July 2016 Mummies to be!

Good luck ladies and great news about the new BFP'a ... Got my fingers crossed for all of us ��
Hi everyone I am due on 20th July 2016 with baby number 4 a bit of a surprise / shock as I'm 39!!! But happy about it now we've got used to the idea!! I have a scan tmw at early pregnancy unit am excited and a bit nervous too! I have horrendous morning sickness and am a bit of an emotional wreck at the minute. Lovely to read about everyone's experiences ☺
Hiya ladies, just dipping my toes in.
We have been trying for a baby for many years, Been through fertility treatment we are classed as unexplained. We went through ivf 2 years ago this month which was unsuccessful.
This year we conceived naturally but sadly lost the baby at 8 weeks I'm june.
After not having a period since October and feeling the same as last time we tested over the weekend....... We're pregnant again!!! We've done it again naturally!!
Feeling very cautious but excited xx

This is amazing news (I remember you from before)

Welcome to the July Mummies :) xx

Thank you, I remember you too!
Nice to see another LTTCEr here :)
What fertility treatment did you go through? I can't remember and there's too much to catch up on lol
When's your EDD? Mines 25th July xx
Hiya ladies, just dipping my toes in.
We have been trying for a baby for many years, Been through fertility treatment we are classed as unexplained. We went through ivf 2 years ago this month which was unsuccessful.
This year we conceived naturally but sadly lost the baby at 8 weeks I'm june.
After not having a period since October and feeling the same as last time we tested over the weekend....... We're pregnant again!!! We've done it again naturally!!
Feeling very cautious but excited xx

This is amazing news (I remember you from before)

Welcome to the July Mummies :) xx

Thank you, I remember you too!
Nice to see another LTTCEr here :)
What fertility treatment did you go through? I can't remember and there's too much to catch up on lol
When's your EDD? Mines 25th July xx

We were very lucky and managed to get IVF on the NHS. After nearly 4 years ttc we got lucky on our first attempt.
EDD is 29th July. Have a scan booked in 13 days (and counting) at the fertility clinic.

Has the nausea get you yet? xx
Hiya ladies, just dipping my toes in.
We have been trying for a baby for many years, Been through fertility treatment we are classed as unexplained. We went through ivf 2 years ago this month which was unsuccessful.
This year we conceived naturally but sadly lost the baby at 8 weeks I'm june.
After not having a period since October and feeling the same as last time we tested over the weekend....... We're pregnant again!!! We've done it again naturally!!
Feeling very cautious but excited xx

This is amazing news (I remember you from before)

Welcome to the July Mummies :) xx

Thank you, I remember you too!
Nice to see another LTTCEr here :)
What fertility treatment did you go through? I can't remember and there's too much to catch up on lol
When's your EDD? Mines 25th July xx

We were very lucky and managed to get IVF on the NHS. After nearly 4 years ttc we got lucky on our first attempt.
EDD is 29th July. Have a scan booked in 13 days (and counting) at the fertility clinic.

Has the nausea get you yet? xx
Wow how amazing!!
Due same time as each other, no not yet.
Just off food in morning but not nauseous, then by mid afternoon I can't stop eating! Ha
Have you had sickness then? Xx
Congratulations Roisin, I'm 38! Good luck with the scan tomorrow xx
Welcome Roisin, how exciting for your scan tomorrow, good luck :)

My back is seriously hurting this evening. It's the side with my uterus and has been hurting on and off since we conceived but this is definitely the worst, it's doing me in :-( xx
I'm so sorry Lucylu, I somehow managed to totally miss your post, I think my back pain is effecting my functioning! I'm sure you've got absolutely nothing to worry about. I've been experiencing all types of niggles and have been told that it is completely normal in early pregnancy, although I am absolutely amazed out how quickly things start to move and stretch! I did get myself completely freaked out a week or so back so ended up contacting the emergency out of hours doctor, who referred me to the EPU for an early scan to reassure me that everything was fine, so that's always an option xx
Good luck for your scan tomorrow Lucy.
Hope the sickness eases soon for you xx
I'm just completely paranoid it will all go wrong. And with my first I was so relaxed. I thought it was supposed to be the other way about.... I hope I get to know some of you girls as when I was on here last time I found the support we gave each other was brilliant. In fact my bump buddy from 5 years ago is expecting again also. X
Hi Lucy.

I was not at all worried with my first two, maybe I was naive though - m/c was something that happened to other people, you know?

But then I got pregnant in 2009 and miscarried during the 6th week. So this pregnancy I was terrible worrying about m/c until around 8 weeks.

I'm exactly 9 weeks by LMP now and not at all worried 99% of the time, and then every now and then I have a wobble and think "what if I'm being overly confident". It's frustrating.

Every day that goes by though and every day closer to 12 weeks I get I feel a bit more positive.

As for pains, early on I kept getting pains low down that felt like twinge-y period pains and they worried me a lot as it was just like how I felt before AF came. Only after a while I realised that every time I had those pains, a while later I'd pass wind (lol), so it turned out they were just wind pains, I had just always mistook them for period pains as it always happened around the time of my AF.
I know what you mean about being more worried this time round, Phoenix. I was so relaxed with my first pregnancy. I went to a friend's wedding in October and one of my friends told me that she just recently miscarried at 10 weeks. It's got me all on edge! It's shocking when you read about the statistics of how many pregnancies end in miscarriage in the first 12 weeks. Am really hoping things go ok with me, as we want to tell our families on Christmas Day and I'll only be 11 weeks or something then.

Hope everyone's ok today? I'm just super tired, but nothing else to complain about thankfully.
Morning girlies,
It's my birthday today, finding out were pregnant over the weekend was definitely the best birthday present.
Iv been more nervous than excited after losing our last baby in June but slowly my excitement is seeping through :) xx
Sorry you got ignored lucylu, this thread is busy! I was caught up in my scan news.
Sounds just like stretching pains in my opinion. It's always hard not to worry though. And it's not as if that stops when you have your baby either!
I'm more worried this time as I keep thinking statistically I might be due a mc as I had no problems last time and they're so common. Which is silly really, especially as I've seen baby and heard the hb the odds are in my favour now.
We'll all have to try and be brave together!

I'm knackered as usual but did get a bit more sleep last night. Still lots of wake ups with my daughter though. Unsure what to do today as we have no plans.

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