July 2016 Mummies to be!

Happy birthday abb11! Have you got anything nice planned?
Sorry to hear about your loss. How many weeks was it if you don't mind me asking? Have you told anyone yet or are you going to hold off until tri 2?
Morning girlies,
It's my birthday today, finding out were pregnant over the weekend was definitely the best birthday present.
Iv been more nervous than excited after losing our last baby in June but slowly my excitement is seeping through :) xx
Happy birthday! Amazing present! I found out Christmas eve last time, very apt. have a great day xx
Happy birthday abb11! Have you got anything nice planned?
Sorry to hear about your loss. How many weeks was it if you don't mind me asking? Have you told anyone yet or are you going to hold off until tri 2?

Thank you :)
Going for breakfast with my mum this morning, hubby is working then tonight going cinema to watch lady in the van.
We was 7 and half weeks when we get past there think I'll be more excited, just taking one day at a time.
Only my 2 best friends know, one of them is also pregnant.
We want to tell parents by telling them christmas day somehow, have you told anyone yet? Xx
Happy birthday abb11! Have you got anything nice planned?
Sorry to hear about your loss. How many weeks was it if you don't mind me asking? Have you told anyone yet or are you going to hold off until tri 2?

Thank you :)
Going for breakfast with my mum this morning, hubby is working then tonight going cinema to watch lady in the van.
We was 7 and half weeks when we get past there think I'll be more excited, just taking one day at a time.
Only my 2 best friends know, one of them is also pregnant.
We want to tell parents by telling them christmas day somehow, have you told anyone yet? Xx

Sounds like a lovely day... enjoy the cinema... you won't ge to do that for ages once the baby arrives lol!
I've only told my pf friends from my last pregnancy! We're hopefully telling family on Christmas Day and then everyone else after the 12 week scan.
Think it's a lovely extra present telling them Christmas Day, were trying to come up with a quirky idea xx
We're hoping to share our news with close family in Christmas Day too... Any ideas welcome xx
I'm due July 11th by scan dates now :)
Hope everyone's ok I'll read properly through the thread later xx
I think I'll be able a week later but they can't date me properly atm, they said 6+ weeks. I had to have an internal as couldn't see anything from abdominal and i panicked slightly but then we saw the heartbeat.. My mom went with me and we both cried lol


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Aw thank you everyone I am not long back from my scan they put me at 6+3 which is earlier than I thought and I saw teeny heart beat it was so lovely 😊 heart rate was 121 bpm which she said is perfect at this stage. Feels more real now thanks for the messages and I hope you are all doing well it can be such a worrying time good luck to everyone keeping my fingers crossed for you all xx
Congratulations Roisin, I'm 38! Good luck with the scan tomorrow xx

Aw thanks I had my scan and all looking good am delighted ☺ congratulations is this your first baby? I had my first baby at 20 lol so feel like I've always had kids. I'm trying not to let the age thing bother me, we're looking at this baby as a wee blessing - we have quite a few friends who've had babies around our age and I definitely think it has its benefits. When are you due? Hope you are keeping well and best of luck xx
Thanks Roisin.
I'm due 5th July and it's my second. My first is 2 and I'm still breastfeeding her. I haven't had a period so wasn't sure about how many weeks I was until my scan yesterday. I know a few "older" mums too. The tiredness is the worst, but that's probably the same at any age with a non sleeping toddler.
Congrats on your scan. It's all so exciting, I cannot WAIT until I feel movement and kicks and get a bump!
Congratulations Roisin, I'm 38! Good luck with the scan tomorrow xx

Aw thanks I had my scan and all looking good am delighted ☺ congratulations is this your first baby? I had my first baby at 20 lol so feel like I've always had kids. I'm trying not to let the age thing bother me, we're looking at this baby as a wee blessing - we have quite a few friends who've had babies around our age and I definitely think it has its benefits. When are you due? Hope you are keeping well and best of luck xx

Don't worry roisin, I'll be 38 when this baby is born and I've got a 11 and 9 year old, and I've realised I was quite a young mum when I had ds's as most of their friends mums are a lot older than me lol! So I'm thinking we r probably having the babies at the right age now lol xx hope everything goes well for u x
Thanks Roisin.
I'm due 5th July and it's my second. My first is 2 and I'm still breastfeeding her. I haven't had a period so wasn't sure about how many weeks I was until my scan yesterday. I know a few "older" mums too. The tiredness is the worst, but that's probably the same at any age with a non sleeping toddler.
Congrats on your scan. It's all so exciting, I cannot WAIT until I feel movement and kicks and get a bump!

Aw that is lovely congratulations they will be close together I had a 2 and half year gap between my second and third (girl then boy) and they have so much fun together and are really close. I know what you mean I really don't like this early part of the pregnancy the sickness and tiredness is horrendous I am wishing the next few weeks away too lol. I remember the joys of being pregnant with a toddler it's not easy but you'll be so busy the time will fly by!! Xx
Don't worry roisin, I'll be 38 when this baby is born and I've got a 11 and 9 year old, and I've realised I was quite a young mum when I had ds's as most of their friends mums are a lot older than me lol! So I'm thinking we r probably having the babies at the right age now lol xx hope everything goes well for u x[/QUOTE]

Aw thanks you for that and congratulations to you too. My three are 18, 9 and 7 I cannot wait to tell them especially the wee ones as they will be so excited and I am hoping will be a good help lol. Think we'll wait til after 12 week scan to tell them. I definitely have been calmer and have enjoyed my babies more as I've got older I'm just scared of the morning sickness getting worse as I had chronic sickness with my 3rd so fingers crossed. Good luck to you with your pregnancy hope it goes really well ☺ xx
I've got my first scan tomorrow at 10.30am. Tonight is going to be sooo slow!

I'll only be 6.4 but because had 2 mc they are doing an early scan. Figures crossed!

Good luck to all other July mums to be :)
good luck bugsy
i think age is just a number and it doesnt deffine what sort of parent youll be i had my first at 19 and this time ill be 25 by the time the baby is born.
ive got aanother doctors appointment tomorow and im hoping that they'll sign me off again my jobs so physical and im completly flored between 9-12 i cant seem to keep anything down and im dealing with constant migranes and with my blood pressure hopefully it'll be enough for them to sign me off for two weeks fingers crossed.
Hi everyone I have done a quick skim read again ! My gosh you ladies are busy lol.

Welcome roisin I am also on baby number 4 and definitely the last lol.

Wonderful scan picture umbongo I have just realised we are due at the same time.

Lucylu try not to worry about the pains (easier said than done) it could just be things stretching and making room for baby. Iv had tonnes of horrible cramps and tugging sensation near my c section scar I had it checked but all seems well.

My ggorgeous lil girl has allowed me to have 2 big naps today and I still feel like death. Is there anyone else really really suffering with headaches! I'm drinking lots, taking paracetamol and even bought 4 head but I am just not getting any relief.

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