July 2016 Mummies to be!

Welcome back was wondering where you'd got to :) I still haven't got a date for my booking in in 12 week scan my Drs have re
Sent the information with urgent on it in an attempt to hurry them along x
Hi ladies

Hope your all well. Well I felt slightly better today so I did 2 hours of cleaning now I feel shakey and I'll again! I will never learn.....

This weekend my mum has put me in a hard situation. I asked to have my nephew fpr a few hours this evening so I can take the kids out together before Xmas. Well she's arranged that I have him till Sunday! Usually I wouldn't mind but I will have a 10 yo, 9yo, 8yo, a 5 month old plus being horrendously sick! Hubby is in uni tomorrow and work sunday so not much help around this week either!

Anyone else loosing a fair amount of weight! Iv lost half a stone in 2 weeks! I remember loosing wieght last time but not this quick! I lost half a stone in about a month last time.

I came on to look at the new August thread , (I was on the August 2015 thread) so it seems really strange!! Anyway Im sure I remember you from july mummies 2015!! Congrats! :) sorry to gate crash!
I don't feel particularly pregnant KellyL, I'm bloated have sore boobs, the odd wave of nausea (but I'm keeping the sickness at bay with seasickness bands) etc, but nothing major! I can't wait to be obviously pregnant :)
Hi G4LE, glad to see you back and gald you're feeling better xx
Thank you everyone! I didn't want to sound like a paranoid crazy lady! :) You've helped put my mind at rest xx
Welcome back G4YLE sorry to hear you have been unwell, hope you're fully recovered soon :) x
Hi sugar hope your well I was in the June 2015 last year lol and now back here for a 4th and final time! Enough is enough lol. There will literally be days between these babies birthdays! DD was born on the 25th June and this one is due on the 5th July but will be having a planned section at 38 weeks so it will be really close lol

Welcome back Gayle glad you are feeling better.

Welcome Kelly you may be one of the lucky ones that don't suffer too much. Sadly I am the opposite! Me and hormones hate each other lol congrats on your BFP . Have you told your diabetic nurse your pregnant. She will be able to support you as well.

Mad weekend here hope your all well I'm off taking the rabble roller skating
Hi everyone I've been following the thread for a couple of weeks now, I'm 7 weeks and 3 days (Due date of 20/07/2016) and it all just doesn't feel real at all. I'm just so scared of anything happening to the baby. It wasn't planned, I was on the pill and had salmonella which stopped the pill from working so its a little miracle baby!! I've had my booking in appointment with the midwife a week last Wednesday and I got my first scan date as 11th Jan which seems like ages away! You all seem like lovely ladies :)
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Hi Rach I am due 20th July too ☺ welcome and congratulations on your pregnancy hope your morning sickness is not as bad as mine lol xx
A huge welcome and congratulations to all the newbies :)

I've been awol for a few days so have loads to catch up on!!

Hey G4yle ... lovely to see you back. How are you feeling now?

I'm 6+1 today and feeling rubbish. Didn't help with the no sleep last night and now have a raging headache and nausea is back with a vengeance!
I'm supposed to be off out soon to see The Bodyguard at the theatre ... need to find some energy xxx
It's lovely were still getting July mummies I'm 8+ something now my partners working ridiculous hours so we went for dinner tonight now gone our separate ways to bed ! I feel 64 rather than 24 at the moment going to go to bed with my daughter tonight. Bring on 2nd trimester and hopefuly the glow that's meant to come with it .... I don't remember ever glowing with my daughter but you never know ;)
I never glowed either and I'm not holding my breath for this time either elf mummy. I don't do pregnancy well......
I m due 5th of July :) Another summer bub.

Nice to know I'm not the only only one who got preggos on the pill!!! A happy accident though. :)
Baby number 2 my first was an implant baby ! Not I'm getting a pill baby not hire sure what I'm going to do after this ones born in think of becoming a nun ;)
I'm going to be sterilised! 4babies is enough I think! Hubby keeps saying what if it's not a boy lol, I keep telling him tough! I'm not doing this again
How's everyone feeling this morning? I felt exhausted all weekend like I could sleep for a week x
Sleep would be lovely lol I haven't slept properly for days and I am exhausted to a point where I cried because I couldn't fix the TV! Just needed switching on at the plug. I feel slightly silly over that now xxx

How are you
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Aww charliebump3 I know how you feel. I get so frustrated at the tiniest things xx
Scan dates and me appointment I'm sure with Maisie I'd already had my appointments through and had a scan date at my hospital they do booking in at 8 weeks yet I'm 9 weeks tomorrow and no dates for either yet
Hello all. Are you feeling better G4YLE?

I'm behind in the thread, nice to see new people still being added though.

I think my nausea is getting better but I'm still feeling rough in the evenings and so tired! 9 days until my '12 week' scan. Can't wait to see my magic bean again. Still gutted my husband can't come though.

This weekend has flown by, anyone else really behind with Christmas prep? Eek.
I'm so tired today, I'm seriously thinking about going for a nap.

Umbongo ... I'm way behind with the Christmas prep too. Done some online shopping so just waiting on some deliveries. Loads more to do though! xx

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