***January 2022 Mommies***


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Mar 29, 2021
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With it now being August and most if not all of us being in the second trimester, I decided to start a thread here! Yay Ladies! We're getting there!

How is everyone feeling? Any upcoming appointments? And new milestones you reached during the pregnancy! Let's hear it
Hello! Still doing ok here. Will be 17 weeks tomorrow. I think I've felt a little bit of movement but not totally sure. Was really quite late with my first so I think I've been talking myself out of it. Have 20 weeks scan in a few weeks and will probably find out the sex this time.
I had really bad back pain that is coming and going. Went to my family doctor today thinking it could be kidney stones (only get them when pregnant). She managed to get me in for an ultrasound, urine and blood test all within the hour. I swear she has super powers at times, lol.

Hoping to get the results for that tomorrow, though not sure what else you can do about it. Can't blast them to make them smaller or drink beer to flush them out! Just eat Tylenol like candy and flush it out I suppose. But really hoping if it is kidney stones, they pass soon. If it's not kidney stones, we'll need to figure out what it is since the pain can be so intense at times. Yay me :/
Hope you're feeling better.

We had our 20 week scan today. All looking good and it's another boy! Exciting times.

Yay! Boys are always fun! I have one myself and he always keeps us on our toes. And halfway there! :)
Hey Ladies! How are we all feeling? Besides the leg cramps I get during the nights and some stretching pain, I have been doing well. Probably my easiest pregnancy so far! :)

Just wanted to check in since this forum seems to be a lot more quieter than usual.
We're at 24wk+3d now and I can't believe how quickly the time has gone! Thankfully my energy is back and I'm only dealing with some ligament and tailbone pain now.

Our 20 week anatomy scan was so exciting, we were nervous and jittery all morning beforehand (I worked a half day that morning). Once we got back in the room the tech of course asked if we wanted to know the gender and almost before she had finished her question we were both nodding and saying "yes!"

She immediately started looking for gender (I guess get the fun part done first so you aren't antsy during the measurements) and the baby was in a perfect position to see the bottom, upside down with her head as low in my abdomen as it can get before labor. Immediately I could see that she was a little girl! And she's so active, oh my gosh this little girl has been a twitchy wiggle worm since our 16 week appointment at least when our OB kept having to move the Doppler to get a good heartbeat reading. I can feel her moving now and it's starting to get real...

Our baby shower is November 6th being thrown by my boss (who is amazing, I love her) for work friends, we decided not to do a family and friends shower with COVID and family drama so I sent out our babylist and some family members have already shipped some things to our apartment. We have a boxed crib and travel system in our room waiting to be built. I also went to a baby event and got a ton of stuff for literally cents. Newborn pack of 3 onesies for 0.50$ ladies. I had a good day that day with my Mom (was her bday as well).

Aside from that we've just been saving what money we can and getting our lives ready (as much as possible) for a new baby to enter it. Nesting hit hard and I've been cleaning and organizing our apartment, thinking about nursery layouts, and getting rid of so much crap we never use and don't need. YouTube has also been helpful in building my registry, and getting ready to pack a hospital bag. November 1st we'll start our 6 week "birth" class, really it's a "3rd trimester, l&d, and newborn" class lol!

I hope everyone is doing well!

We're at 24wk+3d now and I can't believe how quickly the time has gone! Thankfully my energy is back and I'm only dealing with some ligament and tailbone pain now.

Our 20 week anatomy scan was so exciting, we were nervous and jittery all morning beforehand (I worked a half day that morning). Once we got back in the room the tech of course asked if we wanted to know the gender and almost before she had finished her question we were both nodding and saying "yes!"

She immediately started looking for gender (I guess get the fun part done first so you aren't antsy during the measurements) and the baby was in a perfect position to see the bottom, upside down with her head as low in my abdomen as it can get before labor. Immediately I could see that she was a little girl! And she's so active, oh my gosh this little girl has been a twitchy wiggle worm since our 16 week appointment at least when our OB kept having to move the Doppler to get a good heartbeat reading. I can feel her moving now and it's starting to get real...

Our baby shower is November 6th being thrown by my boss (who is amazing, I love her) for work friends, we decided not to do a family and friends shower with COVID and family drama so I sent out our babylist and some family members have already shipped some things to our apartment. We have a boxed crib and travel system in our room waiting to be built. I also went to a baby event and got a ton of stuff for literally cents. Newborn pack of 3 onesies for 0.50$ ladies. I had a good day that day with my Mom (was her bday as well).

Aside from that we've just been saving what money we can and getting our lives ready (as much as possible) for a new baby to enter it. Nesting hit hard and I've been cleaning and organizing our apartment, thinking about nursery layouts, and getting rid of so much crap we never use and don't need. YouTube has also been helpful in building my registry, and getting ready to pack a hospital bag. November 1st we'll start our 6 week "birth" class, really it's a "3rd trimester, l&d, and newborn" class lol!

I hope everyone is doing well!

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Congrats on the baby girl!! Wish nesting hit me, if anything I've been more lazy than ever before! lol. I'm 28w3d currently so in the third trimester and you're right, time is FLYING.

Just had my glucose test today. Ugh, that drink is awful. Turns my stomach every time. Hoping that I pass so I won't have to take the 3 hour test. I passed the test with my first pregnancy and bombed it during my second. So here's hoping for another pass!

That's about it on my end. Nothing too exciting, just the wait now. :)
It's been a while since I've checked in here. Hope everyone is ok. This forum is very quiet these days.

30 weeks now and still mostly feeling well. Definitely in the organising phase and trying to get lots of bits sorted especially with Christmas not being all that far away.

So I gave birth to my little man on December 14th at 37 weeks and 2 days, weighing 7lbs 11oz. He is such a good baby! Couldn't have asked for a better addition to our family.

Anyone else got an update???

So I gave birth to my little man on December 14th at 37 weeks and 2 days, weighing 7lbs 11oz. He is such a good baby! Couldn't have asked for a better addition to our family.

Anyone else got an update???

My daughter was born on the 31st Dec :) I went in for my 36 week and found out I was developing pre-eclampsia. I was induced and 18 hours later at 36+5 Madelyn was born! She was 6 lbs 2 oz and if she wasn't so small you'd have no idea she was early, she's perfectly healthy. Now she shares a birthday with my Dad and snuck in to be a 2021 baby!
My daughter was born on the 31st Dec :) I went in for my 36 week and found out I was developing pre-eclampsia. I was induced and 18 hours later at 36+5 Madelyn was born! She was 6 lbs 2 oz and if she wasn't so small you'd have no idea she was early, she's perfectly healthy. Now she shares a birthday with my Dad and snuck in to be a 2021 baby!

Oh wow! Congrats on sticking in the 2021 year group! lol. I love the name! My oldest daughter's name is Adelyn so very close to that. And she sounds like a beauty. :)
My daughter was born on the 31st Dec :) I went in for my 36 week and found out I was developing pre-eclampsia. I was induced and 18 hours later at 36+5 Madelyn was born! She was 6 lbs 2 oz and if she wasn't so small you'd have no idea she was early, she's perfectly healthy. Now she shares a birthday with my Dad and snuck in to be a 2021 baby!

Congratulations, she’s got a lovely name. :)
My daughter was born on the 31st Dec :) I went in for my 36 week and found out I was developing pre-eclampsia. I was induced and 18 hours later at 36+5 Madelyn was born! She was 6 lbs 2 oz and if she wasn't so small you'd have no idea she was early, she's perfectly healthy. Now she shares a birthday with my Dad and snuck in to be a 2021 baby!


No news here. 39+5 and still waiting. Have a feeling it will be another week at least.

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