July 2016 Mummies to be!

Good morning ladies, another night of very light sleep, kept waking up every hour, hope this will end soon...
I have just joined Cherrybelly, but I'm sorry to hear you are leaving this thread.

They got me my first appointment with the midwife just before Christmas and my first scan Only beginning of January and I'm right week pregnant today... Anyone else still has to have her scan? The of thing they had me to do were blood test
I'm leaving this group as I reached out and was completely ignored. I wish you the best of luck with your pregnancies xx
I don't think anyone intentionally ignored you, maybe it is hard to know what to say sometimes and the thread also moves quite fast so things get missed. I hope the brown blood was a one off hun.

You should stay, hormones make us all a little sensitive. As fellow tired mummy already I appreciate your solidarity xxxx
I'm very sorry you feel like that Cherrybelly and very much wish you and your little one all the very best.

I've been sick twice today and I'm absolutely shattered but I honestly couldn't feel any happier or more excited, it's amazing :)

We will definitely be getting a sling as well, I think the NCT course we are looking into covers using them but if not we'll look into a group xx
The NCT will recommend the close caboo, which is okay as a sling, but not always the must straight forward thing to use. A Moby or Hana stretchy is with considering for a newborn.

Funny how sickness is suddenly reassuring isn't it? :) xx
Going to work now, long day ahead...
Have a good day. I have my nhs scan on 15th Dec, as they're guessing I'll be 12 weeks then but I've booked a private one tonight as desperate to know how many weeks I am! Christmas well come round quick xx
Going to work now, long day ahead...
Have a good day. I have my nhs scan on 15th Dec, as they're guessing I'll be 12 weeks then but I've booked a private one tonight as desperate to know how many weeks I am! Christmas well come round quick xx

I've got my early scan with the fertility clinic on 15th December :) xx
I'm so excited for everyone's scans :) I have one tomorrow can't wait to see te start of a baby looking like a baby rather than a dot x
Good luck with all the scans ladies. I had a scan yesterday at just 6 weeks or slightly under and I saw two sacks but they think I'm having a possible failed twin. I have another scan on 10th Dec when I will be praying for a heartbeat :) x
I love my monitor chearing me up and making me realise it's completly worth it


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Hiya ladies, just dipping my toes in.
We have been trying for a baby for many years, Been through fertility treatment we are classed as unexplained. We went through ivf 2 years ago this month which was unsuccessful.
This year we conceived naturally but sadly lost the baby at 8 weeks I'm june.
After not having a period since October and feeling the same as last time we tested over the weekend....... We're pregnant again!!! We've done it again naturally!!
Feeling very cautious but excited xx
hi ab11! Wow... what a story. Really hope you have a sticky bean this time.
Fantastic news :)
It's a Doppler and picks up the babies heart beat
Elfs Mummy, that's amazing! From what week does that work and where can you get it?? :)
Welcome ab11, that's wonderful news! How exciting!

I have a doppler too, mine is a sonoline B one, think I got it on eBay. They're great but you must resist panicking if you can't find the hb and must not use it to reassure yourself if you have lack of movement later in the pregnancy. Any worries and baby should always be checked by a professional.
Sorry for the lecture! Just need to be used sensibly xxx
Good afternoon ladies

Cherrybaby I am sorry you felt ignored, it really was not my intention. I skim read and I must have missed your post. I'm sorry x I hope the bleeding has stopped.

I just don't understand slept well last night and had a nap yet I feel more tired and sick than I did last night! Urhg Roll on bed time!

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