July 2016 Mummies to be!

Woo hoo Unicorn! That's ace!! So happy for you!!!

If I leave it til Jan I'll be too late for NT screening/measurements which have to be done in a certain timeframe. He'll be at the private one so it'll be fine. He's done it 3 times before :)


Hi Hun, could they not book it for u at Solihull? Or Birmingham? Xx
Good morning everyone, I'm new here and will also have my first baby in July, the doctor said around the 14th �� my first visit with the midwife will be on 21 December but my first scan only on the 7th January, is it normal to have it so late here in the UK? I'm from Italy and things works differently there for antenatal care, so I'm a bit lost here!
Good morning everyone, I'm new here and will also have my first baby in July, the doctor said around the 14th �� my first visit with the midwife will be on 21 December but my first scan only on the 7th January, is it normal to have it so late here in the UK? I'm from Italy and things works differently there for antenatal care, so I'm a bit lost here!

Hello and welcome!

In the UK the 1st scan is around the 12 week mark, but you find nowadays more and more woman will pay for a private reassurance scan earlier to check everything is ok.

How are you feeling? xx
Morning ladies ... last night I had a really bad IBS episode. The pain and cramps was so bad.

I'm so worried for my baby.

Any other IBS suffers? How have you been? xx
Good morning everyone, I'm new here and will also have my first baby in July, the doctor said around the 14th �� my first visit with the midwife will be on 21 December but my first scan only on the 7th January, is it normal to have it so late here in the UK? I'm from Italy and things works differently there for antenatal care, so I'm a bit lost here!

Hello and welcome!

In the UK the 1st scan is around the 12 week mark, but you find nowadays more and more woman will pay for a private reassurance scan earlier to check everything is ok.

How are you feeling? xx

I'm feeling good luckily, just very tired as I'm sleeping very bad since getting pregnant... and having two cats at home who run the marathone in the night doesn't help XD
Woo hoo Unicorn! That's ace!! So happy for you!!!

If I leave it til Jan I'll be too late for NT screening/measurements which have to be done in a certain timeframe. He'll be at the private one so it'll be fine. He's done it 3 times before :)


Hi Hun, could they not book it for u at Solihull? Or Birmingham? Xx
They didn't offer that as an option! It looks my parents can babysit now as staying up here especially and my friend will come with me. Not ideal but hopefully it'll be straight forward anyway x
Morning ladies ... last night I had a really bad IBS episode. The pain and cramps was so bad.

I'm so worried for my baby.

Any other IBS suffers? How have you been? xx

On baby centre they have an article about ibs and pregnancy. I can't share the link as i only have the app :( xxx
Morning everyone! We're having a chilled morning eating raisins and watching Peppa pig. Booked a private scan for 22/12 when I'll be nine weeks. Looking forward to hopefully getting good news! If all is well, we'll tell my parents at Christmas X
This is so exciting Cherrybelly! I will tell my parents in law next weekend as we are going to visit them in Germany. I told my family in Italy already, I needed to talk with someone as I am quite alone here and they can advice me being the first pregnancy.
Morning ladies, well afternoon! I've just woken up from a 12 hour sleep and I still feel exhausted! I have no idea how I'm going to manage work tomorrow!
Welcome Sofonisba, congratulations :)
I'm so sorry to hear you're in pain Mel, I'm afraid I've got no experience I can offer but I really hope you're feeling more comfortable now xx
Finally brave enough to say I'm a July mummy to be! I'm 6 weeks today and have a scan on Thursday. After 2 mc I'm hoping its 3rd time lucky :) Due date is 24th July 2016
Lots of lovely July mummies :) I've had a nice weekend me and my daughter have stayed at my mums and it's been really lovely as my mum took her for the day yeaterday I still feel like I haven't slept for months going to get
Myself signed of again I keep being sick and I'm drained there's no way I could cope with being in my feet doing such a physical job. At least you don't have to stay up for long now
Unicorn hope tomorrow isn't too terrible xx
Thank you, I'm currently sitting in front of an open fire watching dirty dancing :) I'm going to fully induldge in these being the last few months that I am going to be able to sleep in and do my own thing for a very long time! I'm glad you've had a nice relaxing weekend Elfs Mummy, it sounds like you're having a hell of a time of it! Good that you'e got longer off work, we all need to take care of ourselves :) Luckily I'm still feeling pretty ok at the moment, other than being exhausted! Grazing is certainly helping with the nausea, but I'm going to be the size of the house by the end of this pregnancy! Luckily I am only really fancying healthy snacks like cucumber, red pepper and humous at the moment, oh and I can't get enough chocolate milkshake, not so healthy!
Welcome Bugsy, I'm really sorry to hear about your losses and really hope this is your take home baby xx
Jealous Unicorn !!!! My fave film :)

Been out to lunch with the family and my Brother and SIL told me they are 12 weeks pregnant ... Can't believe we're going to have cousins potentially 7 weeks apart.

I'm feeling a little better but tummy feels quite nigly again :( xx
Oh lovely Melc, do they know you're expecting? Or are you waiting to tell them xx
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Jealous Unicorn !!!! My fave film :)

Been out to lunch with the family and my Brother and SIL told me they are 12 weeks pregnant ... Can't believe we're going to have cousins potentially 7 weeks apart.

I'm feeling a little better but tummy feels quite nigly again :( xx

I know, one of mine 2, although I think I may be a bit too emotional for it at the moment as I just blubbed most of the way through it!
How lovely, my brother and sil are also trying for a baby at the moment, it would be lovely for our little ones to be close together as we are all really close!
Glad you're feeling better and hope your tummy gives you a break tonight xx
Yes we told them today. My SIL is 12 weeks and I'm 5.

How is very one tonight? xx
Nice way to spend an evening, Unicorn.

I've had a MONSTER cold this past week. Catching a cold on a flight back from America while have pregnancy-induced immunodeficiency is no fun - I don't recommend!

But I'm starting to feel much better now, and so it is finally sinking in that I am expecting! Not letting myself get too optimistic too soon, but it's nice to have something to hope for after far too many BFNs.

Sticky bean wishes to you all! :)
Ah, how exciting :)
I'm good thank you, feeling really excited today, but getting a bit ahead of myself I think! I've been reading baby books, have ordered some more and have even bought some tiny baby clothes online, just in case!
I think I need reining in!
How are you doing sweety? xx
Oh no, that sounds rubbish Oxford, I'm glad you'e starting to feel better! You make sure you look after yourself and your little baby bean xx

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