July 2016 Mummies to be!

Brilliant unicorn :D have you got any scans coming up?

Thank you lottie, my next scan is on the 11th, a week tomorrow :) When's yours?
Fab news Bugsy :)

Hopefully it goes quickly, although I have found that with it being so busy this time of year, it really helps time go by!

My next one is a private one on the 15th when I'll be just over 11 weeks. I have a lot of events on that week so would like to be able to announce why I'm not drinking haha

Ah, how exciting, it will be here in no time :) xx
I got one of those today too, Unicorn. My GP said last week there was no need to do a blood test to confirm my pregnancy, and all of a sudden this morning I got paranoid that the pregnancy might be all in my head or a mistake of the first drug store cheapie test. Luckily, Clearblue confirmed that it is in my womb, not just in my head! lol

Good luck Bugsy!!

Good old Clearblue :) Are you experiencing any symptoms Oxford? xx
Thats a good sign everything is in the right place. I'm also on baby asprin and I've had 3 loses which have all been before 6 weeks (I'm 9+4 with this one). Maybe its just coincidence, but I do think it helps!

Yay for your sticky bean lottie :) xx
Morning girls, hope your all well??
Been Wake since before 7am on my day off :(
Needed the loo n been awake ever since, may need a nap later lol
You wouldn't think early stages of pregnancy you'd need toilet so much! Xx

I'm off today as well ab11. I wasn't meant to be but I was in West Wales on training yesterday and was due to be home by 5.30 but didn't get in until 9.30 because of the bloody coca cola lorry! Hubby is concerned about me not taking things easy enough so I've re-arranged things and will just do a bit of work from home today, so will also be having a nap this afternoon :) xx
Really takes it out of you doesn't it,
We're waiting tell parents christmas days but we're seeing them today keeping thinking shall we tell them today.
But we want a special way to tell them. Have other people told there parents? Xx
I want to wait till Xmas but I'm getting sickness so I'm worried it's too obvious xx
Most people know now apart from my daughter I'm not very good at keeping babY secret IM so bloated anyway people have guessed. Unicorn hope you enjoy your nap I decided to bath the dog rather than nap but I have an hour before I need to pick my daughter up so I might have one soon xx
It's hard not tell, I'm definitely not good at keeping secrets! Xx
Hi ladies

Hope your all well. Well I felt slightly better today so I did 2 hours of cleaning now I feel shakey and I'll again! I will never learn.....

This weekend my mum has put me in a hard situation. I asked to have my nephew fpr a few hours this evening so I can take the kids out together before Xmas. Well she's arranged that I have him till Sunday! Usually I wouldn't mind but I will have a 10 yo, 9yo, 8yo, a 5 month old plus being horrendously sick! Hubby is in uni tomorrow and work sunday so not much help around this week either!

Anyone else loosing a fair amount of weight! Iv lost half a stone in 2 weeks! I remember loosing wieght last time but not this quick! I lost half a stone in about a month last time.
Winter is helping, I can wear a jumper and if anyone thinks I'm looking fat, they've not said anything lol. I think people expect you to gain a bit of weight around Christmas lol.
I've not lost any, but I'm not throwing up.

I have gained around 4lbs but my tummy looks huge with bloating etc.

From week 6 to week 9 I was eating loads just to try to keep the nausea at bay. Plus craving fatty foods like pizza, crisps etc.

This week I've felt really off food and had to force myself to eat. Still feling sick but can't stomach the thought of eating anything.
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Hey ladies. I hope you're all taking it easy. I'm feeling a bit better today after more sleep last night. I found out my friend whose daughter is in the same swimming class as my daughter is pregnant. She's 7 weeks so only two weeks behind me. I didn't know anyone nearby who was pregnant last time so yay!

I hope you all have lovely weekends. It's one with my step daughters here so we'll be busy! My daughter adores her sisters though! X
Aww that's lovely unbongo iv never been pregnant at the same time as someone else xx
Most people know now apart from my daughter I'm not very good at keeping babY secret IM so bloated anyway people have guessed. Unicorn hope you enjoy your nap I decided to bath the dog rather than nap but I have an hour before I need to pick my daughter up so I might have one soon xx

I haven't managed a nap yet as I've ended up with loads of work to do all day. But it turns out that hubby has ended up working till 9.30, so I will get a nap in before he gets in! I hope you're doing ok Elfs Mummy xx
I have cetainly not lost any weight CharlieBump3, I don't actually think I have put any on but I definitely feel like I have, I am so bloated!
How nice to have someone pregnant around you Umbongo, my brother and sil are trying so I hope they're successful soon as it would be lovely to be off together and have little ones around the same time :) xx
I feel really bloated and my clothes are really uncomfortable and the trapped wind... ouch. But I seem to be loosing weight x I might ring the midwife and just let her know.
Evening Ladies,
sorry to jump in on the post but I was just looking for some advice..

I'm around 6+4 today but I can't say I actually feel pregnant at all and this worries me. This is my first so completely new to me, i've had cramps since i've found out (thought it was AF) and have spoken to the midwife about this and she told me it sounds like my uterus stretching?? and that it's likely nothing to worry about, haven't had any blood either.

I have diabetes, so I'm told I have to have regular check ups and will be scanned at 8 weeks..
I'm just wondering, if it's normal to not feel pregnant? Apart from my breasts being slightly sore and the very odd wave of nausea and being tired I have nothing to go on. I know i'm probably worrying about nothing but i'm just worried about mc... can anyone shed any light?

Sorry to write such a depressing post..

Hope you're all having a lovely evening xx
Hi kellyl all your worries sound completly normal :) everyone worries and you don't ever stop again :p some people don't experience extreme symptoms as such but the slight cramps are completly normal I've experienced them
In both of my pregnancys especially my first one. Try to relax and enjoy it as much as possible xx
Thank you so much Elf, I guess i'm just searching for something to experience to make it seem real if that makes any sense.. i'm just a bit scared that the reason I can't feel anything is because it's gone which I know seems absolutely crazy... xx
Right ladies I've been awol as I've not been feeling well. Was loaded with the cold and running a fever too which freaked me out as I know it can be dangerous in early pregnancy. Feeling better now though and my nausea has died down a little although still triggered by strong smells. My appetite is all over the place.

Apologies to those who have been waiting for me to update the front page but it's done now. Let me know if I've missed anyone.

Mel - how are things with you?

Cherry belly - I don't think anybody intentionally ignored you so no need to leave. A wee nudge would have reminded people you were still waiting and concerned. I hope everything is ok with your wee one. I've not removed your name from the front page so come back when you're ready.

Loving all the early scans ladies! I'm so jealous but pleased to see so many healthy wee babies. I am on countdown mode to my 12 week scan. It's on the 16th so not long to wait. I reckon I'll be 11+4 then.
Kelly what you're feeling (or not feeling) is completely normal. Be grateful morning sickness hasn't struck you! :) Good that you'll get an early scan!
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