Yayyyy Hello ladies , sorry I worried you there, hospital had walls s thick as castle ones. no signal at all!! Don't know how the two messages JoJo got, even got out, noone else got any!!
Well I'm back home, got back early evening, hubby drove there and straight back again bless him.... I'm very sore and has stupidly sore shoulder pain again, but think thats maybee trapped wind from op or gas etc , haven't managed a number 2 yet since op... all that medicine messes with your insides!
Op was a sucess apparently, my right tube is near perfect, and the surgeon said you could hardly nottice it had ever been damaged, and is 6cm long. The left tube is not so good but when they opened me up, they found it has some cystic damage on one end, so he had to remove some tube, he has joined them up well , it's only 4.5 cm, but still long enougth. He said, has had to insert one end into the other slightly as due to removed bit the end sizes did not match, so it has a slightly higher risk of ectopic, but overall he said the ectopic risk was still nice and low... So he was really pleased and positive and wants me to let him know as soon as i get pregnant.... and also see a doc about a 6 week scan to ensure a pregnancy is in the correct place and not ectopic. I have a phone call style 6 week check to have, wouldn't it be lovely to tell him I was preg then..... ha I think it may take a year if it did happen, so no time like the present..
Very pleased lady, very sore, it really was just like my other c-sections, only scar a tiny bit shorter on ends...
It's only been 48 hours , so I will pay for it later, but as it's cd10 tonight, I don't know how we managed it, but I am offically ttc and currently laying on my back in bed with pillow under bum (badley placed and low, as oh had to do his best , as I couldn't lift legs very well!).. hummmm now that's ttc commitment...
Thanks for your lovely good luck messages ladies
Thanks for your updates JoJo - shame about my phone!
Well done PikaLou - you made it into this section -knew you would... ha ha