July 2016 Mummies to be!

Hey ladies, I've been hanging around for a while now I've waited to put my EDD on here as didnt want to "jinx" anything. I'm 5+5 weeks today and my excepted due date at the moment is 28th July, this is my first and I'm sooo excited xx
I didnt even see that post :/ i just read the last page. Hope you're ok Cherrybaby xx
I found the heartbeat from 7 weeks :) a lot of people don't find it till a lot later I found it on eBay :)
That's really early elfsmummy, it makes we wonder how far along I really am if you can hear it that early!
Well it looks like I heard the hb at 7+3 as I'm 9 weeks exactly. Scan was great, bit surprised to be a July mummy but looks like it! EDD 5th July. Will put photo on later.
I'm officially in your gang ladies!
Woohoo umbongo that's fantastic news x I really want a scan now but they are pricey x
Wow, loads to catch up on! I'm so glad you're a July mummy umbongo :) and I will definitely check out the slings you've mentioned, thank you.
I love scanmegeddon, can’t wait to see pictures of all our little bubs J My next scan is on the 11th, when I’ll be 7+2, so really hoping to see a heartbeat. And I really hope we see 2 little bubs on your next scan SesameSeed.
I hope your day wasn’t too tough sofonisba.
Welcome ab11, what a difficult journey, I really hope this is your take home baby.
Hi Anne, I’m 5+6 today and my EDD is the 27th July, so very close, how exciting :)
Hi ladies. Just trying to catch up with the thread. I think my EDD is 23rd July. Trying to still not get too excited as think it's all going to go wrong. Never had any worries with my 1st but really panicking about this one. Keep having low aches but not painful. Feels more heavy than anything. Do you think it's anything to worry about? X
Have my midwife appt booked but not until 22ND Dec when I think I will be 9 weeks then X
Whereabouts are you Charlie? There's a company near here that does them for £45 I'll try to find the name xxx
Hiya ladies, just dipping my toes in.
We have been trying for a baby for many years, Been through fertility treatment we are classed as unexplained. We went through ivf 2 years ago this month which was unsuccessful.
This year we conceived naturally but sadly lost the baby at 8 weeks I'm june.
After not having a period since October and feeling the same as last time we tested over the weekend....... We're pregnant again!!! We've done it again naturally!!
Feeling very cautious but excited xx

This is amazing news (I remember you from before)

Welcome to the July Mummies :) xx
Hey ladies, I've been hanging around for a while now I've waited to put my EDD on here as didnt want to "jinx" anything. I'm 5+5 weeks today and my excepted due date at the moment is 28th July, this is my first and I'm sooo excited xx

Hello and welcome .... I'm 5 + 4 today :)

How are you feeling? xx
Yeah £40 is a bargain.

Good good. Yeah I'm also tired :( always even if I don't do anything lol xxx

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