July 2016 Mummies to be!

I'm addicted at lookeping at baby things online ... from maternity clothes, to prams, nurseries and beyond.

I can't stop myself.

Someone stop me!!! xx
Haha, me too, I can't wait to be able to buy maternity clothes! I love looking at baby clothes and nursery stuff too but hubby has asked me to leave the pram to him so that's one thing I'm keeping out of! xx
Do you know what he wants?
There is no-way I could let anyone pick my pram!! xx
I keep looking at double buggies, but really have no idea! For those of you who are first time mums, I'd highly recommend the Graco Evo. I've used it since Iris was born and I love it so much! Double pram wise, my sister has the icandy but it's so heavy! I think it may be down to the two children in it though!! I'd like one where you can remove the second seat ideally, but it's a minefield and I'm trying not to get ahead of myself!! Keep forgetting I'm pregnant tbh lol doesn't seem real yet!
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He's really good at taking everything into consideration, I know he will consider safety, suspension, stimulation, weight, maneuverability etc and will be much better at researching reviews etc than I am. He'll then give me a choice of a few which we will go and see and I will get to choose the colour etc that he won't find important, I'm more than happy to let him get on with it xx
We got a pretty inexpensive buggy from Joie. Just as well as I've only used it a handful of times! I used a stretchy wrap for the first few months then a mei tei and a connecta. Just looking at another mei tei now for the occasions she won't walk. Funny the things you think you'll need and then don't. Maybe we're weird though. :) You can breastfeed in a sling though, not so easy in a buggy!

Lovely to keep seeing new mummies to be in here. I wish for sticky beans all round xx

Gah! Had a little brown blood when I wiped this morning! We've already decided if it doesn't work out this time, we're happy with what we've got and won't be trying again :( haven't told oh as don't want to worry him.. Will just wait it out I guess :( Iris was up four times between midnight and 2am so I'm shattered, have a ten hour shift and very important meeting this morning! Gonna be a loooooong day x
heard babies hb again today its betwen 133-140 so im guessing boy for this one. my daughter would love a sister as would i but a boy would be lovely as well :)
That's exciting, Elfs Mummy. How far along are you now? I have my next appointment on Friday, so will hopefully hear a heartbeat then.
Whereabouts in Surrey are you from? I'm originally from near Guildford ;-)
I'm 8 weeks today I think have a scan on Wednesday so should know exact dates then :) I live in bookham so not far from Guildford at all :)
So talking of slings ... are they easy to put on if your on your own?
I really like the sound of them and I'll be in my own most if the day.
i have a moby from my dd which i loved and could bf in :) going to get an ergo as well this time :) x
So talking of slings ... are they easy to put on if your on your own?
I really like the sound of them and I'll be in my own most if the day.
Yes, with a little practise! If you have a local sling group then go along and get some help and tips. I made some good friends at our local one. There's online videos etc. if not.
I used a Hana stretchy wrap which was great as you can pre-tie it before you go out, then pop baby in. X
I can't help myself either!

I've already bought some maternity clothes, 2 new slings and 9 new cloth nappies LOL!

One sling & 1 nappy is still OTW, due to be delivered on Thursday, got them from Fidella in their "black Friday" sale, cost less than £60 for a size 6 sling & AIO cloth nappy both in Rock & roll design, and free postage from Germany so it was a bargain lol.

I also only bought the maternity clothes already because New Look were having a sale otherwise I'd have waited til Christmas.

I'm not getting a pram, I have too many slings lol. I only used the pram a handful of times with my last baby, so no point wasting my money on one (my mum sold it a few years ago now).

I have a purple organic Moby and a load of woven wraps so I'm all set.

Can't wait til after Christmas... will be buying lots of baby clothes! :D
Hi ladies when was the first time you heard your babies heartbeat? Xx
Oh Phoenix85 that sounds awesome! I love cloth nappies too. I really need a new wrap but better sell something first....looking a wrap conversion mei tei. But that's for my toddler. :-D
I have all my daughter's clothes so can't really buy anything new. We're having a surprise so no excuse to splurge! Xx
Hello July mummy's x

Iv not been online for a few days to troubles at home. Ex husbands upsetting my oldest two grrrr some times I could slap him!

Anyway. .. sickness is god awful, shattered constantly and im soooooooo dizzy and feeling faint alot. Lots of migraines two! Had 3 over the weekend!

Mel I have horrendous IBS too iv been assured it won't hurt bump or cause preterm labour. Mine has been playing up really bad with all the stress I don't think we can take anything for it. I have always just got on with it during pregnancy xxx

Welcome to all the new mummies.

What a wonderful scan unicorn im so happy for you. I was only thinking about you the other day! So pleased all is well.
I'm leaving this group as I reached out and was completely ignored. I wish you the best of luck with your pregnancies xx
I'm very sorry you feel like that Cherrybelly and very much wish you and your little one all the very best.

I've been sick twice today and I'm absolutely shattered but I honestly couldn't feel any happier or more excited, it's amazing :)

We will definitely be getting a sling as well, I think the NCT course we are looking into covers using them but if not we'll look into a group xx
I'm leaving this group as I reached out and was completely ignored. I wish you the best of luck with your pregnancies xx

Oh honey I'm sorry you feel this way.

I'm not online that much and find it hard to keep up with long threads like this (I work full time so am not able to log on much in the day like a lot of people) xx

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