July 2016 Mummies to be!

Hi everyone. I'm due 16th July and am both excited and extremely scared! My son is 22 months and goes absolutely crazy if I even touch another baby, so the idea of introducing a permanent one into the family is daunting, to say the least.
lottie89, Yep the jeans are definitely getting tighter! Although it could just be bloating. I thought I'd at least have a little something at 10 weeks, as it's my second but compared to other peoples 'bumpy' pics I just look like a have a lil extra flab! LOL.

LOL! This is exactly how I feel. I just cant stop eating at the moment which isnt helping either :|
Haha. Me too! Eating helps with the nausea. All the wrong things though! Just scarfed 3 bakewell tarts in a row! Yesterday I was attacking the nachos and cheese at the cinema! X
Hi rose welcome to the July mummies. Congratulations on your BFP. When I had number two my oldest was 2 and she didn't seem to care. She had one day where she wouldn't be in the same house as him but then she just carried on as normal x my when number 3 was coming they were 9 and 7 and we're excited but we included them with everything. I took them to a private scan, choose clothes and they talked and kissed my bump! Number 4 is no where near as exciting!

Welcome back cherry hope your ok xx

Iv been wearing maternity pants for a while now because I can't have anything touching my stomach as the trapped wind gets too uncomfortable xx
Hi ladies! Just back from Drs. Got a scan at 3:15 tomorrow so fingers crossed!!
Welcome to the thread Rosieposie and congratulations.

Good luck at the scan tomorrow Cherrybelly.

Hello Rosie!

My belly is getting bigger too, but because I'm coming from a weekend with my inlaws XD Should really control myself better, I'm already on the heavy side and can't take too much weight.

That's good news Cherrybelly, keeping my fingers crossed for you!

I'm at work until 7.30 tonight and then it will take me one hour to be home: my eyes are already getting closed lol!
How did your scan go this afternoon ab? Really hope all is well :)
Good luck for tomorrow Cherrybelly
I'm absolutely loving being pregnant as well Oxford, it's just amazing even with all the sickness, tiredness, headaches etc, I would go through twice as much as this for the little miracle we are going to have at the end, I'm so excited :)
Absolutely loving food at the moment as well, when I haven't got my head down the toilet! I could eat all day and not feel full! I'm going to be in maternity clothes in now time at this rate! xx
I've got to wait till the 7th for my 12 week scan when I'll be almost 14 weeks which is irritating and not booking in until 29th December at 12 weeks ! It's rather annoying. Hope everything's ok cherry x

My booking in appointment is on the 29th too but I'll be 13 weeks exactly then, and I'm not doing scans lol.

Waiting for the appointment is frustrating to but not long to wait now, only 3 weeks :)

Can't believe I'm nearly into double figures!
got my booking in blood test results back. All ok which is a relief :D
I'm expanding at an alarming rate ! Yet I've lost weight ? Guess being sick
Makes a difference ! I'm sure I've felt a few flutters but 9 weeks is surely to early think with my daughter I was 12/13 weeks. I've already had two scans already Phoenix and I'm pretty sure I'll end up with more as this pregnancy will be classed as high risk due to previous section, pre eclampsia and a family history of premature and still birth.
I'm expanding at an alarming rate ! Yet I've lost weight ? Guess being sick
Makes a difference ! I'm sure I've felt a few flutters but 9 weeks is surely to early think with my daughter I was 12/13 weeks. I've already had two scans already Phoenix and I'm pretty sure I'll end up with more as this pregnancy will be classed as high risk due to previous section, pre eclampsia and a family history of premature and still birth.
I was just about to post about feeling baby! It seems too early really at 10 weeks (tomorrow) but I'm sure I can. It's happened a few times now. I felt fluttering at 14 weeks last time and saw a kick at 18 weeks. So we'll see I guess. It feels pretty lovely, I reckon my little magic bean is swimming round my uterus! Probably why I find the hb then lose it again so easily!
Umbongo I was finding it easily
Last week tried today and had to
Keep moving and I picked
It up slightly further from my pelvis
Today x
Umbongo I was finding it easily
Last week tried today and had to
Keep moving and I picked
It up slightly further from my pelvis
Today x
Yes mine is much further up now too. Sounded strong then kept moving.. Little monkey!

Meanwhile worst night sleep for me. Despite my daughter sleeping really really well for her I was hot and itchy and couldn't get comfy and snotty etc. Just everything. Meeting a friend tonight for dinner, I'll be asleep in mine! Wah
I slept quite well apart from the three toilet trips and my daughter waking at 5 ! I still feel exhausted though :/
The toilet trips have started 1am, 3am and 6am .... Where does it all come from?! I've also been having extremely vivid dreams must nights, and wake up shattered! Has anyone else had this? Xx
yes. I had a horrid night last night as I kept waking up from dreams. Don't remember it from last time! Had a massive wee at 1 too!! I feel so tired. Wish I didn't have to work today
They are so very scary... Our mind are absolutely crazy with hormones haha ... Quote pleased to know I'm not the only one though xx

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