July 2016 Mummies to be!

I just keep having dreams about people from my past at the moment. :S Joining you on the bathroom trips though!
I dreamt about my ex last night, it was awful! I was trying to get away and find my husband!
Last week was more fun, sexy dreams about the postman. LMAO.
I dreamt about my ex last night, it was awful! I was trying to get away and find my husband!
Last week was more fun, sexy dreams about the postman. LMAO.

LOL I dont even know what my postman looks like! He always comes when I'm at work. I'll probably have dreams about someones postman tonight now after reading this :whistle:
I dreamt I was being burgled and had a secret hatch under my rug .... My dreams have been so bizarre!! X
Is anyone else completly off sex ? I can't think of anything worst at the moment !
Is anyone else completly off sex ? I can't think of anything worst at the moment !
I am the opposite, I'm gagging for it but my daughter has been cock blocking by refusing to sleep before 11pm. She was back to normal last night so maybe tonight he'll get lucky. Otherwise I'll have to jump the postman....he's pretty hot. Or maybe it's just hormones! :p ;) :)
Haha jump the postman ! Up until last week I was gagging for it now I'm like don't touch me I want to sleep poor guys not had any for two weeks now xx
I'd love to have more often some "us" time, but lately I'm just too tired and go to bed very early... Need to make up for it during the weekend ��
I'd love to have more often some "us" time, but lately I'm just too tired and go to bed very early... Need to make up for it during the weekend ��

i feel the same :( my partners started a new job where he works 15 hours a day and hasnt had a day off since he started. we dont live together so havent seen each other and barely spoken as im heading to bed long before hes getting home. he want me and my daughter to stay at his for a few nights but hes working 7am-2am some days so i just dont think i could cope with needing to be up so much
Evening ladies Hope your all well.

I'm sorry I haven't read any posts, I feel absolutely rubbish I ended up back at the doctors today because I was having really bad pains in my tummy and back. They retested my urine and it was still not right and I have more antibiotics. It is completely unbelievable how unwell a water infection can make you feel! I feel so ill hubby had to come home from work to look after the children. I was so sick I was shaking and felt so dizzy. God I hope these antibiotics work soon!
Aww charliebump3 I really do hope you feel much better soon xx
Hope you feel better soon charlievump3 sounds so sore xx
I really hope the antibiotics work fast and that you feel better soon!

This week is exhausting, I'm getting up at 5.30am every day And very busy aT work... Really looking forward the Christmas holidays for some rest, me time and taking care of husband, I'm neglecting him a bit ATM but we are both so destroyed by work that we don't really have time for each other!
Hope you feel better soon, Charlie. It's awful when you're ill but still have to look after children!

Hope you get to see your partner soon Elfsmummy. How come you don't live together, if you don't mind me asking?

I'm so unbelievably tired at the moment. Doesn't help that I woke up at 3 this morning and couldn't bloody well get back to sleep! Really looking forward to my Christmas holidays and hopefully a bit of a relaxing time!
Hi all, scan yesterday confirmed I've miscarried so I'll be leaving you. I wish you all the best of luck with your pregnancies. No matter how crap you feel, please try to enjoy every day you're pregnant. Lots of love xxx
Aww Charlie! Hope you feel better soon, water infections are horrific at the best of times without being pregnant! Hope it clears soon! Xx
oh Cherrybelly, how sad. I'm so sorry for your loss.
Am thinking of you xxx

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