July 2016 Mummies to be!

Sounds like me, I'm trying to think what to get people and I'm flummoxed!
December is just flying I need to work out what I have left to get. Xx
This year has flown. I can't believe in 3 weeks Xmas will be over. Still got so much to do.
Luckily I'm not cooking this year as going to the MIL's for a few nights :)
I like having milestones throughout the year so Christmas, dds birthday, then I have birthdays March,April,May, June for close fa,ily and friends then it'll be July it's crazy
I'm sorry for my sensitivity xxxx

I'm still loitering as not sure if I have the right to be here any more. Had light red bleeding since Friday but it hasn't gotten worse? Calling Drs in the morning for referral to EPAU.

Hope you're all ok and again I'm sorry for being a ranty, over emotional person :( xx
I'm sorry for my sensitivity xxxx

I'm still loitering as not sure if I have the right to be here any more. Had light red bleeding since Friday but it hasn't gotten worse? Calling Drs in the morning for referral to EPAU.

Hope you're all ok and again I'm sorry for being a ranty, over emotional person :( xx

Hope you're ok. Try not to stress there can be all sorts of reasons for a bleed. I'm sure you will get a referral soon xx
I'm sorry for my sensitivity xxxx

I'm still loitering as not sure if I have the right to be here any more. Had light red bleeding since Friday but it hasn't gotten worse? Calling Drs in the morning for referral to EPAU.

Hope you're all ok and again I'm sorry for being a ranty, over emotional person :( xx

Hope you're ok. Try not to stress there can be all sorts of reasons for a bleed. I'm sure you will get a referral soon xx

I'm a lot better today thank you.. I'd convinced myself it was all over, but now I'm not so sure? Hoping for a quick referral! That's if I can even get a Drs appointment!! Trying hard not to give myself false hope, but we'll see! X
Thinking of you Cherrybelly.
Really hope it's nothing to worry about. I've read that lots of woman bleed a little.

Blame the hormones. That's what I'm doing!

Hoping you get a referral to EPU quickly xx
Woo that's good we have the same date RosinC, I haven't really got morning sickness I feel sick a little bit but I've only thrown up once so I'm feeling quite lucky at the moment. My main thing is going light headed a lot and falling over from it along with sore boobs and extreme tiredness I feel like I could sleep for a week lately. I can't wait for Christmas to be out the way so then it's closer to my scan date lol! I keep debating about going for a private scan but keep thinking that £100 could be spent on something better especially with Christmas round the corner lol. We just don't want to tell our friends until after the scan but I wanted to tell them New Year's Eve so a it of a dilemma.
Hi ladies, I've had a really busy weekend and I'm absolutely exhausted now, in bed already! Hi to the newbies, lovely to have you on board and it's lovely to have you back Cherrybelly, I really hope everything is ok with your little bean and that you are here to stay. Can you not just contact the EPU directly if you can't get an appointment with your GP, they maybe able to phone you through a referral or something?
I was sick a crazy amount of times yesterday, just felt sick absolutely all day, but feeling a lot better today and only sick once this evening, so that's better! Think I may have let myself get a bit dehydrated and that's what caused the problem yesterday.
How are you doing Mel? xx
Oh, and I'm not feeling Christmas at all this year, I'm really looking forward to the actual celebrations but could totally do without all the preparations! Everytime I go to look for presents to buy online I end up buying baby books! Mind is totally not on Christmas at the moment! xx
Good to see you cherrybelly, I hope all is okay with your bean. It is definitely worth having lots of hope as it could be nothing. Fx.

Oh unicorn, that sickness sounds horrendous! I feel sick just in the evenings now and I'm so close to puking but still not been sick. Different to last time.

Godo morning everyone, and happy to see you Cherrybelly! Try to stay positive and let us know if you get an appointment. Here, except the extreme tiredness, all good and still no sickness thank god. I was toying too with the idea of booking a private scan Rachlaidler94 but I believe I will be a good girl and wait until the 7th of January, when they booked mine. I should be 13 week by then! Wish you all a good start into the new week and good work!
I've got to wait till the 7th for my 12 week scan when I'll be almost 14 weeks which is irritating and not booking in until 29th December at 12 weeks ! It's rather annoying. Hope everything's ok cherry x
Morning girls, epa just been on phone only appointment they have is this afternoon at 3.45 I'm excited but nervous.
It's too short notice for hubby to get it off work so going on my own.
Just hoping and praying this is a super sticky one! Xx
How's everyone doing today? Is anyone else finding it a struggle to button up their jeans now? Not sure if its bloat, a bump getting ready to form or I've just been eating too many packets of crisps :D
I'm totally feeling the tiredness now. Sounds like lots of you are as well. I usually get a wave of exhaustion in the afternoon, and by 7pm I am wishing I could go to bed.

As lame as it sounds, I'm kind of actually enjoying having to deal with the symptoms (including two very sore breasts and a little nausea), because it means I'm pregnant! Been wishing for this for a long time. Don't worry - I'm sure when the symptoms get worse, I'll change my tune!!

Best wishes to all.
lottie89, Yep the jeans are definitely getting tighter! Although it could just be bloating. I thought I'd at least have a little something at 10 weeks, as it's my second but compared to other peoples 'bumpy' pics I just look like a have a lil extra flab! LOL.

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