Exciting, good luck!Morning ladies, I did a test today cd37, I think I may have a very very faint line but definitely no bfp yet! Ive now got to wait another two days to test again!
Is this pregnancy testing or ovulation testing? Sorry Im very new and Im not sure... Ill be pregnancy testing on 15th January so if its for that can I be added to the list please?
Oh melly that's amazing news! Huge congrats and Fx for a super sticky one!
My 'fertile window' is upon me now and I decided last month not to track this month. I have about 5 opks left and am due to ov in about 3 to 4 days.
We're just when we feel like it, no pressure. Every other day so far bar one day we missed but it doesn't matter!
I was getting so emotional and worked up over it all it was consuming me... My life and everything I did. I didn't think of anything other than ttc, opks, buying pregnancy tests!
I may do a sneaky opk later today or tomorrow just to see how close I am but other than that and a bit of morning I'm relaxing...
If after march, we're not pregnant doing it this way im going to buy a bbt!
Had a dream I got a 1-2 on a digi.. then later this morning got some pinky tinged cm so guess af is on the way!
I actually thought when I first woke up I could be pregnant.. my boobs were sore, I felt crampy and sick.. I had bfp dreams before my mc.. so I wondered a little but now I defo feel out, that kind of cm can only mean one thing!
Had a dream I got a 1-2 on a digi.. then later this morning got some pinky tinged cm so guess af is on the way!
I actually thought when I first woke up I could be pregnant.. my boobs were sore, I felt crampy and sick.. I had bfp dreams before my mc.. so I wondered a little but now I defo feel out, that kind of cm can only mean one thing!
Could this nor be IB? How many dpo are you millie? X
Oh melly that's amazing news! Huge congrats and Fx for a super sticky one!
My 'fertile window' is upon me now and I decided last month not to track this month. I have about 5 opks left and am due to ov in about 3 to 4 days.
We're just when we feel like it, no pressure. Every other day so far bar one day we missed but it doesn't matter!
I was getting so emotional and worked up over it all it was consuming me... My life and everything I did. I didn't think of anything other than ttc, opks, buying pregnancy tests!
I may do a sneaky opk later today or tomorrow just to see how close I am but other than that and a bit of morning I'm relaxing...
If after march, we're not pregnant doing it this way im going to buy a bbt!
Hahaha I SWORE I wasn't going to go all obsessive this cycle - banning OPKs and tests and BBT tracking .............and here I am, doing OPKs, BBT, threw in a few pregnancy tests just because I needed to pee on more sticks, checking CP, CM .....I think it finally happened, I have completely and utterly given in to the madness of TTC. I'm a lost case now.
Oh...and I oredered another BBT - you know, juuuuust incase my old one isn't quite working right
Oh melly that's amazing news! Huge congrats and Fx for a super sticky one!
My 'fertile window' is upon me now and I decided last month not to track this month. I have about 5 opks left and am due to ov in about 3 to 4 days.
We're just when we feel like it, no pressure. Every other day so far bar one day we missed but it doesn't matter!
I was getting so emotional and worked up over it all it was consuming me... My life and everything I did. I didn't think of anything other than ttc, opks, buying pregnancy tests!
I may do a sneaky opk later today or tomorrow just to see how close I am but other than that and a bit of morning I'm relaxing...
If after march, we're not pregnant doing it this way im going to buy a bbt!
Hahaha I SWORE I wasn't going to go all obsessive this cycle - banning OPKs and tests and BBT tracking .............and here I am, doing OPKs, BBT, threw in a few pregnancy tests just because I needed to pee on more sticks, checking CP, CM .....I think it finally happened, I have completely and utterly given in to the madness of TTC. I'm a lost case now.
Oh...and I oredered another BBT - you know, juuuuust incase my old one isn't quite working right
I'm calling a new doctor on Monday who specializes in infertility. I'm hopeful that he will be able to get down to the root of the problem as to why I am either not ovulating and also why I also haven't had any signs of even a potential pregnancy, although DH and I have been bd at exactly the right time.
I originally thought it was due to not having a thick enough lining but I have a good LP of 14days which should have sorted that problem. I'm no expert but if I look at my temps they seem all wrong. My pre-ovulation temps are too high and my post O temps too low. So, I think I have an estrogen/progesterone imbalance. As of late, my temps have been erratic almost like PCOS charts would look.
I am however still positive about this cycle, my OPKs seem to be progressing and I am so excited at the prospect of being able to ovulate soon and have my name down in Jan for testing!
Lovely to see a couple of BFPs already this month!!
I am feeling much more relaxed this month, no opks, no tests or anything. I'm not sure when my fertile window will be but I'm just dtd when I want and as often as I can get my DH to give in! I'm thinking that it should be this week somewhere but I'm not going to keep watching my body for signs, just enjoy life.
I probably wont test this month as I'd like to leave it a good, long time to avoid early testing heartbreak again. I'd rather know late than early!!