Hi alexis can u take me off please? Dont think I have ovulated at all thanks x
Morning ladies...got my last night. Excited but nervous after mmc in sept. Good luck to everyone else testing in january x
Hi alexis can u take me off please? Dont think I have ovulated at all thanks x
Sure, wishing you luck for next cycle x
Hi alexis can u take me off please? Dont think I have ovulated at all thanks x
Sure, wishing you luck for next cycle x
Thanks, whenever that will be, Im cd50 atm. Hope ur appointment went well x
Hi alexis can u take me off please? Dont think I have ovulated at all thanks x
Sure, wishing you luck for next cycle x
Thanks, whenever that will be, Im cd50 atm. Hope ur appointment went well x
Rach, have you booked in with a doctor yet? I hope you can find out what's going on soon xx
Sorry to hear that, I hope it goes well and they have some answers for you xx
I never see ewcm, but I must get it if I conceived once?
It was a cycle we didn't use preseed amazingly!..
We've been using it since the mc but maybe we shouldn't have been bothering with it!
I am glad we dtd last night post hsg test as got a pos opk this morn but we haven't dtd for 2 weeks so will the sperm be old and no good? Going to dtd again tonight and tmrw anyway
I really hope it works for u Millie Im sending lots of baby dust ur way. Thank u for all ur help and not thinking Im crazy. Its hard not to ss when is ur fet xx