July 2016 Mummies to be!

Oh Cherry thats shit! I'm so sorry you're going through this again :(
I'm so sorry to read this Cherry.
Sending huge hugs.

Hope you feel better soon Charlie.

As for me my only symptom is tiredness.
Feeling so scared for my scan in 6 days time xx
Oh cherry. That's awful. I'm so sorry :( Sending hugs and strength xxxx

I hope you're feeling better Charlie? X
So sorry to hear your news Cherrybelly. Take time to recover and look after yourself x
Sorry to hear about your sad news, Cherry. I hope there is better news waiting for you very soon, and that in the meantime you have lots of people around to support you through this sad time.
I'm so sorry Cherrybelly, what awful news, I hope you are ok xx

I hope you're starting to feel better Charlie?

I've been pretty sick the last few days and really tired as I'm being woken during the night needing to wee and struggling to get back off because my mind is racing. But this morning I was woken by period type cramps, which have really freaked me out! They were gone within about 30 seconds and I haven't experienced them again throughout the day but this evening I have dull period type pains! This is the first time I have experienced any type of cramping in pregnancy and it is really upsetting me! I have a scan on Friday and just really hope everything is ok xx
I've had cramps since before I found out I was pregnant (thought it was af) mine are worse at night and they have woken me up a few times, I was told by my midwife not to worry unless accompanied by blood which I haven't had and I'm presuming you haven't. If you turn over in your sleep then this might be what kick started it. When I turn in bed or get up to go to the toilet they come on. They're always more painful at night.. No idea why.
I'm sure if you contact your midwife she will put your mind at rest until the 15th. But I just wanted you to know you're not on your own with these pains.
Thank you Kelly, I think the whole thing is turning me into an emotional mess! I just sat and sobbed at something not even that sad on the telly whilst hubby just looked at me bemused! I'm off to bed and hope for a better day tomorrow xx
Hi ladies

I'm so sorry for your loss cherry x will be thinking of you xx

I am not feeling much better at all but there again Its only been 1 full day on the antibiotics so I shouldn't expect miracles. I could do with hubby being home but he can't have anymore time off.

Unicorn I am also struggling to sleep. My Mind is racing because I don't know what to do about work, my ex husband is making life hard and worried about where we are going to live because all 6 of us will kot fit in a bed for much longer. The stress is setting off my IBS which makes me panic because I wonder if it's a miscarriage. Every night this week iv woke hubby up in a panic and he has had to calm me down! I feel sorry for him!
Seeing this thread makes me very emosh. Im a july 2015 mummy. Good luck ladies xxxx
Hi ladies

I'm so sorry for your loss cherry x will be thinking of you xx

I am not feeling much better at all but there again Its only been 1 full day on the antibiotics so I shouldn't expect miracles. I could do with hubby being home but he can't have anymore time off.

Unicorn I am also struggling to sleep. My Mind is racing because I don't know what to do about work, my ex husband is making life hard and worried about where we are going to live because all 6 of us will kot fit in a bed for much longer. The stress is setting off my IBS which makes me panic because I wonder if it's a miscarriage. Every night this week iv woke hubby up in a panic and he has had to calm me down! I feel sorry for him!

Wow, that does sound like you're having a rough time Charlie! There are 6 of you sharing a bed? xx
Hope your ok Charlie?
Life sounds a little stressful for you.

Sending hugs xx
Thanks Claire.

Oh Charlie, you sound like you're having a really hard time of it! I hope it gets better. What's going on with your housing situation?

I'm so tired! We've had a busy week with various events and shopping etc and I need to clean the house before my parents come this weekend :(
I have so much to do, work stuff (I run a proofreading business) plus Christmas gifts etc. My husband is great but has no sense of urgency with anything!

Good luck with your scan tomorrow unicorn. X
Thank you, I'm excited and nervous all rolled into one! I just hope so much that everything is ok.
I hope things lets up for you soon Umbongo, I can't even get my head around planning for Christmas this year! xx
Hope you're ok Charlie! Unicorn good luck for tomorrow I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!! How's the cramps now?

Bongo, my house is literally a tip, I just don't have the energy to clean right now :(

Hope everyone else is ok? I'm experiencing a lot of what feels like stretching pains around my stomach. It's not sore, just a bit uncomfortable when standing. Symptoms are also starting to ease slightly, don't feel sick for quite as long as I had been, but still sore boobs, sour taste in mouth and everything stinks. My neighbour smoke weed which I don't have a problem with, but i can't stand the smell if I happen to be outside when he's smoking it.
I still have the sour/bitter taste in my mouth too which makes me feel sick. I also can't stand most smells at the moment too.

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