my older kids at 37 weeks due to Obstetric Cholestasis (I was induced).

However this time I'll be arguing my case with them if need be and hope to refuse induction unless there's a genuine need (with my other two everything was fine, the OC was being managed and my levels were normal, babies were growing as they should, movements were great, heartrates were normal etc, so there was no need to induce really).
Elfs mummy, they have been fantastic! I'm just a bit overwhelmed by all the information and what I have to do over the due course of my pregnancy.. Seems very daunting st the moment but I'm sure it will be worth it.

Phoenix, I was told it was to stop the risk of my baby being still born so that's not a risk I want to take and it frightened me a little.

Thanks for your input guys xx
Glad they're looking after you kelly.

Git my first midwife appointment on Tuesday and been told that I need to think about whether I want to test for Down's syndrome... It's my first child so I didn't even know you had to make those kind of decisions.

Wow morning sickness is kicking butt today.

Good look for your scan unicorn... I'll be thinking about you xx
Thank you sesame seed :)

I know, my first appointment was very similar, felt so overwhelmed. Are you going to get tested? I've said yes.

I've had no morning sickness.. i keep thinking there might be nothing there..xx
Sesame seed i didn't take the test with my daughter and me and my partner have decided not to have it again ultimately any diagnosis would not stop me continuing this pregnancy so there's no point in me finding out the risk. Most things can be picked up on a scan and I've known two friends be told things that weren't true one was told there baby would not survive out the womb and would have multiple problems he's absolutely fine and the other told they had 1/2 chance of down syndrome and again baby was born with no conditions. So it's up to you what you want and it's a completly personal decision.
I'm getting a lot of pain today think I've been overdoing it as my daughter had a poorly tummy last night she had to be off school when she's absolutely fine so we've just done two hours at soft play when I would have liked to be in bed. My sickness hasn't been too bad so far but it's been flooring me in the evenings so I've been trying to eat thRoughout the morning. It's hard through as I really only want to eat fruit especially peaches getting through at least four a day and that's only because they're so expensive. With my daughter it
Was pineapple.
I love hearing about cravings.. My sister craved washing up sponges.. Not eating them just chewing them. But the thought of that makes me quezy haha! All I'm wanting is cheese spread sandwiches.. When diabetic it's not a great choice. Haha. Xx
Just had scan and saw baby's heartbeat for the first time. Feel really emotional :)
There were 2 women in the EPU obviously miscarrying so it's been a really emotional afternoon and I feel so utterly greatful that everything is fine.
Measured baby at 7+3 and we thought 7+2, so far pretty much bang on.
Midwife appointment is next Friday, I'm hoping to never have to go back to the EPU after today xx
Hi ladies I have only just reread my last message! I meant to say 6 people in a 3 bedroom house. Sorry that was really confusing.

I feel slightly better today the antibiotics must be taking effect now.

I promise I will read the post properly later. We are having a party for my son's teddy! I am nuts I know lol
Sorry I have been a little mia! Been having a little bleed the last couple of days, went to get checked out at epu. Had a scan today and I got to see my little bean, christened smurf by my OH. Measuring at 7 + 2 so a little back from what I thought but all is well with baby. I have a small bleed next to the gestational sac caused by some bruising in the uterus. Has anyone else had this? Midwife says it may clear up or may continue. But didn't seem worried. Asked me to go back in 2/3 weeks for another checkup X
Amazing news Unicorn (posted in your other thread too)

How is everyone?

I'm so tired, a little crampy and feeling nauseous xx
Luckylu that's great that you saw your bean I haven't had a bruised uterus but as you've seen a strong heartbeat that's great news xx
Hi ladies :]

Just wanted to poke a nose in, let y'all know it's an amazing happy-sad moment seeing y'all here, and to tell you that I'm still friends with all the girls I did this with.

Best of luck to you all, and remember no matter how many times you hear and don't believe it... Make the most of it, it goes so fast.

From July Mummies 2015 xx
Amazing news unicorn and luckylu ... So pleased for the both of you :)

And what a lovely msg laceykeo xx

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